This is Teka. Is this not the picture of doggy innocence? Do you want to hear what she has been doing this evening?
FIRST, she got out the front door. That was pretty easy, 'cause Dad was right there letting grandpa in, and he took off across the street after her! She didn't get away really. Just across the street to bark at Sam!
And then....she and I were playing in the back yard, and muzzer and Dad were getting things ready for Travis. Teka kept pushing and pulling at the chain link fence, and she wriggled and wiggled until she got under it and made a run for it. I was barking and trying to let muzzer know what was going on, but I guess she thought that Teka and I were just doing our usual routine of "let the neighbors know there are terrier-ists in the area!" I wish muzzer understood me as well as I understand her. We could have avoided a lot of running and hollering and driving around the neighborhood looking for her. I just stayed and helped Grandpa work the TV to get the football game on.
Dad found her, and he worked in the back yard reinforcing the fence, and then TRAVIS arrived!
Wooooooooo! More barking. More yipping. More big woofing! Then muzzer got out the chew bars and we each got one and things have been a lot quieter around here since.
Travis has been here about a half an hour. We have already discovered:
a. He likes chew bars
b. He is not that fond of Teka
c. He takes up lots of space.
Things we still have to find out are:
1. Can Teka really use his water bowl as a wading pool? Pictures at 10:00 am.
2. How crowded is it going to be on the Big Bed tonight????
3. How are we going to manage walkies in the morning?
4. Who gets breakfast first?
For the answers to these and other pressing questions, tune in tomorrow.
I am posting a picture of Travis so his mum can see he is OK. I am posting a picture of Teka stalking Travis with a look on her face that reveals her TRUE personality. I am sure this is going to be an interesting eight weeks!
Boy, Gus, it sounds like you guys are having a pretty eventful evening already! Hope everything works out. Maybe you could convince Travis that Teka is a chew toy, and solve two problems rather quickly.
wow! it sounds like teka is one trubblemaker! i haf sum dog friends like that and they never learn!
ooh, e.rabbit. one of the problems is that Teka thinks Travis is a chew toy.
Ivy: muzzer says Teka is a pain in the....., and she hopes my sister e.beth gets ready to have her back soon.
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