I am sorry for my extended absence, but muzzer has been preoccupied with taking care of Aunt Marie and Uncle Ray. That said, I have had a nice long chat with her, and we have agreed that she must be more alert to her primary duty of keeping up my blog and making my life interesting. There are still some areas of negotation, but she has agreed to help me catch up.
OK. Number ONE: A copy of the Constitution of the United States. Battered though it may have become, abused as it has recently been, it is still a document worthy of review.
Number TWO: My favorite stuffie: Kitty Cat puppet. Kitty has been with me since San
ta Fe. She has survived my travels, she comforted me through my sore paw, and even Teka has not destroyed her. I think something with these magical powers should be passed on to later generations
In the interest of efficiency, we are going to polish off two (TWO!) tags in one blog. Fortunately, that is not difficult for me. I am nothing if not efficient. Just watch me make my food disappear. Oh no, you looked away. It is gone.
I have told her that when we finish this, she may take a break and help me get ready for my trip to see Miss Snickers, Mr. Butchy and their family. Including maybe Toto! So, here we go!
List Five things you would put in a time capsule.

Number TWO: My favorite stuffie: Kitty Cat puppet. Kitty has been with me since San
Number THREE: A picture of my favorite walk from VA. Along the Chessie trail near the Blue Ridge mountains. It was one of my favorite walks with Dad and Muzzer, and I miss the excitement of finding something new and exciting just aroun
d the corner. So, just in case we have really screwed the world up badly, this is what it "used to be."
Number FOUR: a package of Frozen Green Beans. My favorite Treat. Exceptional with Breakfast and Dinner (I skip lunch), and good frozen or thawed. Do not cook them. You destroy the delicate flavor.
Number FIVE: Ten of my favorite plastic bags for poop scooping. If they have dogs at all, they need these.
Ha Ha! One down, one to go
and now:
My Five Favorite Books!
Written by my favorite Dad in all the world.
And yes, this is blatant self promotion.
Number Two:
Not just because I are one (Philosopher's Dog, that is) and not just because of the really cool looking wire on the cover, but because this was a Christmas present to muzzer the first year I lived with them, and it is the first thing she ever read out loud to me. Put me to sleep, it really did.
Not just because I are one (Philosopher's Dog, that is) and not just because of the really cool looking wire on the cover, but because this was a Christmas present to muzzer the first year I lived with them, and it is the first thing she ever read out loud to me. Put me to sleep, it really did.
My bible, my guide, my inspiration for getting along with Teka!

Number Four:
Because this book is about Clifford, he is a dog, and his person is named ....
and it reminds me of both my sissies.
And I love this one not because it is great literature, but muzzer does a great Grover imitation when she reads me to sleep at night!
So, now you know my secrets. I have VERY eclectic tastes in Literature, and I like to be read to, not to read to myself. If you were thinking I am an intellectual you must now revise your thinking.
Gus,We think you are very intellectual!!! You should try eating a few like we,I mean Archie did.Some can be very tasty,although PL 1 being a teacher does get a little mad.You have a very famous addy writing a book and all!! OF COURSE that would be your first favorite book!! WE hope that you have a lovely time and tell us all about it.Will you be bringing Kitty Cat? Have fun!! Agatha+ Archie
hey hey gussie! thank you so much for passing on that great baby advice. i think i will need it. i wunder if there is a teka-bible book for babies?
i luv your time capsule items and i also luv that long walk in the big big hills. that is the funnest walk ever! so much to smell!
i wunder if your muzzer wud ever read part of your grover book to put on your blog. my peepol are always staring and books and flipping the pages but they dont say anything out loud. i tried rolling on top of my randys book tonite but he just moved out of the way. i think all books shud be read out loud to dogs!
Dear Ivy Paws: My muzzer would be happy to read a book for you to listen to...we will work on it when we get back to Azrizona, OK?
Also, Babies are good for reading. Muzzers and Dads do lots of reading to babies, my parents read to E.Rabbit and E.Beth even while they were still "in utero" whatever that is! And there are many pictures of the dog of the Day, Tobias Bowtias, listening as the bedtime stories were read.
Just hang around that kid a lot! It seems there are almost enough benefits to offset the bad stuff.
ps Ivy: Do you love the Chessie Trail too...? Do you ever go over to W&L and walk the Wood Creek Trail? We were neighbors and didn't know it!
wow your dad made a BOOK!? he is talented! Mom loves that grover book too!
Those awe some pawsome picks in both catecowies..we have to wun out and get your favowite books and wead them wight away, especially your Daddys
what a lucky pup to be a philosophers dog..I bet you have some nice things to talk about on that bootiful twail.
I hope you have your kitty with you fow comfowt on this big twip..have a super time
smoochie kisses
Hey Gus, Grover rocks!! J2 is a big fan! J x
Ooops, just seen your time capsule list too. Green beans??? I thought you'd select a thoroughly unhealthy snack like one of your Steak n Shake burgers!
Hi Gus! Your list is a lot like my list. By which I mean eclectic and AWESOME.
Um, my ma ape has a desk copy of your dad's book! Whoa. Small world, eh!
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