14 February 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentines I would send....

To muzzer - a person to buy the store so she could stay home more with me and Teka
To dad - season tickets to the St. Louis Cardinals!
To E. Rabbit - someone else to knit sweaters for, and all that entails
To E. Beth - a quiet weekend with Erik
To G-papaw - elegant dinner with his girlfriend Dorothy
To Teka - more time with E.Beth
To my sweetie Miss Snickers - First Class tickets for her and Butchy to come visit me
To Axel and his folks - a chance to visit and enjoy warm weather in Azrizona (I already blew my allowance on Miss Snickers, sorry Axel)
To Wally the corgador - official recognition from the AKC so he could describe graphically what they can do with it.
To Miss Ivy - lots of time to geocache and lots of squirrels to chase
To Bussie - help from the trainer to get along with Romeo and stay out of the doggie house.
To Joe Stains and "the Doofus" - Dinner and a visit to the dog park when your parents come home.
To Pappy and his Fella: Better weather so you can have fun at the dog park, and a chance to find the missing glove.
To Miss Sunshade, Bogart Handsome Devil, Boo, Fu-Fu, Miss Fee and her parents, Bogie, Mackie, and all the other puppies I read so faithfully - national recognition for the great job you do blogging. It isn't easy without thumbs, right guys?

Unfortunately, my allowance doesn't cover all of that, so you all will have to trust that I will come through when muzzer wins the lottery. And remember, it is the thought that counts.

And TEKA too,


Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

We hope you have a swell Valentine's Day

We also hope you get all the stuff you wanted!

But remember - no chocolate!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Happy Valentines to you guys too! Smoochies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bussie Kissies

Wired for Mackie said...

Happy Valentine's Day dearest long lost brother! heheheheh!

Do I hear it is almost your birthday?

Your pal, Mackie

Wired for Mackie said...

Happy Valentine's Day dearest long lost brother! heheheheh!

Do I hear it is almost your birthday?

Your pal, Mackie

Dean-O! said...

Hope that you are having a grrreat Valentine’s Day -- with lots of wire-y hugs & kisses!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Valentines Day, sweet Gussie (and Teka, too) :-)

Big hugs and kisses,


PS - have a great barkday on the 16th Gussie, hope you get lots of pressies :-)

FleasGang said...

Happy Birthday Gussy! Hope you finally get that crazy sqrrll to crack and give up the info you're after :-)

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Have a great birthday Gus...hope you get tons of treats:)

Hugs from Billy Boo

Freda said...

Hey Gus,

Freda heres. Hope you had a great Big Red Heart Day and have an even betters Happy Barks Day.



Joe Stains said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!?!?!???!?!!!!!