Meanwhile, having Travis here is giving me a chance to watch Teka interact with other dogs and have a bit of a rest from her constant demands for attention. Travis is MUCH bigger than I am, so it sometimes seems like he hardly notices her when she cavorts over, under and around

Of course, I am merely an observer in all of this. I find that chewing on my orange bouncy fellow helps me achieve a zen state, which allows me to keep my composure and mostly ignore Teka and her antics. We do, however, have a bone to pick, since I haven't had an entire chew bar since Teka arrived last week, and now Travis wants his share of the protection money

Happy Birthday to Butchy in Iowa, who turned 6 this last week. His mum took some great pictures, and you can see them on their blog.
Hello to E.Rabbit in DeeSee, Dad says to tell you he will talk to you AFTER the ball game tomorrow. Maybe.
Wistful good wishes to the Eastern US contingent of the WTB who are going to the show at Montgomery County tomorrow. Wish we could join you, sniff the autumn air for us.
And, of course, Best Wishes to Muzzer and Dad who will be getting up very early tomorrow to go to the Race for the Cure in Downtown Phoenix, along with about 40,000 other folk. Muzzer is taking the camera and promises pictures for tomorrow, I still don't understand why I can't go. (though pink is not my best color, I'd do it for muzzer)
Goodnight for now.
This is the best picture of Teka ever, and proves that she's a bit smarter than you all give her credit for. Clearly she has realized that Travis's longer legs allow him to move faster than her short, stumpy ones will carry her. She has therefore decided to use him as a mode of transportation.
Ha go Teka! She must be a western terror.
Bussie Kissies
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