This weekend we boarded
Aire Ruby and jetted off to attend the wedding of our friends Myrna and Gilbert Wheelie-
Kreit in
Salzburg, Austria. I was proud to escort my lovely Miss Snickers, shown standing next to me in the photo above. She looked lovely, if a bit slimmer than usual, in her pink frock, a special number from
Snitchybug Designs.
Teka attended with her own Swede Willie Yum, and they made a handsome couple, even if it did get a bit troublesome dragging that stepladder everywhere so that
Teka could be seen in photos! But we didn't regret a minute of it when
Willum became interpreter for many of us as we toured the beautiful city both before and after the ceremony. He is gifted in languages, and speaks almost as many as the beautiful Miss
Faya. His assistance was extremely valuable. (particularly useful in getting Lacie out of a few scrapes.)
I am glad that Miss Snickers and I were able to attend before she starts her new regime of feeno Barbie Doll next week. I understand it might make her crabby, and I surely do not want her to get angry with me.
kisses to all
Thanks to Asta and her Mommi for the photos.
Gussie d
Hi, Gussie...
Oh My...The wedding was sooo beautiful...
You & Miss Snickers make such a lovely couple, too...
Are you two next??
Abby xxxooo
What a khouple of khouples!
Tank woo fur sharing!
ahhh~ the sound of the wedding bell ! How nice ! BOL !
We've been waiting to hear more about the wedding! We've been imagining you all for the past few days! Everyone looked lovely, and like such happy couples.
Our humine sister said "awww" when she heard about Teka using a ladder so she could be seen in the photos ... sis said she'd "need one too!" It was nice to know that everyone was accommodated, though. Hopefully we can make it to the next event. You-know-who is gonna work on her confidence ...
SO glad you all had such a waggin good time. Are you gonna bring home some of those Mozart balls? They're good, I hear!
Gus you and Miss Snickers make such a handsome couple. Made for each other like two peeees in a pod.
And Teka quite the proper ladee with Willum despite her little step ladder. Don't think she will need it next time after taking jumping lesson from Lacie. Did you see the way both of them jumped up to catch Myrna's bouquet??
That wedding co-ordinator did the most magnificent job didn't she? Desreves a medal and a hugely enormous pay rise.
Wiry wags and oh Gussie I'm betting Miss Snickers will never be angry with you.
Eric xxxx
What??? You're not gettin' married Gussie, are ya? Huh??? Oh my...my heart is all a flutter....I mean...I could still FLIRT WITH YA, couldn't I?
Teka...if you haven't tried the jumpies on the shower door, it's guaranteed to irritate the hoomans...come and visit...I'll give ya a free lesson!!
Love to both of ya...
Miss Lacie A. Girl
and her stoopid brothers too...
Pee ess...our big sissy is all irritated cuz Mumsie hasn't posted bout her engagement. She got even madder when Mumsie told her that there was a Wheelie Weddin' that had to come first. Didn't go over well...these hooman sissies don't get it, do they?
Yep, we were wodering about that ladder -- especially since we know Ms. Teka Toy can jump higher than even we can. But at such an elegant wedding, a ladder, properly adorned with lilac flowers was obviously more appropriate than continual high jumps.
We had so much fun -- and it was great to see you both with your respective dates!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Whoa, that is one fancy fete. Classy!
wally t.
ps. Would you like BIT POO PUPS? My ma ape is worried about where they might wind up because whoever owned their mom and pop was up to NO GOOD. I am mostly worried they will wind up at MY house.
Dawling Gussie
I'm so glad you and Teka enjoyed youwselves! (she was so stwiking in that bloo dwess, Sweed Willum couldn't takehis eyes off hew)
You wewe the sweetest , most considewate love wif Snickers, I'm so glad she could come even though she's still not all well.
Mommi and I would be happy to be consultants fow youw sissies.
smoochie kisses
It was truly the wedding of the decade and we were all so lucky to be able to attend. You and Teka looked great in all your fancy duds with your loves.
Heya Gussie and Teka,
That's a very touching post and we fully realize that someone really put a lot of work into it. It is inspiring. We only have one word (or is it two0 to describe it:
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