On that front, Muzzer has begun to call Teka "Spawn of Satan." I think "heiress to Houdini" might fit better, because she is so good at getting out of the yard or off of her lead.
See, my muzzer and Dad are waaay old. Even in dog years they are more than 8 years old, figuring by the older method of computing comparative ages. And when Teka takes off, she is very fast! She goes speeding off, with muzzer or Dad in pursuit. And unless she stops to sniff, they can't catch her! So sometimes they run and run and run. And when they come back, they are all out of breath and upset. But Teka thinks it is fun. Me and Travis are trying to tell her that it is not good to do that to humans, but she is not listening. She is just always looking for ways to get loose. This week she snapped the lead line that her run leash was hooked to in the back yard, and off she went. Good thing I am always outside with her, and I can raise a ruckus.
She must have a lot of energy, 'cause she is up very early in the morning, and she is usually the last one to come up on the Big Bed at night. Muzzer pointed out this morning that she (muzzer) gets really nasty when she gets overtired. Teka better think about sleeping in later than 4:30 for a few mornings.
Anyway, what with Uncle Ray in the hospital in St. Louis, Teka and Travis here on their visits, feeding and watering the three cats next door for a week, and a benefit thingy coming up this weekend, muzzer is pretty stressed. That is why I am going to make her a marrow bone like Axel's Mom makes him. I think chewing on it will help her out. Or maybe she will share. Then I can be less stressed.
Until my package arrives from E.rabbit, or Teka pulls another terrier-ist mission:
Best Regards
Gaaaaaaaaah. Seriously, Gus, couldn't you have found a picture of us where my hair was down and I don't look like I've been crying for days?
Off to burn everything green in my wardrobe.
E.Rabbit - I think you look lovely! Besides, you are dressed perfectly for butt scritching.
Butchy and Snickers: I don't know why Teka breaks things. She just kind of tugs. The tie out lead has not broken (yet) because it has a cable thingy. But she has taken care of the other ones pretty quickly. She is just a tiny Jack Russell, but she is mean!
Oh Gus Guy, us wires are the best!
Make sure you give muzzer some extra cuddles.
Bussie Kissies
a package? has it arrived yet? o, tell miss e. rabbit she is very pretty and will still look very nice even if dressed in a potato sack!
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