Hi, Dog Bloggers.
Before any more of you send me any more hate mail, I thought I should clarify things.
Gus is confused. I did, in fact, tell him that I was going back to D.C. However, he wasn't paying attention to me.
What was he doing instead, you ask? Oh, just this:
That's not fighting..evewy tewwiew knows biteyface is a wondewful game we love to play..although I think Gussie is vewy patient with the little landshawk..I love the way he puts his sweet fuwwy hands awound hew and sowt of twies sitting on Teka, hehehe
love that guy!
smoochie kisses
Of course that is not fighting..it is terrier bitey face like Asta says...And how sweet that he puts her entire ear into his mouth,about 12,00 times and then sometimes even her whole head. Now if this was a fight......well it would have looked a lot different(AND BELIEVE US WE KNOW) lOVE A+A( Uh Gussie,call us Buddy we had NO IDEA of the severity of this)
We agree -- that's not fighting. Gussie loves to chew on Teka's ear --and Teka gets upset when he stops!!!
"Making out" sounds about right...But what do we know about such things?
Jake and Just Harry (via Heron-cam)
Hey Gussie, I forget, when is your big move?
I think you and Teka look like you're practicing in case you REALLY need to fight with some big scary dogs. You look very intimidating, especially when you stick Teka's head in your mouth.
Your friend, Lenny
No not making out! Dog forbid shut your mouth! Shudder at the thought....
I do like the Pose Control you exhibit Gussie.
Bussie Kissies
No wonder you didn't hear correctly. Teka was distracting you!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
In the first 30 seconds of that video I think I picked up at least 5 new wrasslin moves! You are a master!
As for E. Rabbit, I think putting it all on your shoulders is no excuse. Guess the peemails she got did the trick, huh?
Goober love & smooches,
Hm the making out I have seen on HBO never really involves that much teeth, or barking! I found some wedding pics from when you guys stopped by, check out my blog!
Teka has some fierce looking teeth - I'm sure if they were really fighting Gus would have lost an eye or something by now!
Hey Gus, nice moves, pal! I like the way you use your substantial wireyness to pin her down and gnaw on her ear! J x
PS Just re-read that and it sounds a little bit saucy. Ooops! Hehehehe!
Mmm definately wrestling. I heard the seconds out bell in the background. BTW - do you have an ear fixation like me?
Wags, Eric
Hmm...first of all, I had NO IDEA that Teka has such delightful coveted tummy spots...she looks like a dalmation!!!
Second, it was a fab game of bitey face...and flash the camera with Gussie's butt shots....WOOOOT!
Thirdly, E. Rabbit...Mumsie's so glad ur NOT a stuffie!!!!!
Attractive lakie barks,
No WAY is that making out!
ps. Please tell Teka that we see your 5 a.m. and raise you a 4:30. And now that we have to be walked in shifts, often earlier.
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