She has medicine, special food, and a shaved spot on her leg where they put the I-vee.
She seems to be feeling better, but like the vet says, she has been pretty sleepy, so about all she has been doing is napping and eating and going outside.
Muzzer says I must be quiet and not try to play with her too much. Sheesh.
Swede William is on his way home, he says please make psghetti and he will see y'all by dinnertime.
Boring. Glad I get to go see my groomer tomorrow.
More later.
I'm so happy Teka is home!!!! Take good care of her Gussie!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Glad Tekais home, and westing..it must be nice fwo Muzzew..I wish you could come to my house..you suwe wouldn't be bowed wif the little fuzzbutt snapping away at you wif his shawk teef, heheheh
Once in a while I tell hew to cut it out, mbut mostly I let him jump awound like a maniac, hehehehehe
smoochie kisses
I didn't have to take a baf..my cat sissies spwayed me wif some paint wemovew, and pwesto Iwas clean again
I have an awawd fow you
smoochie kisses
Hey Gussie! We are glad to know Teka is home. (Did you ever think you would be complaining about her being boring and quiet?! hah!)
Good luck at the Groomer tomorrow!
pee ess hay teka,hay teka. it iz scooter. i am glad u r home frum that vet. i hope u feel betterer the soonerest. i no not feelin gud iz no fun! wud u tel mi mom tu make psgetti too???? ok anok
hi 5s
w00f's Gussie and Teka, me iz soo happy her iz home...she looks like a sweet little girlie in dat picksur...hope she keeps gettin better..
b safe,
Poor Teka looks exhausted, and spottier than usual? Maybe the spots are just standing out more because she's gone pale from the shock of her experience.
Welcome home sweet little Teka. I hope you will be able to play with Gus soon...
Kisses, Faya
We are relieved to hear that Teka is home. The Servant is wondering why her credit card companies are calling.
Something about a side of beef, 243 rawhide chewies, 500 squeak toys, and a luxury suite showing up as charges.
William is going to have some 'splainin' to do!!!
wags from the whippets
Hey Gus, so glad to hear that Teka is back home where she belongs. I'm sure she'll be back to her old naughty self soon enough!
We're so glad Teka is home, Gussie! We hope she'll be back to her old self in no time at all!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Gussie...we're so glad Teka is home...you must have been so worried about her! I'm glad William was able to help out...that presidental suite he reserved was pawsome!
Did you say ur goin' to the groomers tomorrow? Any chance of Gussie Fuzzy Butt pix? Stan's girlie and I need our fix ya know!
Love ya lots...
Hi, Gus!
Glad to hear Teka is at home!
I am sure she will be like new soon!
Kisses and hugs
We are very glad to hear that Teka is home and you are taking good care of her. I know William would be mad if anything happened to her!!
Gussie, we are soooo glad Teka is home where she belongs! We hope she'll be back to annoying you very soon!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
glad she's home and doing well
Teka does look pretty drawn out in that photo. Being at the vet's can be exhausting. I think resting at home is the best thing for her.
Hope you don't catch whatever Teka had. It sounds like a bummer!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Hey Gussie,
Great Tekagraph. Pas along all of our sweet thoughts to a sweet pup. GET WELL SOON.m We all (even Gus) love ya.
Hey, Gussie!
We in GooberStan are stinkin' happy that the Teka Monster is back home where she belongs and no longer shackin' up with her boyfriend at the vet's! (Even though we are glad that Swede William definitely helped in her recovery.)
My girl asked me to ask you to NOT go to the groomer anytime soon. She want more of your fluffiness on display before then. (SHEESH! And YOU thought diahrrea was embarrassing.)
Goober love & smooches,
poor little Teka. we're glad she's home and feeling a bit better.
Hi, Gussie...
Oh My...My Mom has been too busy to help me catch up with my friends...
I'm sorry Teka was sooo sick, but I'm glad she is home now...
Abby xxxooo
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