1. Favorite Major League baseball team – St. Louis Cardinals

2. Favorite NFL team – Minnesota Vikings

3. Favorite college football team – Minnesota Gophers

4. Favorite NBA team – New York Knicks ca. 1970s with Bill Bradley, Dave Debusscher, Earl “the Pearl” Monroe and Jerry Lucas.
5. Favorite college basketball team – Minnesota Gophers – again from the 1970s, with the exception of the “fight squad” of 1972

6. Favorite NHL team – St. Louis Blues, ca 1966-1970
7. Favorite minor league teams, if you have any -

8. Favorite individual players, any sport, if you have any B

9. Favorite NASCAR driver – um……
10. Favorite golfer –Gpapaw (Grandpa)
11. Favorite tennis player Billie Jean King

12. Any other favorites you have that are not on the list, such

13. Favorite mascot – Goldie the Gopher
14. Favorite team colors – Blue and Gold
15. Best looking uniforms – Men’s Basketball, ca. 1973, Baseball uniforms 1930-1955, Knute Rockne era football uniforms
16. Worst looking uniforms – Men’s professional Baseball and Basketball in the US NOW !
Gus we aren't sure why folks like nascar, when Tanner and I run in circles real fast making lots of noise Mom says SHUT UP, she doesn't slap ads on our bums!
Gussie, I know you worked really hard on all of those answers...but Billie Jean King??? Aren't we too young to remember her??
Hey, I have a feeling you know what this fix it surgery fixes. No one will tell me. I won't have to worry anymore about what????????? Give it up, Gus and spill the beans. I've asked Scruffy and he refers me to Mumsie. She says she's busy and we'll talk later. Does it have something to do with Stuffies??? Lacie
Joe: maybe your mom should think about the ads on your bums idea. I think it has some mass appeal. hehehe
Lacie: I'm too young to remember Billie Jean K, but muzzer is ageless! And ask you Mumsie to explain the surgery to you, cause I had to explain it to Teka, and she tried to run away the next day!
Wow!! Gus!! That was EXCELLENT!!! Where did you get all those logos! That certainly took a lot of time to do. Thanks for going through all that trouble.
Koobuss Kisses,
Not only awe those cool answews, but I love the illustwations..my Mommi says Billy Jean is pawsome and did oodles fow tennis..boy do we agwee about the unifowms too, both good and bad.
Youw gwampapa must be pawsome
smoochie kisses
You're not just a sports fan. You're a complete NUT!! Do you ever go to off-season football out there in AZ?
Goober love,
Wow, Gussie! You really know your sports! I love all of the little pictures to go with your answers! Very clever!
Love ya lots,
Pawsome comments, Gussie!
Our fan-atic preferences go to the St. Louis Cardinals, as you know, but Mom and Dogdad are so depressed about the last five games they made us take off our Cards bandanas.
Here in SFla, we have the Dolphins (pawball) and the Heat (basketball)and we cheer, but without Cards passion!
Dogdad likes some of the older golfers -- he's in Puerto Rico, so we can't ask him which ones.
Mom checks in on all her favorite former Florida Marlins players who now populate other teans: Jeff Conine (we call him Canine), now at the Mets; Mike Lowell and Josh Beckett, now with the Red Sox; Pudge Rodriguez, now with the Tigers --and she is a Pujols/Eckstein/Ankiel/Molina/Edmonds/Rolen/Taguchi/fan.
No one asked about coaches, but she loves Tony La Russa and Jim Leyland.
But we are too depressed to write more.
Jake and Just Harry
Sport sucks. J x
You're post gave me a sudden flashback. I remember back in third or fourth grade we had Stan Musial's daughter as a substitute teacher one day. That was a loooong time ago.
Wooo! Mini-Soda! Golden Gophers are a pretty awesome mascot, I must say!
And I'm with Joe on the NASCAR stuff.
Go Vikings!
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