Oh Sedona, I love your red rocks
Lovely in their desert setting
Oh Sedona, I love your red rocks
Away, I'm bound away...back to home in Tempe
Oh Sedona, I love your Red Rocks
Great for long walks with my Daddy
Oh Sedona, I love your Red rocks
For time spent, with my pal Travis
Oh Sedona, I love your red rocks
Away, I'm bound away....Back home to old Tempe
I love your burbling waters
Streams with cold, clear running water
I love your rocks and grasses
Away, I'm bound away, heading back to Tempe
Photos of Gus and Dad and Travis taken at Forest House Resort and Bell Rock in Sedona, AZ. October 19-21, 2007
Gweat Pictoowes Gussie!
looks quite bootiful even though it's Azrizona,hehehe, I love the cleaw watew and especially I love the pictoowes of you and youw Dad..that last one of you isto die fow sigh!
I'm tiwed, we had the alzheimew's walk today..it was supew,but we'we pooped..thanks fow helping!!!! we waised 1450.00wooohooo!
I'll put up pix tomowwow!
Daddi loves you too!
smoochie kisses
those photos are so awesome and perfect and there is NO TEKA, what a great day!
The red rocks are just gorgeous, Gussie! Actually, all of your photos are just beautiful! Looks like you had an awesome walkie!
Love ya lots,
Joey: You hit the nail on the head!
Hey Gus, what a pawsome place. Looks like you had fun without Teka! J x
What a beautiful place! The rocks are very impressive.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
I think you woild have loved the place whewe we went fow the walk..it was weally bootiful! Thanks again!
smoochie kisses
woofies gussie!!! verwy nice picturs, u gots there...did ya haves fun ith ur buddy travis...
b safe,
We have some whippet-y friends in Sedona! We're so bored because it's raining and raining.
Your poems were fun and made us laugh.
the whippet waggle
I love it too, Gus, even though I've only seen your pictures of it. Looks like a fun place to explore.
William Tell
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