Well, we thought we should let you look around and see what kind of progress muzzer is making on packing for the move! Here I am inspecting the cabinet in the study. Not much left in there. No bones or dog toys remaining.

This is a view of the corner by the window. We have piles like these in almost every room.

The Dining Room is partially packed. Muzzer is doing the easy stuff. She will wait for the professionals to pack the china and her Christmas dishes.

Here is a view of the room where dad has been stacking boxes. We haven't got a final count, but he has more at his offices.
That's what my life has been recently. Boxes, Boxes, Boxes. Wrestle with Teka. More boxes. I think I will be glad to be "on the go" again.
kisses to all
look at all those boxes. You guys must have lots of stuff.
Gus - your people are on top of things! We leave things to the last minute and it is never ever fun to move. Where are you moving to?
the boxes should be good fow playing hide and seek wif Teka..but I hope that you don't accidently get packed..that would be howwible!!!!
Mommi got a migwaine today fwom the heat..and it's going to stay this way till at least thuwsday..I'm watewing my bootiful money twee..still no dollaws though
smoochie kisses
pee ess..it won't be long now till youw woad twip!!! wooot!
We feel for you, Gussie! Our pawrents have moved waaaaaay too many times and it never gets any easier! They found out, along the way, that even though it is easier to let the pros pack your stuff, it's a lot safer to do it yourself. Who wants their bath mat packed with their silverware? Or one lampshade to a box when you are paying by the box? Just think, though...once you start unpacking, it's sort of like Christmas. (Only you don't get any NEW stuff).
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Gussie Man!
Again, my girl thanks you for the booty shot in the first photo. She is requesting that for the displaying of such a fine wire booty that you biggify the photos before posting, thank you. (Sheesh! What a GOOB she is. She is always embarrassing me.)
So, when do you hit the road, buddy? I can't wait to see you at your new place cristening the lawn and getting to know the neighbors. It looks like a cozy little place.
If there's any way to wrangle a stop in GooberSTan, let me know.
Goober love & packing smooches,
Those boxes look like a great place to lose Teka -- if that is your desire. But after that last video, we're not sure that's what you want to do!!
We're sure you're being a big help to muzzer in organizing everything!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
wow, I would be SO ANNOYED if this was my house. I hate boxes and I hate when the humans move anything around, even just to clean!
Well all we can say is thank goodness Muzzer has you to supervise and make sure it is all being done correctly.....Now about packing Teka into a box.....ONLY KIDDING TEKA!! Love and kisses A+A
Boxes are for investigating. If there were that many boxes in my house I think I'd explode! J x
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