Hello pals! Tis the season. And I promise, most solemnly, not to post another good cause for at least a week. But I am so proud of my muzzer and dad, and all my blogging pals, for putting their feet where their mouth is, that I am going to tell you about three special events.
First of all, today was the big race day in Downtown Phoenix. The Komen Race for the Cure had more than 40,000 participants, thousands of volunteers, and every news team in town up early this morning for the big event. This race always seems to be right around muzzer's barkday, which I think is appropriate, 'cause she is my most favoritest breast cancer survivor. Susanna, you are second! Lots of other women and a few men wore their pink shirts proudly, and the support was tremendous. Every year this gets bigger, raises more money, and gains more support. I am sorry that I could not go with them today, but muzzer knows where my heart was. Oh yeah, me and Tena cut our walkies short this morning so that no one would be late. Wasn't that nice of us?
My friend Asta (NY) and her Mommi and Dad are in the memory walk this year, sponsored by the New York chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. Here is the link to their page if you want to visit. Oh, and it has a stunning photo of the three of them on it, so go, if only because you are curious about the folks that Asta loves.

And Ivy Paws and her people are going to do the hunger walk in their home town. What a great place to walk. I am waiting to see if Linday and BP do the walk with Ivy and her Randy! Visit Ivy to get the latest update, and while you are there, see if you can guess when BP will arrive.

pee ess...Ivy's Randy has made some neat games that you can play if you visit.
You are the bestest blog readers in the whole world! Thank you
You're all walking for such GREAT causes! Bravo! Our hats are off to you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Gussie!
Your mummy must be such a brave and cool lady! Paws and toes up to her for all her bravery and strength!
Lots of loves,
Mango & Party
Thank you so vewy much fow youw suppowt!! ALl these causes awe so impowtant!..We didn't know youw Muzzew had had bweast cancew..some of Momi's bestest fwiends did too!!it's so impowtant to find coowes!!
Daddi is due fow his check up in decembew and we aways get scawed.
Thank you again!!!muwahhh!
smoochie kisses
pee ess.I hope youw Muzzew is nevew evew sick again!!!
You are a good guy Gus!
Thanks for reminding us what's important. Well, besides chasing squirrellies and eating their heads off.
the whippet waggle
Hi Gus! Your mom must be pretty amazing, eh? Good for her and her walkabouts to help other peeps! I hope she had a great time and celebrated being a survivor (and being owned by a fantastic terrier)
These are great causes. Aren't we glad our people support them, too?
William Tell
What great causes! J1 tends to concentrate on dog good causes rather than human ones but I think she needs to diversify! J x
Gussie we are very behind inreading everyones blogs because PL2 had a bad work week and her pooter was OFF! We were going to go to the Breast Cancer Walk here to be with PL2's sister in law( a survivor also) but everyone thought we would slow the walkers( more like trip them up) so we just sent our support!! Hoorah for Muzzer and everyone who has beat it A million kisses A+A (and PL2)
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