Here I am, making a pit stop outside of the Circle K just before you make the turn off the hiway and on to the road that goes to Butchy and Miss Snickers house.
Well, the trip has gone OK so far. Leaving at 4:00 am was a good idea in some ways. But I hope either Butchy or Miss Snickers is wearing their license and can help with the driving so that I can take a nice nap.
Before I left, muzzer had to try to take some pictures of me in my cowboy hat. Well, I gotta tell you. A real cowboy doesn't let his muzzer take pictures, Ya know.
I you think Roy Rogers let his muzzer take pictures of him in his cowboy suit?
No way pardner. Ole Roy didn't let anyone take pictures except Miss Dale.
But I thought I would show you my hat, and one of the pictures didn't turn out so bad, I guess.
But let me tell you....when I get to the Pawty, I think the hat is staying in the car! is gonna fall off as soon as I start dancin' ya know.
And I figure, with my luck, I'll stomp on it a few times and spill something delicious on it.
I've been practicin my do si do's and my allemande left and right. I think I've got the idea of "swing your partner." But I sure hope we do some line dancin' and a few two steps, so I can get close to some of my favorite girls.
'Specially Miss Snickers. wooooeeee! I have my dad's old Roy Rogers Lunch Box in the trunk, and in it I have stored a few extra rounds of ammunition, just in case some of those dogs like Stanley or Wally get too excited when they see Miss Snickers.
Dog has ta do what a Dog has ta do, to borrow a well used line.

Gotta go, that Iowa State Trooper is looking at me pretty funny.
Giddyap Gussiemobile
Nice hat, Gus! Don't worry, I'll keep my paws off Miss Snickers, I'll just admire from afar! I think I'll probably have my paws full with both the Astas! J x
Yo Pilgrim, circle in the station wagons! Glad to see you're herding Butchy & Snickers to the hoedown. Se you guys there!
Bussie Kissies
This just gets better and better! Don't get too wild at that party, or someone will have to bail you out of the pokey!
William Tell
Love the hat, Gussie! It suits you!
See you at the pawty!
Love ya lots,
Gussie Boy!
I heard your your road stories first hand at the pawty, but had to come back and read them for myself.
As you saw, after greeting her, I stayed a respectful distance away from you Snickers Girl. I know where I'm not wanted.
BTW, I love that photo of you. You look so woolly, like a little little lamb.
Goob love,
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