17 November 2009

Snickers Update

Well, I am sorry I am so late posting this, but muzzer just HAD to take the Doc to the Dogtor, and you know how two leggeds stick together some time.

Anyway...by the time they got back, the note in my e-mail from Mama Lamb was a gadzillion hours old. And we are a gadzillion and a half hours late posting this.

Our apologies, both for the lateness and for the fact that this is not so good news. Snickers is once again having a bloody discharge from her nose, and she has been tired and lethargic. She has a little bit of fever too. BUT..the swelling has not come back, and she is still eating and drinking.

Cross paws again guys, if you will. And go out and howl all the dog zen back in the direction of Ioway.

Thank you.



Ruby Bleu said...

Oh poor sweet Snickers...paws are crossed and trust me I'll be howling away soon. Hope the Doc is feeling better too.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We saw this on Asta's Mommi's FB page...

We are still khrossing and vibing fur your sweetie!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

We sure hope everyone is feeling well at your house, and we will continue to pray for Miss Snickers.
Sally Ann

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are sending our vibes right across the border. We so hope she can pull through this.

woos, the OP Pack

Asta said...

I'm howling and stawing at the dostaw..auntie alett says hew tempewatoowe is nowmal and that's good..I just want that howwid distchawge and swelling to get lost
I'm pwaying sooo hawd
smoochie kisses,ASTA
pee ess..we hope the doc is OK

Jake of Florida said...

Yes sir, Paws crossed!!!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Anonymous said...

We're with Ruby Bleu and Khyra. Our howls and prayers will be going out for Ms. Snickers. We hope she is not experiencing any pain.

Patience-please said...

Yikes, we sure hope everything is Ay Okay with your manservant... That troubles us.

We'll keep sending our best miracle whippet healing thoughts to Miss Snickers.

worried wags from the whippets

The Airechicks said...

We've got the AIREZEN going and will hold Miss Snickers tight in our prayers!!!


Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Gussie...we're sorry ta hear that Ms Snickers is still havin' health problems....we wish her the best and hope that she can get over this set-back.....we will .....all 3 of us.....keep our paws crossed and await further news....here's to the Power of the Paw !!!!!

Dewey Dewster here....

Casper and pals said...

Paws are crossed!

Get better Snickers

Anne said...

Gus, we have voted for Alice and thanks for the updates.



TwoSpecialWires said...

We haven't stopped sending our zen ... and we have no intention of stopping now. In fact, we've doubled up, tripled up, oh, whatever ... we're doing our very best to send Snickers and her family the support we know they need. This is scary stuff. We want Snickers better NOW.

Thanks for keeping everybody up to date. We hope your doc is doing okay.

Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Deefor said...

Poor Snickers. We're saying a prayer for her.

Deefor and Arrow

Koobuss said...

I'll certainly do that! The wind must have blown all our zen off course there for a little while. We gotta get it going back in Snicker's direction.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Cocorue said...

thanks for the update.....you are a good pal

still wishing ms Snickers a speedy recovery


Faya said...

We are still praying here also....
Kisses, Faya

Duke said...

Our paws remain crossed for you, Snickers!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kelly said...

Praying soooo hard for Snickers! Thanks for keeping us updated, Gussie!

Deetz said...

We will continue to cross our paws for dear Ms. Snickers and her family. We know how hard this is to watch, let alone question if we are doing the right thing when in this situation...we send tons of love towards Iowa!

Moco said...

Howling at this very moment.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie...we're waiting to hear how Miss Snickers is today...

Keep us updated, dear boy!

Mumsie brushed all of us and my butt is almost the size of Teka's now...but it's all fur, of course...

Love to all!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We hope your Doc is a-ok! We continue to send all we can! We are remaining postive. For right now, Miss Snickers is here. And whatever happens, look at what she has started! An annual day for all of us to send love and support around this big ol world. Now that's something!

Lacy said...

w00fs, me iz sooo worried bout Ms Snickers...

b safe,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are sending out more big Heeler Vibes to Miss Snickers..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie