As you know, the last time I saw Teka, she was gettin into Swede William's limousine, heading off to visit him in Paducah. She called from Cape Giradeau, Mo where she had sweet talked the limo driver into visiting a Steak n' Shake, and then again from Paducah as they were pulling up in front of the Whippet Waggel House.
Since then, we haven't heard from her. And - now this is a seecrud, OK? I am gettin a little worried.
So, I have been in contact with Inspector Butcho

We will keep our eyes peeled for her!
Brilliant idea!! We can't wait to see their disguise(of course how we will know it is them if it is a disguise??) Love A+A
w00f's Gussie, iffin anydog can find Teka, it wood b those 2...
b safe,
Oh Dear Heavens...Teka took off to go and hang out with the Whippets???? Whippetville is never gonna be the same again! This could be a good thing Gussie...at least she won't be peeing on the hardwoods!!!!
Sweet William has his work cut out for him, doesn't he?
Wow...we're not sure we've ever seen Teka sittin' still long enough to moon over anything much less an intact Whippet.
Can you see Butchie and Joey with all those Whippets chasin' 'em???
That oughta be rich!!!!!
We gave you an award! Check it out!
Thank DOG I have been dieting is all I can say....
That's nice that you're getting help to keep an eye on Teka
~ Girl girl
Hahah, just laughing at Joe's comment about dieting. I'm sure Butchy & Joe are up to the job. J x
This should be one great investigation!! Wonder what the whippet servant will think!!
Keep us informed.
Jake and Just Harry
We can't wait to hear what the investigators come up with!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I think Inspectow Butcho and detective Joe Stains will be pawfect fow the job....I wan't to see theiw disguises..once they succeed in locating Teka, could you pleez send them to me to find out what's gouing on wif Myrna?
thanks and smoochie kisses
My sissy is part sight hound! She could do her part! I don't know if I could pass for a whippet, though.
ps. My ma ape thinks it's a shame that the Bush twins would make better Presidents than their dad. Even drunk. Amy Carter turned out ok, right? And Chelsea?
Gee Gus,
We had a lot ta catch up on in yer life...Gram just didn't blog at the cottage cause of the dialup takin' so long ta load...so Teka is goin' on an adventure in a limo ta see Swede William....did ya have that little talk with him 'bout his intentions? Ya know once yer bitten by the LOVE BUG ya just never are the same.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Don't worry, Gus. I'm sure that with Butchy and Joe Stains on the case that you will soon know what happened to Teka. They are two of the best.
Koobuss Kisses,
Gus, We dont' live that far from Paducha, ourselves. There are a lot of hills and hollers where she may be when out for a walk. If we see her, we will let you and everyone know!
I'll keep my eye out...and The Mom and I had Steak N Shake for dinner tonight!
We tagged you and your mom, Gussie! Check out our blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ah she's just off having fun. I'm sure she will be home soon.
Hope you'we all well!..I think Mommi is having a newvous bweakdown..Auntie Kawen is fine, but not a vewy coopewative patient..Daddi is FINE!!!!!!!!
I'm kindof lonely..Mommi is gone all the time..and tomowwow she won't be home even fow sneep
smoochie kisses
I heard about Teka's escapade on Joe's blog and came over to lend some support. MAN! Just WHAT is that girl thinking? (Obviously, she's NOT!)
I understand how those big bruzzer instincts kick in, but don't worry. Teka's a tough girl and if she's with the Whippets she'll be okay. I was more worried about those she would meet on her roadtrip there.
As a side note, Butcho looks a little like one of the knights of the roundtable in that getup. So, I'm thinking he knows about disguises. Joe is just a master at anything he does. I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of this. (I'm going to keep their numbers on speed dial in case I ever need them to hunt down the Stellanator.)
Goober love & solidarity,
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