"On March 11, just hours after a devastating kennel fire at the Fairfax Hunt in Leesburg, Barbara Hutcherson of the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation was given a choice: Accept responsibility for six badly burned foxhounds or allow them to be put to sleep.
Sapphire, Ranger, Reckon, Duchess, Rascal and Ramey faced extensive treatment for burns, smoke inhalation and blood loss. Two would require a month of hospitalization, with an overall cost exceeding $15,000. But as Hutcherson looked around the room, watching dogs labor for breath while technicians applied salve, administered transfusions and fashioned makeshift oxygen masks, there was really no choice at all, she said. "
To read the rest of this story from the Washington Post, please go to the link below.
thank you
gussie n Teka
Heading over there to read he rest now.
Thanks fur sharing :)
Big licks to you
Tank woo fur sharing THAT happy tale fur those tails!
We needed that since our day started out sadly with reading Bondi khrossed...
I can't even beaw to think of the pain..thank you fow telling us and thank you to Bawbawa Hutchinson.
Thewe awe angels out thewe
smoochie kisses
What an incredible story! Bless Barbara Hutcherson!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Gee Gus...
It's so nice ta hear about some of the angels that care fer those who are unable ta help themselves....man's best friend and angels...what a winning team....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hey Gus, my mom used to ride with the Fairfax Hunt 'way before I was born! She still knows some people there, they were very lucky they didn't lose more hounds than they did. Her friend there said the hunt got sooo much support from all over the country and overseas, donations and help, it was unbelievable. They rebuilt their kennel and have had horses donated to them, they're really grateful.
A heartwarming story! Thank you for sharing.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Wow--thank you for sharing that!
Thanks for sharing that, its nice to hear some good news coming out of something so terrible.
Heya Gus,
We kinda think that The Fairfax Hunt Club doesn't need any donations. Just ask E-Rabbit what the demographics of Fairfax County are. We've been through Fairfax and we are aware of the people that participate in fox hunting and really think that they've got more than enough money already. The Lost Dog and Cat rescue is another story. There is never ever enough money for operating a rescue organization. We doubt if the 9 puppies with the unknown dad are going to be allowed to be full fledged blue blood foxhounds of the club. They've all probably been disposed already; hopefully to good homes.
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