11 June 2013

Teka's day at the Dentist

Teka had to go see the Dog Dentist today to get her pearly whites polished.  She sends her best, and asks whether she will qualify for the "Lambshank Gang" now?

Sigh....I miss her, but being an only dog has been pretty much fun.



Asta said...

Gussie, i know yoo luv Teka and miss hew, but I hope yoo gots sum lovely you time wif Muzzew today and lots of cuddles. I'm sending Teka some smoochies fow hew peawly whites and yes pleez tell hew she is now an offishul membew of ouw lambshank gang
Soochiest of my kisses to you Gussie
Yoow Asta

Gus said...

Thank you sweetheart..I will pass your good wishes along to Teka. Muzzer says now she will start saving up so that I can have my toofies cleaned too!


Jake of Florida said...

Thank doG, new members of the Lambshank Gang are rare...but Teka is certainly welcome!!!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

She will be BACK Soon with Shiny White teefs...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo sure she didn't spend the day at the airport?


Duke said...

Show us those pearly whites, Teka!
It is nice to be an only furkid for a short while, isn't it, Gussie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

This is very impressive post with every minute details mentioned and clearly expressed,
great job.
Dentist clinic in Mohali

Little Reufus said...

Show uss the bearly whites, Teka! I can't wait teu se!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Unknown said...

. I'm sending Teka some smoochies fow hew peawly whites and yes pleez tell hew she is now an offishul membew of ouw lambshank gang
Soochiest of my kisses to you GussieChallenge coins