As you can see...................

It has been a pretty uneventful day. After a fine start this morning, we made excellent time down interstate 40 heading toward Amarillo, TX

Somewhere just outside of Albuquerque, Teka made her big break of the day and promoted herself to riding in the front seat on Dad's lap. I guess that is OK, as long as she doesn't think she can ride on my muzzer!

And then just outside of Santa Rosa, we saw a whole line of cars like these driving along the freeway. Muzzer and Dad got all excited. Muzzer forgot to take photos so these are "borrowed" from a Route 66 website. This caravan happens every year, and it a real traffic stopper. Er, traffic slower, because we all had to get in line to drive around them while they waved and yelled at us. Sure were friendly folks in those funny cars

We went to the bank in Santa Rosa to sign some papers to make some money go "by wire transfer" to pay for the house in Tennessee. Me and Teka got to sit in the bank with Muzzer and Dad. Teka got us tossed out! She was very noisy. I apologized on my way out, and the tellers loved me.
Gussie on the road in Texas
How neat that you got to see all those antique autos! Mom would have run off the road taking pictures and not paying attention!
I guess the bank in TX doesn't hand out cookies! Bummer!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We hope you are all having a good trip! Our pawrents drove all the way from Phoenix to Georgia. It took them 3 whole days. They are wishing you an "uneventful" trip. They say that's the best kind.
Stay safe!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Ever the social fixer and smoother-over of Teka's faux paws! I bet those tellers were sad to see you and your money go!
Goober love,
How exciting -- a road trip with a brand new destination!!!
Sounds like Teka should be an honorary Barkalot!!!
Lots of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
How could anyone NOT love you, Gus? Hope you're having fun on your big move! J x
Oh boy that Teka....Good thing you were there Gussie,Those cars are cool!!!! How much longer??? Love A+A(we say that because we can not IMAGINE being inthe car with Teka for extended periods of time)
Oh boy that Teka....Good thing you were there Gussie,Those cars are cool!!!! How much longer??? Love A+A(we say that because we can not IMAGINE being inthe car with Teka for extended periods of time)
Sounds like Teka is causing trouble everywhere she goes. I wonder if I can wire transfer some pizza to my house?
Wow Gus...yer on yer ya can't wait ta get ta Tennesee 'n see yer new house....did ya really get ta go in the bank? Too bad Teka was noisy but I'm sure ya made a lasting impression on the tellers with yer good behavior...have a safe trip...
Dewey Dewster here....
It must be hell to have to always clean up aftew Teka...figoowatively ..if it wewen't fow you, I'm suwe all doggies would be banned fwom thewe fwom now on
smoochie kisses
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