Oh boy oh boy.....We are leaving for St. Loulus on July 4! We will be "On the Road Again" and I will have lots of exciting things to blog about. Like, how many times does muzzer get sick in the car each day? And, how effective was Gussie at scoring a hamburger for lunch? And, did the lessons Teka is giving me make it easier for me to wriggle out of my safety harness? Wow.
Between now and then, we are also a pretty busy family. Tomorrow I see the vet. Add to the worry list the fact that I am getting some shots, and prolly a blood test. Woe is me. Must think of Jackson and be strong. Then, this coming weekend Dad is going up to Prescott for a couple of days. Prescott is the original state capitol, and a cute town. It is also much cooler than Tempe! But muzzer and I are staying home to take care of Grandpa and the store. Monday muzzer takes Grandpa to get his blood counted. I hope he has enough. I think I will put it on my worry list.
Then Dad comes back for a while, spends two weeks with me and muzzer, and then he goes to England for a long time. My friend Jackson invited him to visit, but Dad is going to wait until muzzer can go along with him for that visit. He is visiting friends at Oxford, then doing his
"dog and pony" show in Manchester and Stirling, and then flying back here on July 2. Hey, wait a minute....how can he do a dog and pony show when I am staying in Azrizona this trip???? Oh well, one more thing for the worry list.
"dog and pony" show in Manchester and Stirling, and then flying back here on July 2. Hey, wait a minute....how can he do a dog and pony show when I am staying in Azrizona this trip???? Oh well, one more thing for the worry list.
Then, we spend a whole day doing his laundry, and early in the morning of the fourth of July, we get into the white Gussiemobile and leave. We will be blogging regularly....maybe even more regularly than we do now
, and I will share pictures and stories and all kinds of stuff with my friends. But not food. Road food is my favorite. Steak n' Shake, here comes Gussie!
Final item for worry list for today. Miss Fee said she thinks I am looking a bit chunky. Am I really? Tomorrow we are visiting the vet, and I bet I find out. Oh..if I am chunky, can I still eat Steak n Shake? Will my friends like me if I am chunky? Oh my. worry worry worry. muzzer says I am becoming Eeyore. Note to self: who is Eeyore, and how can a Gussie become an Eeyore?
worry worry worry.
please dont think you are chunky because I think that is a bunch of crap. I sure wish I could go on a giant car ride some time. Mom told me that instead of going somewhere this summer we get a visit from her sister, my aunt that has the three little kids.
You are not chunky, you are muscular and sturdy, and pawfect....and I have xlellent taste so I know this stuff!
What great plans..sounds like a great summer, can't wait to hear more..that Steak'nShake looks awfully yummy, droool,BTW I weally like Eeyore, I saw him in a book I was eating
smoochie kisses
Hey Gus, you're not chunky, you're just "big boned" like me. Hope it goes OK at the vet. What are the blood tests for?
I bet you can't wait for your trip. Sounds like you're going to have lots of fun. J x
You don't like chunky to me Gussie! You look exactly like you're supposed to look!
Good luck at the vet's. We'll be thinking of you!
Love ya lots,
Gussie -
We hope you have a great trip. That dog and pony thing confuses me too - it seems you would be a critical part and could go along with your dad to ENgland? *SIGH* Those humans always confuse me!
Have a happy day - AND a safe and happy trip.
Love, Dory
I hope your vet visit went well and I don't care what the good doctor said, you're not chunky and you need Steak n' Shake!
dear gussie,
i wish you loads of fun on your road trip. do you think you will get to taste any roadkills? please keep us updated...
ps: fat is the new thin and chunky is the new hunky!
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