Just about the time I came to live with Muzzer and Dad, there was a lot of information on the Wire-y Message Groups about "The Blainville Wires."
Since then we have found out a lot more about them, and their case in the Canadian court system has moved slowly forward.
Two of my wirey friends have posted full information on this on their blogs.
Will you do me a favor please, and go read about these dogs? Then if you want to help out, you can use the link posted to sign the petition that some of the WFT Yahoo Group have posted, and also, please consider sending a snail mail to the Judge in the case, as requested. You can visit my pal Axel, or my buddy Bussie for information and links.
I am using one of my precious "Forever Foxed" notecards today to write to the Judge, and muzzer has already signed the petition.
Just think friends...any of us doggies who are rescues could have ended up in a similar situation, or in a less happy home than we have found. And you lucky dogs who have never known abandonment or mistreatment could easily have been on the wrong side of the kennel when a puppy mill breeder came looking for stock.
It isn't a pretty story. Please help us see that this man never gets any of these dogs back!
Thank you.

Gus Dagger WfT
Hi there!
Catching up on you guys!
And I see you have a mission for me - am off to check out Axel & Bussie for more info.
Pats & pets
Thank you Blue! Hope you are feeling better now. Come back soon
Thank you ..I aweady wote and I'm going to put it on my bloggie too!
He should be stwung up ..cewtainly nevew allowed to have anothew doggie of any kind evew again!!!!
smoochie kisses
Thanks for the info Gus! We need to unite!
Your friend, Lenny
Just written my own post - a sheetthing here!
Pats & pets
A seeing red Blue
Thanks for spreading the word Gus my pal. I am always bowled over by the love and power of wirey and doggy people coming together. We wil triumph!
Good for you, Gussie. We signed and are writing. You're so right --it could have happened to any of us. And suggested to Blue that she arouse her Canadian friends; perhaps they will have more impact than we Americanos.
Wirey kisses,
Jake and Just Harry
Thanks for letting us know, heading to read about it now.
Véronique signed the petition... it is so horrible....
Gussie, I have signed the petition. That man is really a horrible person.
Gussie we signed ,will write ,and put it on our blog too. This man CAN NOT have those poor dogs.Love A+Aand PL2
Hi Gussie
thank you fow offewing youw and Teka's help if I get back too late fow my pawty..I suwe hope Mommi appweciates how vewy genewous youw offew is!
Thank you!! I guess going to space and back shouldn't take too long.
I'm so happy that so many of ouw fwiends have wun to help wite to the judge abut the monstew!
smoochie kisses
youw little activista,heheh
we signed the petition, this is just awful. I am preparing several boxes of poop to mail to this dude!
Hey Gus, J1 has signed the petition and sent off her letter. Thank you for using a Forever Foxed card to write your letter. We need to show the Canadian authorities the united force of angry WFT owners/friends around the world!
Hi Gus,
I signed the petition and will write a letter to the judge. The corgador lobby is with the wireys!
Hi Gus! Yeah, I think we're pretty lucky that we picked out some good peoples to look after us. I never let my ma ape know that, though, I have to keep reminding her how lucky SHE is to get to live with ME.
Thanks for spreading the word. My girl already signed the petition (after crying out her anger)! It's pretty beastly what that guy did.
As a rescue dog I'm stinkin' thankful that my first family surrendered me to rescue, and that I got my girl and not some crazy weirdo who doesn't know how to treat a dog right.
I love the pic of the praying WFT. Where'd you get it?
Goober love,
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