30 July 2007


Hi Dog Bloggers,

This is Gus's sister E. Rabbit here. Gus wanted me to tell you that his internet connection in St. Louis is BROKEN!

He suspects that this is an act of sabatoge on the part of that dog Todd from the Dog Museum.

Anyway, right now the rest of us can only check our e-mails and use blogs at Internet Cafes and Libraries. And since Internet Cafes and Libraries are notoriously doggist establishments, and will not allow Gus in, he sent me out with instructions to leave this message on his blog.

He hopes that he will be able to update you on his adventures sometime in the next day or so.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, just wanted to say congrats on your Awesome Blog Award. You deserve it! J x

Ruby Bleu said...

I bet it's that Todd. Jealous of all of your blogging friends!!!

Good luck with the internets...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jake of Florida said...

Maybe it was a Milwaukee Brewer fan disguised as Todd the dog, angry that our Birds humiliated them the last few days. Or it could be a beer thing too...

Jake (Dogdad told me to write this!!)

Hope you're back soon Gussie!!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Poor Gussie :-( Looking forward to hearing some more about your adventures soon. We miss you already !


Duke said...

Thanks for letting us know E.Rabbit! I hope Gussie is having steak for dinner tonight!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

Let us know if you need us to come there and fight anyone to restore order!

Asta said...

Hi E.Rabbit,
I'm Asta one of Gussie's giwlfwiends(blush), pweez tell him I love him and miss him..I'm going to be gone till next tuesday, but I'll be thinking of him .
That stoopid, evil Todd..nast dog, I hope he gets fiwed fwom his dog museum job!
tell Gussie to give you Mom a specail tewwier kiss fwom us
smoochie kisses
Asta(pee ess, thanks for witing on Gussie's behalf)

fee said...

deer miss eeee wabbit, thanks for leeting us know, but waht will poor gussie be doin in the meantime? please make sure he has lots of food.

Deanna said...

It's awful when the internet is broken!

Eddie N Peaches said...

Miss you! Hope you're connection is fixed soon.
Till then,
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches

wally said...

Someone fix the internets!

Congrats on your well-deserved award!


Jigga and Venus said...

Thanks for the updates. We hope to make it to the AKC Dog Museum one day, too.

Liza said...

Gussie -

I heard the arch in St. louie was broken but the internet too?? OH NOOOOO!
