Anyway, I was headed back to bed for a nap when muzzer announced that it was time to go to work in the store. Boy, I was tired. And there were lots of people there. They come on Mondays and Wednesdays to see me. I have a fan club.

Muzzer's camera was still in her purse from the night before, so she snapped this photo of me at work. SHE says I was napping. I Say " Quality Control, man, Quality Control! How do you expect to get this operation ISO 2000 certified if someone doesn't do quality control?"
Anyway, since today is Thursday, I took the day off and stayed home to supervise Noni. She is entirely too dependent on the vacuum sweeper machine, and I attempt to convince her every Thursday to leave it in the closet! Man....some things belong in the closet, and vacuum cleaners are one of them!
Closer to home, my G-papaw got a good report from the doctor today about his pacemaker, and tomorrow he has a date with is lady friend Dorothy. Boy, I hope when I am the doggie equivalent of 89 I have a girlfriend! Go G-papaw Go.
Love and Kisses
Clearly you are inspecting the price tags to make sure they all come out correctly. I don't know how our muzzer could've confused that with napping.
Your eye is wide open. I'd say a combination of cooking the books and security! Definitely not napping. I think you need a raise.
Hey did you see a coupla other dogs from Arizona joined DWB?
Bussie Kissies
yay gus! old guys are the greatest (old ladies are great too but my mawma gets mad when i say that in reference to her cuz she says she's not old. i say she's not a lady either).
there are so many wire fox terriers on the internets. you guys are clearly a literary breed!
looks like harry won by quite a bit. probably a surge from last minute canine support.
you deserve a fan club, look at how hard you work!
well Gus, napping or not, just don't get tangeled up, then you might have to chew your way out!
Napping is part of the job!
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