My Wirey Friends Agatha and Archie( )have challenged me to post some pictures of me smiling. Or, maybe they said "a" picture of me smiling...but what the heck, share the wealth. So, roughly in chronological order....
This is a picture of my sister E.Rabbit giving the world's greatest butt scritches. She could charge hundreds of dollars an hour for this, but she gives it to me for free!
This is me on the way to "somewhere" (I can't remember!) having successfully ditched the safety harness in the back seat and climbed over muzzer and into the front seat leg well. Good thing muzzer doesn't have much leg, huh?
Here I am in Santa Fe last summer, with my kitty cat puppet (still living!) and my Ole' scarf.
And here I am just recently, and I may not be smiling, but when I am happy my ear sometimes goes up!I tag wirey Koobus, my friend Dory the Labradory, and Sir Chance-a-lot (nobody does smiles like a golden.)
And I will drop them a note on their blogs right after dinner.
When you're smilin', Doggie smilin', the whole world smiles at you.
And when you're laughin', Doggie laughin' the sun comes shinin' through.
I can;t believe you said "Scritches."
Mom gives me bedtime scritches every night - two paws on the bed, my neck thrown back -- ecstasy.
And she also gives me butt scritches. More ecstasy.
That sure does evoke doggie smiles -- even purrs sometimes!!
Scritch away!!!
Gussie & Barb -
Thanks so much for the link - Mom and I liked reading all about Gabriels Angels (Mom said it was almost worth moving there and dealing with the heat just to participate)
Anyhow I am anxiously awaiting Pace to arrive next week. Mom says we can adopt him if we get along - and he likes our house. I'm keeping my paws crossed for a perfect match!
Glad to see you finally got to go to steak and shake - wish we had one here!
Take care - Dory and Liza
ooooh butt scritches are the greatest things EVER!!!!!!
You're quite the lapfull, aren't you Gussy! I love that last picture with your radar ear up! Great smiles!
Love ya lots,
wowie gussie! E. Rabbit is welcome to come over to my dog house any time and give free dog butt scritches! that looks wunnerful!
good job jumping out of the back seat too... we haf to keep reminding our peepol where the dogs belong!
i haf to ask you a favor - since you haf such a good imaginashun - can you help me decide on a good name for my new little brother who is coming?
We are rollinng just looking at you laughing!!! Archie loves the ear picture!!!!! Love, Agatha + Archie
Hi Teka,
I have awarded you the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award. Please check my blog.
Hi! Congratulations on being the featured blog!!(that's how we discovered you!!)
You have a really happy smile! And I love the ear!!!
--Winnie :-)
Thanks for saying such nice things about me Gus. (I guess bugs ears are cute.) You have a nice smile, too.
Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
I looooove your many smiles..I guess we're sort of twins in the ear depawtment, mine do the same sometimes heheheheheheheh..can I bowwow E. Rabbit ? those scritchies swue look good..
I wish I could meet you in pawson
smoochie kisses
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