I blame this whole thing on Teka! She is up every morning before 5:30! She goes outside (we understand that, she is just a puppy, you know,) but then she comes back in ready to pl

Sometimes Dad tries to go back to bed. Sometimes that works. But muzzer just goes into the kitchen and BAKES. So far this week we have had caramel apple bran muffins, cinnamon rolls and Swedish pancakes. Dad is upset with this too. Seems he is gaining weight, even with the extra walkies to wear Teka out. Because these great smelling things are not "good for dogs" Travis and Teka and I have to make do with our bananas. I think that is unfair, because muzzer wouldn't bake if we weren't all up at that ungodly hour, so Teka is not getting rewarded for her effort. See, true terrier logic.
On the plus side, G-papaw is still staying with us after his most recent foray into the world of Banner Health Care. This is nice because most days he likes to sit in the back yard, and we get to romp and play outside more than usual. Plus, he shares food, but don't tell the parents, OK??
Sending best wishes to my brave blogger pal Pappy, who was injured on the doggy playground but did not miss a single day of blogging. And good wishes to Axel and his parents. And kudos to Buster who is also committed to blogging every day in November. And Ivy, and Butchy & Snickers, and Fee, and Mackie, and , and, and......
Thanks for holding up your end and making my day a little brighter
1) Cats are for friends, not for food.
2) Maybe you, Teka, and Travis could form some sort of dog pyramid to get to the computer. Or the baked goods. Maybe both.
wowie zowie! teka sure is trubble! if i wake up my peepol before the radio sings the wake-up song i get yelled at, not walked!
tell your dad if he dozent want to eat his muffins and stuff he can just send them rite over here for my peepol. of corse i will eat them first but you dont haf to tell him that!
I know you live in Arizona, but I sure am glad you don't live in my neighborhood!! I don't like getting up early!
Teka sure is lucky she is cute for waking you up that early!
Hey Gussie,
Teka wearing you out? hehehehe! She's just being a puppy. Mama says that when Snickers was a wee one, she also had to get up very early to play and then when Papa would leave for work, Snickers would want to sleep. Don't worry buddy, Teka will outgrow her early playing in no time.
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
Hey guys: Thanks for all the helpful advice. Particularly you, E.Rabbit! If we made a pyramid, Teka would be on top. You saw what she did the day she blognapped my blog!
Ivy: Dad and G-papaw complain about the baking, but they eat it all right up. They are no more consisten than your peepol!
Joe Stains: Hi Buddy. Read your blog. Tanner must be almost as much trouble as Teka, huh?
Butchy and Snickers: Yeah Butchy, but Snickers is really cute, and Teka is just REALLY a pain! I hope my sister E.Beth takes her away soon!
Pancakes, I just can't get past that word....my Mom doesn't make those anymore cuz they're not low carb but Daddy and I sneak out to McDonald's for them.
Bussie Kissies
Bussie: These are not so bad, I think...they only have the white part of the egg and they puff up really big when they get put into the oven. They got apples in them too, so that should count for something. MickeyD's cannot compare!
The Gus-ster
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