19 March 2010

Breaking News!

Teka Bites Hand that Feeds Her!

Last night on walkies at Rhodes, Teka found
a particularly chewy morsel of something
beneath one of the trees.

Despite repeated commands to Drop It!
from the muzzer and attempts by muzzer
to remove said item...Teka retained it
between her iron jaws!

The Dad arrived  and repeated the command!
Receiving no response - he put his fingers in her
mouth to attempt to pry it out.

The result?
Blood, bruising and a Bandaid (after cleaning)

All reports say they have reconciled, but I think
repeated infractions may not be in her best interests.

Believe me, I have learned to keep away from the JRT Jaws!


I don't care!  It was deeeeliscious!
And he is a softie.

Teka Toy


Peppy Sheppys said...

P.S. Our secret word was WANTON. Which prolly relates to Teka somehow.

Peppy Sheppys said...

OOOOOOWCH. Don't hurt the typing fingers. Those are the moneymakers. That's what our ape sez, anyway. We thought it should be the brains but she doesn't use those as much as she should.

Sheps w/Pep.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Rut roh!

Of khourse, this did add some points to the Gussie kholumn!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Teka Teka Teka - better shape up or woo will be in the Xterra one of these weekend's headed to Jersey -

Lacy said...

w00fs, Teka, hmmm u bestest not bitie the hands that feed u or give u treats...heehee bitie gussies paw, but not hard..

b safe,

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Teka....

not good, not good at all. without finger, there will be not snackies...just try and remember that!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jake of Florida said...

Silly Teka -- not smart behavior! Especially when you live in a house with so much brainpower.

Sit at Gussie's paw and learn some manners.

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

(We hope bitten finger has been properly taken care of. Scholars are too few these days!!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gussie,

Mayzie agains! Thanks for comin' by to visit my bloggie and say hi. So I thinks all you need to do is to click on the name of the post that you want to leaves a comment on. That will take you to another page with just that post on it. Then you scrolls down to the bottom to leave your comment.

Bark at me if that doesn't work and we'll figure it out together!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. Please tell Teka that biting the hand that feeds is most certainly not advised!

the TN Bull Terrors said...

ut oh, good thing Teka is so cute, shamee on you!

Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Skippy the Foster Dude ^..^

Duke said...

I'm the same way when I have a paper towel in my mouth. No way am I giving it up! You gave fair warning growls, right, Teka?

Love ya lots,

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Miss Teka,
You musan't bite your Daddy, he loves you and he feeds you.
Sally Ann

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Teka Toy, does your Dad's finger look like raw meat or chicken wing to you?
Tsk! Tsk!

Scout and Freyja said...

WOWZA! Momma says that us doggies is to NEVER put our teef on a human being. That is a bad, bad thing. We hope you never do it again, ever!

Koobuss said...

Oh, Teka! Not a good idea. Sometimes you just gotta let go, but being a terrier, that's very unlikely. And when humans stick their fingers into terriers' mouths, well...

You are lucky, Teka. Dad looks like his injury is non life-threatening. Glad to see that you are buddies again. But, please, try not to do this any more, Teka. There are lots of other ways to have fun around the house.

Love and lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Dexter said...

Hey! No worries, some things are just too good to let go. My old airedale would let me take stuff from his mouth, no worries. Until the day he picked up a flat roadkill squirrel. Then those jaws just clamped shut and he got that look on his face. I let him eat the nasty thing. Sigh.

Mango Momma

Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

Uh Oh...I bet your Dad wasn't too happy with Teka right then...

Whatever it was, it must have tasted pretty good...

Abby xxxooo

McGillicutty said...

Ok, first things first, Teka, me lass, what WERE you thinking? That is the first rule for us dogs---never bite the hand that feed ya! But, I guess in this case, you just bit the hand taking it away-so it MIGHT be okay---I'll consult and get back to ya.

Now, in that French video, what was she saying? Me thinks she was announcing Gussie's trip to France with Sally Ann and Mack, but I'm not sure. Translation please.

Oh, and you got it, lad, Beale Street Barkday 2011!!

Irish Love, McG

Joe Stains said...

Woah Teka, I hope it was something good like a taco. You are being rather brave!

Eric said...

Crikey. I bow in awe to your terrier tenaciousnessss Teka.What were you eating I wonder? Mom's always sticking her fingers down my throat to hook out something or other. Xcept when it's the kittie logs or deer dropping. Can't see the difference myself when she pick up mine.....

Wiry love Eric xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, not good, Teka. Too bad Dad didn't have an even tastier treat in his pocket so he could have done a tradeoff. Hope Dad is OK. Gus, you must have moved way up on the star status:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Haha Gus, guess what, today while tutoring a friend on how to create a blog, my mom used one of my dad and herself picture to show her friend about uploading a photo. She then deleted the picture right away but I don't know why the picture is still hanging there on everybody's blogroll. And my mom doesn't know how to take the picture off completely, oh my!
Love ya lots!

Agatha and Archie said...

What there is something wrong with what she did?? Love A+A

TwoSpecialWires said...

We weren't allowed to read this post. Seems whatever it is about is something that Moma's other wirey ones did, but we haven't. Yet. Seems like we must be missing out on something pretty impressive.

Furever curious,
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Life With Dogs said...

So...is anyone grounded? :)

Asta said...

I'm flattewed beyond wowds heawing you say, I'm stawting to look like you..I have aways admiwed how wondewful you look ..Thank you fow the compliment

smoochie kisses
Youw fellow spwing lamby

Remington said...

Don't feel bad -- that happened to me just the other day....Beth had her fingers just a little to close to those good treats! I didn't mean it....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Strong work, Teka...!

Never let a hooman between those crushing terrier jaws!

Mumsie's pointer nail is just about ready to fall off...I um bit her Christmas Day...it was my little pressie to her...and there's this hooge yella spot and she'll be like doin' something at work and her nail's gonna go flyin' and gross everybody out!!

