29 August 2009

Leaving us (yet again!)

Me and Gussie just found out that the Muzzer is leaving us (again)
to go to St. Loulis and take Aunt Re to see her Dogtor.
We thought we would show you what we will be doing while she is gone.
I, of course, have my favorite position on the big bed. I think the
headboard thingy is very complimentary to my coloring.
Gussie loves his sofa, even though muzzer puts ugly quilt thingies
on it to "protect" it. From what, you ask?
From the TERRIERS she says.
However, I have noticed that Dad watches a lot of baseball
games on that sofa, so I wonder if it isn't also to protect
the sofa from THE DAD! And popcorn.

Anyway...we will be reading bloggies and posting comments,
but we will probably not post pictures or blog until SHE gets back.
Unless, of course, we find some really hoooomilllieating photos of
HER in the files! Then...watch out mama...revenge is sweet.
Teka Toy Dagger
Gussie n Teka


Patience-please said...

Hope your muzzer has a great trip and your auntie is okay. HAVE FUN while she's gone. (Swede William flew out the door heading south as soon as he read that y'all be home alone!)

wags from the rest of the whippets if you even remember us

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khan't wait to see 'em!

I just nose they exist!

Safe travels to Muzzer AND have fun with Dad!


Anonymous said...

Hey Teka,
Our dad just got back from a week in STL. Well, actually he just stayed in a hotel in STL while he was working across the big muddy river in a place called Granite City. Dad says that it was cooler and less humid than it usually has been in August on his previous trips. We hope that the dad takes good care of y'all and doesn't take up too much room on the sofa. Hopefully Muzzer won't be gone too long.

TwoSpecialWires said...

We thought your reclined positions looked so comfortable, we assumed them immediately after seeing them. Now, three hours later, we're leaving a comment. You've got the right idea, Gus and Teka. Make yourselves comfortable and wait. Assume that she'll return with treats. It is to be expected, ya know?

Compassionately yours,
Jake and Fergi

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hope the trip goes well for Muzzer and that you and Dad get lots of nice comfy time together on that sofa.

woos, the OP Pack

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Your Daddy will take great care of you. I hope you aunt is OK. Y'all look very comfy on your bed. Oh Gusse, you might like reading McDuff moves in. The little dog looks just like you.
Sally Ann

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Y'all have been given a friendly award. Please come to my blog to pick it up.
Lord Duncan of McDuff, and Sally Ann Canis

Koobuss said...

Those are wonderful plans, guys. I can't think of anything better to do when Muzzer isn't home. Teka, you have a great spot there. I have one just like it on my mom's bed. Hehehe..

Hope Muzzer has a good trip and that Aunt Re's doctor's appointment goes well.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Dexter said...

My Master watches that baseball crap a lot too. We have labraproof blankets on the couch so that they can get washed.


Duke said...

We hope Muzzer's trip goes well!
Have a great time with your dad, guys! We're crossin' our paws that he takes you out for burgers and ice cream!

Wavin' at ya from Nantucket,
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, You Guys...

I hope your Mom has a great trip & comes back really soon...

At least you have some really comfy spots to wait for her...

Abby xxxooo

Astrid Keel said...

hope your muzzer has a good time and your auntie's appointment goes well.

sounds like Snuggle time with Daddy!

Asta said...

Gussie 'n Teka
I'm suwe the quilt is thewe to pawtect against youw Dad's popcown and not you ow even Teka.

Hope Muzzew has a safe and not fwustwating twip. I'm suwe she is beweft at being away fwom you
smoochie kisses

Jake of Florida said...

Woof!!! We hope Auntie Re is doing OK.

We spent part of the afternoon watching our redbirds win another game -- 10 ahead!!!

Wirey love,

Jake and JH

Joe Stains said...

Well we will certainly miss seeing you guys!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

My dog, Gus...you look SO BLINDINGLY WHITE in that pic, I had to put my sunnyglasses on!!!

Do they stick ya out in the hot sun to bleach???

Oh...the high here was 65 degrees...we needed jackets...well, Mumsie did!



Eric said...

Hey Gussie Wussie and Teka Wabbit! Cute snuggling that looks a most perfect plan. Kind of you to share your sofa with Dad Gussie.But what is this big bed everybloggie keeps on about? We don't have one in SDH.Or is the leggededs porkie pieing again? Pawsonally I prefer Rabbit pie specially when the ears pop through the pastry lid, do you too?

Safe trip to Muzzer and paws crosse Auntie Re's doctors appointment goes well.

Wiry loves and kisses Eric xx

Agatha and Archie said...

Hope Muzzer has a lovely time PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Love A+A

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Gus & Teka,
Tell Muzzer have a safe trip and have a little fun too!! Love you all, Fern
P. S. Thank-you for your visit!!!!!

Moco said...

Muzzer needs to be fearful of what might show up on this blog while she is gone.

William Tell said...

Good idea, looking so nice and calm when your Muzzer is leaving. She'll never suspect you'll get up to mischief while she's out of sight. hee hee

Happy Tails,
William Tell