My muzzer's in the doghouse
She'll be there for a while
She missed my Daddy's birthday
In her own usual style
She says that she was thinking
Tomorrow was the day
October 23rd was due
This week, and not today
She didn't see her error
Until she got to work
When she looked at the calendar
She said "I am a jerk"

And so she got a cupcake
With lots of sprinkles on
And put it with the cards and stuff
We'd hidden from anon
I hope my Daddy likes it
And says she can come out
I'd hate to have her missing me
She would, without a doubt
'Cause I'll sleep with my Daddy
Inside our cozy house
And hope that muzzer does not see
A cat, or rat or mouse!
happy birthday Dad!
Happy birthday to your dad, Gussie! A cupcake works! I'm sure he'll be very pleased!
Love ya lots,
Happy Birthday to your DAD!! At least your Mom didnt TOTALLY forget, she just messed up the days!
Happy Birthday to your Dad!
Oh no! Your muzzer forgot!! I hope she is not in too much trouble. Things like this happen sometimes, they tell me.
Koobuss Kisses,
Hey Gus, hope Muzzer is out of the doghouse now. A belated Happy Birthday to your dad. Did you get a piece of the cupcake? J x
We hope your Muzzer's not in too much trouble, Gussie. Can you teach her to do puppy dog eyes?
William Tell
Oh, even I don't stay in a dog house. I hope your Muzzer gets out soon. Perhaps you can dig her and escape tunnel?
Your are a brilliant poet! I hope your dad had a great day.
woofies Gussie!!! it ok when ur daddy gets hungry he will lets her outta da dog house...happy late birfday to ur daddy, me thinkies dat cupcake wood b yummie...did he share wiff u?
b safe,
Uh oh trouble on the homefront..At least he got a cupcake!!!!! Happy late birthday to your Pop!! Love A+A PS your pictures of Sedona are LOVELY!! We really want to go there( and so does PL1+2!) Love A+A
Oh! Well, I know your muzzer means well! And I would certainly be appeased by a cupcake! Happy burpday to your pops! I can't imagine a better gift than a pome from Gus.
ps. Your Ode to a Gall Bladder made me giggle. Move over Donald Hall, there's a new poet laureate in town!
OOOPSIE...with such a great poem, he has no choice!! Go to Stan's blog and read the awful limerick he wrote for Stan's new sissy, Stella. It's atrocious...I'm working on mine...pen one for her, Gus!!
Our Mom's birthday is coming up. She explicitly gave Dogdad the entire responsibility for the day -- so we are hoping there will be no doghouse involved!!!
Our respective crates are kind of small for his 6-foot frame, although we'd be willing to share.
Jake and Just Harry
Limerick welcomes for Stella...come to our blog for details....Lacie
Happy Birthday to you dad and thanks so much for the lovely poem about my gall bladder.
Peanut, Flash, Wally and Stanley's Grammie
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