I really can't believe it!
Muzzer went and booked us in this "cute" place that doesn't seem to have wireless! (or any kind of connections!
Muzzer did this. Not Dad. Muzzer the on line Junkie.
She muttered something about peace and quiet.
Anyway...I may be out of touch for a couple of days.
I will post whenever possible, but you may have to wait until Sunday night to see photos of my great adventure or get answers to your e-mails. I'm sorry. Write Muzzer and tell her how angry you are about this.
Gotta go pack my bag!
What a pretty house! Looks like a nice place, Gus, but no connections? I didn't know they could make houses like that. Are there a lot of them? Where is the place? Sounds far away.
I am so proud of you, Gus, for winning that award. It shows the world what we wire fox terriers can do. You are an inspiration to us all.
Have a good time on vacation.
Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Oh Gus,
I'm going to miss you ,but maybe you get to play more with all the peace and quiet in die Heimat...
looking fowawd to heawing your adventures when you're back
smoochie kisses
(I'll have to have a heawt to heawt with your Mommi about this tewwible pwedicament
We know that you'll be at Snickers house tomorrow for her birthday! Tell your mom she's forgiven as long as she gets LOTS of pictures of you guys celebrating at the pawty, okay?
Love ya lots,
Hey Gus, can't believe you're going off line for a few days! We want TONS of photos from Snicker's Birthday party, OK? Naughty muzzer, how can she keep us in suspense like this?
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