Gussie here. Reporting on the Phoenix Race for the Cure. More than 41,000 people took part in the 5k walk this morning in Downtown Phoenix. Let me tell you, that is a lot of feet! From a wirey perspective there were all sorts of interesting smells, sights and sounds. If we figure that most of the walkers were of the human persuasion, that means more than 80,000 feet to sniff. Busy Busy! Plus, there

The race started early this morning, and since we had already been for AM walkies in the "hood" I was not sure I was up to another 2.5 miles. But, family comes first, and this event means a lot to muzzer, who is now at "6.5 years and counting." Whatever that means.
Here is another photo of what you can expect to see at the Race for the Cure. And then yet another. Even though dogs weren't supposed to come along, we were well represented

note to Muzzer...Don't even think about doing that to me next year, the hat was bad enough!
It got warmer as the day went on, and it sure was a good thing we had all those frozen water bottles in Muzzer's carry-bag. We saw all sorts of folks walking at all sorts of speeds. Muzzer is not a patient person, so she spent a lot of time "improving our position" with the end result being a time under 50 minutes for our "walk." It may be a walk for her, but she needs to be thankful I'm not one of those yippie yuppie yorkies, or she'd have had more in her carry bag than just frozen bottles. Bet that would've been the only cool spot on Central!
There was lots of different music, and the radio station that carries Dad's homie

Finally, we could see the finish line ahead. Whew. Now only 12 more blocks to the garage where the car is parked on the 6th level. We may have walked down those steps, but I bet we take the elevator back up.

Tired and Happy
How come muzzer changed her mind and took you along to the race? you said in your earlier post, "Muzzer is taking the camera and promises pictures for tomorrow, I still don't understand why I can't go. (though pink is not my best color, I'd do it for muzzer)" - but you did go after all, right? I'm very proud of you...and so happy your mom is 6.5 and counting.
Nice report, Gus, though I wish you'd gotten a picture of the dressed up bassets rather than the Limbaugh van.
Gee that windbag Limbaugh hogging that picture! I agree with E Rabbit - more dogs, less Rush. Geez Lueez!
Glad you went tho buddy, 4 paws to the cause!
Bussie Kissies
hi gus,
i found your blog via my friend buster. you seem pretty cool as does your mum, even if she puts you in pink hats. good for her being a survivor (of cancer AND rush limbaugh). i hope you got some nice rest and snacks for your trouble.
Hey Gussie! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. How wonderful that your mom is a survivor! Yippeee!
Your pal, Mackie
What a great day you had Gussie - good job on finishing the walk - I am exhausted just thinking about it :-)
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