14 November 2009


We left a little early tonight for walkies, so we could be in the peace park down the street by 5:00 pm.

It is a lovely green cathedral, where EVEN TEKA was quiet for 40 seconds...even though she quivered for half of them, waiting to do her part.

We know she started a bit early, but by 5:01 everydog in the neighborhood joined in, and we could hear some of the zoo animals too! Even muzzer barked. Well, just once, then she started happy laughing and almost choked.

Dad thought we lost our collective half a mind, but we felt the zen.

Thanks to Jake, Fergi, Ninagirl and Moma for this wonderful idea.



TwoSpecialWires said...

Your muzzer barked and choked. Ours tried to hold back tears, then just let 'em flow.

Women! Szheesh!

Jake and Fergi xxoo

(Wasn't it GREAT?!)

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hahahah, we did too! Didn't Jake and Fergi have the best idea!
(Mom says this is one of those times where it is a plus not to have a significant other, no one to think we lost our minds! hahahaha)

Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

Me & my Mom had our Moment of Silence at 6:00PM here in Upstate NY...

I swear I felt the Zen, too...

We are sending Our Love & Prayers to Miss Snickers...

This was such a wonderful idea...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

Asta said...

We did it too fiwst the silence and soo many thoughts while while Mommi and Daddi held ma and Duffy, then jopyous bawking and lots of Big big smoochies flying thwough the aiw
I love you gussie and hope youw snickews felt it all

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We did ours too!

Mom flashie beastie our moment fur the Sunday blog post!

Well done Mayemphis!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It was so very special here too, Gussie. We lit a candle and Mom said a little prayer. We hope we were all able to do some good for Snickers.

Woos, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

Hey Gussie and Teka,
What a wonderful tribute. Good on y'all.

Snowball said...

We did it too. It was 7am our time. I was afraid jie jie might not be able to wake up on time so I woke her up at 6.30am to bring me down to pee so by 7am we are back home and jie jie is wide awake for the minute of silence for Snickers. I hope Snickers will receive all the paw power we have forwarded to her.


Moco said...

Good job!

Duke said...

We had our moment of silence too, Gussie, which mom said was a miracle in itself! We felt the power! It was just awesome! We hope Snickers felt it too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

We were there too for sure.


Joe Stains said...

It was a wonderful idea!! We sent all we could to Ms. Snickers!!

Faya said...

We did it also but in silence because here it was midnight....
Kisses, Faya

Astrid Keel said...

what a wonderful gesture ... we wish we could have joined you, but we completely missed it!


wally said...

Haroooo! Thank you for spreading the word for Ms. Snickers and keeping us all updated. We hope all our good vibes arrive to keep her healthy!

My ma ape says she knows the park and wishes she could be there with you howling with the animals!

wally t.

Stanley said...


We just heard about Miss Snickers and spent some quality time with our girl yesterday at 5:00 thinking about her and sending out all of our healing goob smooches and love! Looks like it's working. Can't imagine how you and your sweet Muzzer are holding it together, but know we're sending you some goob lovin' too! I've missed you, man!

Be sure to let Snickers know how much we all love her. We'll tell her directly too, you can bet on that!

Goober love & smooches,

Donna said...

I like to go outside. I get to sniff things. :)

patience-please said...

We're pulling with all we got!

wags from the whippets

Eric said...

Gussie! I was there with Mom reaching out my paws joining with everybloggie in the power of the paw. Mom woke me up specially as it was past my bed time. Says shivers went down her spine - must of felt the power circling the world.

WoW! Now I see a shining glimmer of hope in Miss Snickers comment. Oh Gussie, let it be true. We send extra heartfelt wiry love and kissies to you and your special sweetie Snickers.

Eric xxxx

Asta said...

Gussie and Teka

If you just come to visit, I'll show you whewe you cn get the squiwwels..they awe bwazen..come wight up to you.
Lacie is awedy collecting squiwwel stew wecipes
smoochie kisses

Sally said...

We did send our vibes too - but I got a little carried away and couldn't stop barking - but more energy - means more positive vibes, no? Give Snickers a big hug and kiss from us,

Sally, Paddy and D

Deetz said...

It was a wonderful idea which deserves an award. We set our clocks and sat in silence for it seemed like hours...we wanted to make sure ms. snickers felt us from all over. I could feel and hear our love flowing towards Iowa...what an amazing thing it was.

Scout and Freyja said...

We are PURRayin' fur the doggy furry mucho and furry hards. We are sendin' as mucho ♥ as our little ♥s can make and even our kitties are helpin'.