18 February 2008

Miam, Miam!

Gus Here: Notice that I am now expressing my pleasure over treats just like Faya does. Today I had one of the cookies from Miss Snickers, and one of the bones from Faya, and they were both Deeeelish! Miam Miam to both ladies...thank you. I went to the store today with muzzer, and she finally let me get into the box where she had hidden my Barkday present from Butcho and Snickers! Look at that Wubba Kong! We took it to the store because Teka tore my last one up, and I just love these toys. I got to play three very good games of toss and fetch with my pals at the store, and then I just made lots of loud squeaks while people were trying to shop. Fortunately, they think I am cute!
Here is a good view of me in one of my new bandananas from Faya...It is a very flattering shade, don't you think? And it has COWS on it! Very Swiss!
I did my usual inspection tour today. Just checking to make sure that all the mirrors are cleaned and that the cases are neat. And I also wanted to be sure muzzer had arranged the jewelry she bought at the gift show appropriately. It lacks a certain flair, but it will suffice until I can coach her through a new arrangement on Wednesday.
And here is my cubby at the store, where I keep things I do not want Teka to Tear Up. See, I have my Snax toy and my new Wubba. My stuffie cow is still out on the floor taking inventory, but perhaps we will get a photo of him next time.

On another note...for those of you wondering where Miss Snickers has been, she is staying with us for a bit. She stowed away in my carryon while we were disembarking from Aire Ruby, and her mama says she can stay for a few days to get her bones warmed up.

I surely enjoy having her here, and of course she has muzzer wrapped around her little paw, so she is eating mostly people food and having a gay old time. She has taken over the guest bedroom, and let me tell you, I am not sleeping well. I have to make sure I spend time with her and time with muzzer, so I seem to spend most of the night walking back and forth in the halls.

We spent a lot of time today running in the back yard. Snickers got her beauty sleep while muzzer and I went off to work. I think she and Teka may have sneaked out to the big sales for President's day too, at least based on the bags in the front hallway.

I'm gonna go sneak in a nap. I expect to be walkin' the halls again tonight.

happily weary



Joe Stains said...

sleepovers are always a lot of fun, but not much sleeping happens. I sure wish I had some place I could take special toys to hide from the doofus.

Harry said...

Look after that Wubba well Gus!

I see what you mean about being pretty fuzzy too! I imagine you have less need for your fur in AZ than I do in Blighty though. I hope I don't freeze after my Airedo.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Duke said...

You look very patriotic on President's day with your handsome new blue bandana from Faya and that gorgeous red Wubba, Gussie!
Enjoy Snickers stay with you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

William Tell said...

Gus, I think you should model some of your muzzer's jewelry. That would be eye-catching for sure. Or maybe start a line of your own, just for doggies!

William Tell

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Gus, you're so lucky getting to go to work with Muzzer! And you've got your own toy stash there too! Pawsome1 J x

Jake of Florida said...


You realy have lots going for you pal. A job, a girlfriend (or two), a wubba, new duds, a thoughtful muzzer -- what more can a wire ask for???

Enjoy, pal,

Jake and Just Harry

Lenny said...

Gus, you're looking very handsome in your new bandanna. Hey, I've heard you talk about the store before, but what kind of store is it? I can't remember.
Your friend, Lenny

Patience-please said...

Sleepovers and bandanas and going to work - does it get any better than that???

wags from the whippets

The Thuglets said...

Hello Guz we think your new red wubba looks just brillo...make sure you look after it!

Big Nose Pokes
The thugletsx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love the bandana.. You look so great in it...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Asta said...

I can't even wemembew a time when we wewen't fwiendz thank dog!!! I loveYou! and am so happy you'we having such a gweat time..I bet youw help is invaluable at the stowe!!
I would cewtainly not take those pwecious toys home whewe Teka can destwoy them..I think it's wowth staying up all night to be able tospend time with Muzzer and miss Snickers the bootiful..I think the bananan is vewy becoming..is youw cow jelly of it??
talk to you soon..hope you make some gweat sales!
smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

Oh snickers staying over how fun. I have a kong wubba too and I love that thing.

wally said...

Gus, is there something we should know about you and Ms. Snickers?


ps. Great bananadana! You look so continental.

Stanley said...

Hey, Gussie!

First off, I've missed you! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAN!! I hope your birthday celebration just keeps going, and going, and going!

I love your new banana ~ blue is definitely one of your colors. (My girl keeps forgetting that her pooter monitor is NOT a touch screen... she keeps reaching out to give you scritches and cuddles. Sheesh! She's shameless).

Goober love & birthday smooches,

Pee Ess
If it would mean getting to hang with you, then I would not be charging a fee to help E. Rabbit with her thesis. Think about it.

Agatha and Archie said...

Well,I never thought to put the toys that I don't want Arch to touch(which is all of them) in a little closet rather than the bomb shelter.BRILLIANT Gussie,I may try that. Blue is you.We are going to have to get PL2 to go and get us a Snax,he looks totally pawsome!!! Love and smoochies A+A(Archie is out buying some crystals or something like that)

Daniella said...

Glad you got a Snax, aren't they the best fun! Mom and Dad are very chuffed that they have rebranded/renamed this toy and that "Snax" is being used widely.
You look very dashing in your bandana.


Anonymous said...

Hi!! Can we link you to our blogs? Our papa and mummy will be going to Arizona for 2 yrs and most likely will be bringing us there unless the vet says we can't go. We'd like to see how it's like to be over where you are! Is it fun? Do we get lots of freedom? It's quite restricted for us here coz hotels don't take us in and we can't go to most places with our humans.