Greetings from Azrizona, where we have had one of the shortest nights on record.
Sam the intrepid arrived last night just after 11:30! He said the driving was OK, once he got past Oklahoma. He only had to resort to using the hover craft function a couple of times. Since the modified VW runs on Solar Power, fuel was a concern only because he had not seen much sun on the trip, and was concerned about having to switch over to an alternate fuel source.
We assured him that there is plenty of sun in Azrizona to restock the batteries!
Once we all got settled down again, it seemed like no time at all before Teka woke us all up by dropping the DEMON BALL on muzzer's head. There was no peace and quiet available after that, let me tell you.
So, all five of us went for Walkies. Dad got the girls, muzzer got the boys. It was OK, but we may have to resort to double or triple shifts on walkies when everyone gets here. Muzzer reports that her arms are now 1/2 inch longer than they were when she got up this morning.
And we only saw a couple of cats!
Dad made us all oatmeal to mix with our kibble for Breakers...I wanted eggies and baconables, but Dad is not a short order cook, and he reminded me that I am already "substantial" and should watch my intake this weekend.

About the middle of breakfast, we got a post from Aire Ruby, saying that she will be arriving at Falcon Field around 10:00 am this morning. We are marshalling all available transportation resources and will meet the flight.
Ruby has kindly posted Butchy and Snickers campaign poster on one side of Aire Ruby, and of course, The banner for Joey and Tadpole on the other!
Ruby has kindly posted Butchy and Snickers campaign poster on one side of Aire Ruby, and of course, The banner for Joey and Tadpole on the other!
Ruby says that she is quite weary, but holding up well. She will relax at the spa this afternoon, so that she can be ready for
dinner and Pawgaritas tonight!

OH BOY....I thought this might not happen, but it looks like we are really gonna pawty this weekend.
Lots of the doggies (including Butchy and Snickers) have brought their digital cameras along, so they will be posting their own pictures on their blogs. We will post a blog list later this weekend so that you can see everydog's photos.
Gus, Teka, Butchy, Snickers, Sam, muzzer and Dad.
pee-esss...We have a sign up list next to the laptop, and another one next to the BIG computer in the family room, so doggies can write home if they want to!
Oh when we get there, we can help your muzzer's arms stretch all the way to Mexico! She can go shopping for bargains across the border without even leaving home.
Looking forward to some sunshine and warmth!
wags from the whippets
Gus, what's for breakfast...we're all starved!!!
Tomorrow is our grand canyon expedition, right?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh Muzzer...better you than me.. I can totally identify with ur arms being longer now. I would imagine 1/2 inch is a conservative amount for what the grand total will be.
Please let me know if you have any trouble with my three or Seymour...if you point your index finger at any of them, that usually helps alot.
Let me know if you need any help with food or what ever...
We are wating to be picked up!!! We have never been so excited in all of our lives!! Love A+A(We are praying that it is warm there)
Ooh I had a scawe..I thought Ruby fowgot me and then finaly at the last minute I heawd hew plane come to a scweeching halt next to my house on the West side HWY..I'm glad hew bwakes awe so good...cause the woads awe slick and the wivew is wight next to the Hwy....A few tense moments, but once aboawd, it was the fabulous luxoowie we have come to expect fwom the one and only aiw Wuby!!
smochie kisses,Asta
pee ess..I have an awawd fow you on my bloggie, come and get it
We're so jealous of all the fun you're having! Dad is insistent that we stay home and hold his hand! Awww, Dad!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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