Teka Here:
Gussie doesn't know it, but I have hidden in the trunk of the Gussiemobile, and I am on my way to the pawty!

For those of you who have never seen the Gussiemobile, and may be waiting for it to arrive at your home, here is what it looks like!
Te he he he
Doesn't he only wish!
This would be a lot cooler and more in keeping with the western theme, but it belongs to one of my mom's buddies...not square old Gus.
Here is a photo of the Gussiemobile! Solid, Staid and very unexciting

Just like Gussie.
But he must've done something to the sound system when dad wasn't looking, 'cause I can hear every word of Old Gene Autry back here !
Good thing I copped my mom's i-Pod too. I am groovin along to the tunes of some indy band that she and I love. Don't worry about me, I brought my furry pad and some snacks, and so far, I've managed to sneak out and back in while Gussie is off using the facilities at the rest stop.
I thought I was toast for a minute in Oklahoma, but I managed to sneak back into the trunk when he put the laptop away.
Gussie must've paid someone to goose up the Gussiemobile as well. We are just nearly flying, and so far he has been below the radar for the fuzz, so to speak! I think we are almost in Missouri. We should hit Butchy and Snickers place about noon their time! I think that is when I will make my entrance.
I also managed to "borrow" an ATT card thingy from stodgy old Brian, and I don't have to wait for a rest stop to post. As long as the light is green on my little card, I am good to go!
Wow. I can't wait to meet you all. Can anybody tell me if my heart throb Tanner is comin?
Will post this now,
Ride 'em Cowboys
Hey Teka! What a naughty dog you are stowing away like that! Wait till Gus finds out! J x
Well, Gus and Teka, I wish I'd known you were passing through Oklahoma, you could have stopped off at the ol' Turkey Pen Ranch to see me, Glynn and Cap. Maybe on your way back?
William Tell
I love that white pick-up! I think you should ask for that for your birthday, Gussie!
See you at the pawty!
Love ya lots,
I don't even want to know what you and Tanner did, he sure doesn't remember!
I don't know you (only hear about you from Gussie), but you sound pretty saucy to me. Hope you had a safe ride to Iowa. When did you finally get out of the car? Snickers said she could hear something making noise in the trunk as they were pulling away from her house.
Goob love,
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