30 November 2006

Dog Rest Ye Wire Fox Terriers

Let nothing get away
Remember that we have a rep
For making squirrels pay
And for making lots of noise
When we're let out to play

O-0h Barking at other dogs and cars
Dogs and cars
O-oh Barking at other dogs and cars

In cities and in hamlets
The news has got around
There's nothing that can match a wire
Where fun and games abound
And nothing that can look so cute
When messy piles are found

O-oh Barking at other dogs and cars
Dogs and cars
O-oh Barking at other dogs and cars

No other dog has quite our bounce
Or Photogenic looks
No other dog has ever hidden bones in
Daddy's Books

For we were made a special breed
To find small things in nooks

o-oh Barking at other dogs and cars
Dogs and cars
O-oh barking at other dogs and cars

In hamlet and in cities fine you'll find a few great wires
With owners who appreciate great art and fine cigars
But we don't care about those things, we'd rather drive their cars

o-oh barking at other dogs and cars
Dogs and cars
o-oh barking at other dogs and cars


Anonymous said...

You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why-Bussie Claus is coming to town-Bussie Claus is coming to town!

Bussie Kissies

Joe Stains said...

you are truly talented!!!