Shhhhh....please keep this a seecrud! See you all there. Bringing Toasted Ravioli and poker ships. Some Chianti, Some Lacrima Christi, a few Cannoli. Wearing my gondolier hat.
pee-ess...I know gondoliers are in Napoli, but that's where my muzzer's relatives live.
oh dog, pizza, primitivo, prosecco, pancetta, penne, I LOVE ITALY! and we love Asta, this will be GREAT!
Hi Gus
We will be there too, we are bringing pizza, yum yum, will try not to eat it all before we arrive!
Molly and Taffy
We be looking fiorward to the party, whee!
Cassidy x
Any excuse to go to NY, or Italy. Are you sure there shouldn't be a bon voyage party on the departure side too?
This party is going to be so much fun.
Sounds fun, count me in!
Will try to come up with an Italian desert, usually they're soooooo good I eat them all myself!!!
Love pats & pets
We're coming to the pawty and we're bringing lots of food and wine and Putter!
See you soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Gussie, we can't wait to see you in your gondolier's hat! We are waiting for Aire-Ruby right now!
Poppy & Penny
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