17 February 2008

My Barkday will go on Forever!

I had a wonderful time at the ski pawty, and I am so glad that all my friends helped me clean up after the SuperBowl pawty, so I got to go this weekend. It was nice to see all of my pals again, and we all got lots of exercise, except maybe not Asta Marie, since she spent most of the time in the casino.

This morning muzzer pulled my barkday pressies down from the refridgederador, and said we could open them! I picked Faya's to open firstest, because it came such a far way! Faya and her muzzer sent it all the way from Switzerland! My dad is jealous. No one sends him pressies from Switzerland! Plus, I got more cards for the Christmas celebration holiday thingy than he did. Terriers RULE! Anyway, we took my pressies into muzzer's office, because it was sunny and bright. Here I am trying to open Faya's package all by myself.

I tried and tried, but couldn't get it opened. Muzzer offered to get the scissors to help, and I said "yes, yes!" But I wouldn't move away while she was cutting. I was helping and making it all go faster. (yeah, and risking your terrier nose too, kiddo!)
So, while she worked on the edges, I chewed on a corner.
When the top popped open, this is what happened!!!
Muzzer made me back off, and she showed me all the pressies. There were two bandanananas...I wonder if I am sposed to share? Two Stuffies, one a really neat cow that you can see me eyeing right here. Two containers of "Pralines", one tripe flavored (yummy, we tried them!) and one labelled "chicken." Then there is something called "Doggy Gum." I wonder if it will blow bubbles? And there are fishy snacks and bones that look like Dingos, in 8 different laguages.

But I decided that the cow was my most favoritest, and went right back to play with him.
Here is a picture of the fishy snacks, with the loofah doggie, and the lovely card from Faya.

I played with that cow for quite some time, and I have not made it stop squeakin' yet.

But muzzer was not her usual careful self! She left the package from Asta (NY) on the trundle bed so we could open it later and she could get pictures! He He!

I opened this one myself! Thank you Asta for your exceptionally fine packaging.

Muzzer heard me rip! and grabbed the camera, but by that time I had this super Ace of Hearts stuffie out of the paper and on the couch in the TV room. I pulled out the rubber tire too, and chewed on that quickly, but decided I would concentrate on the Ace of Hearts. So muzzer went back to her office to take this picture of the cute card Asta and her Mommi made, and pick up the pieces of envelope and paper I left lying around as incriminating evidence!

And so, now I think my Barkday will last forever, almost. I still have a supply of cookies from Miss Snickers and Mr. Butchy, including the BIG BONE! And the BEEF TENDONS! And now I have international gourmet treats from Faya too. Oh, and stingy muzzer has put all the toys away except for Ms. Cow and Mr. Ace, so she will be doling those out periodically too.

Tomorrow, we are taking my new Kong Wubba from Butchy/Snickers to work to play with and muzzer is taking the camera to take pictures.

So, tomorrow we will also make some donations for Faya and Asta and Butchy Snickers, cause that is what I said I would do. Gotta see if I can find a good Airedale rescue site for Faya, locked in to the terrier thing cause they found my muzzer. hehehe...muzzer would never let me spend my pay pal funds on treats like this, but she is OK with the donations. I think I made out on this one!




Hammer said...

Hi Gus
Sorry I'm late wishing you a very happy Barkday. We're real pleased you had such a pawsome time.
Baby is safely back home now too.
Love from Hammer

Deanna said...

Wow! You got so many gifts! Everyone loves you!

Faya said...

I am happy that you like my pressies....and the treats. Maybe you could share with Teka....but only if you want.... Have a nice week !
Kisses, Faya & Véronique

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooo, Gus, what pawsome gifts! I hope you had a splendid barkday! J x

Cassidy said...

Wow, you getted so many presents Gussie! Do the treats all be tasty? Me be hungry now.

Cassidy x

Dandy Duke said...

Make sure muzzer takes a picture of you blowing bubbles with your gum, Gussie! This we gotta see!
You sure got some really nice gifts for your birthday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lenny said...

You got some great presents, Gus! You're really good at opening those boxes too. That's great that all of your treats will last a really long time, and I think that's really nice of you to donate to the rescue sites.

Your friend, Lenny

Princess Patches said...

Happy, happy Barkday, Gussie! You got lots of really cool presents and treats!

Poppy & Penny

Asta said...

I hope you have the bestest time playing with all youw pwessies..Faya always outdoes us all..I want to see you chewing youw gum..But fiwst find out how to get the gum out of youw fuzzy fuw when the bubble buwsts, hehehe
I loved seeing you at the pawty and I'm so glad you got to come home to mowe celebwations!!!!
You dida gweat job with opening!
smoochie kisses
pee ess..I love that you will donate!!! Thank you!!! that is the BEST!

Koobuss said...

Happy Belated barkday, Gussie!!! I am sorry i missed your birthday. Iwas so busy with the pawty that I forgot all abouy it. OOOPS!!

Love ya,

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Maya and Kena said...

Those are great prezzies Gus!!
Happy Belated barkday!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Katie said...

Oh my doggness Gussie. Our mom has been hogging the computer and we are just getting around to reading blogs. We did not know it was your barkday. Happy belated barkday!!

Balboa said...

Hey Gus,

Happy Belated Birthday, looks like you celebrated in style

Can we send you an email b-day card? my email is.... Balboas_mommy@yahoo.com

Frenchie SNorts