28 October 2008
We will not be blogging (cause Dad won't help) but we will be able to check in on your blogs, at least during the day while he is at work.
We have the poodles from next door (their paws are teeny tiny!) coming to help on the keyboard.
See you all at the Holly Ween pawty.
Barkies, we will see you early that mawning
Gussie and Teka
23 October 2008
Rainy Daze
It has been very rainy here all day.
When we come in from walkies, I am very cold.
Muzzer dug in the trunk and found Gussie's very first sweater.
E.Rabbit made it for him when he was living in Virginia (I think that is near DeeSee)
Gussie said I could borrow it. It is a bit tight on him now that he has joined the substantial wires club.
However, that does not give him the right to sniff my butt. I walloped him immediately after this picture was taken.
Gussie Photos
Teka: Every Vet's Dream
Muzzer said I could blog today to let everyone (actually Swede William) know that I am feeling better and getting along well.
Wow! Let me tell you...it has been an interesting few days. I am just sitting here thinking about all the things that have happened.
Sunday at the emergency vet place, I did not want muzzer to leave me. But then, my stomach felt sickie again and the people at the vets were so nice to me, I decided it was OK.
Muzzer called to check on me, and the vet tech said I was restless. (my tummy hurt!) Muzzer told him that dad sometimes carries me like a baby on his shoulder and sings to me. That vet tech must've been born recently, because that is what he did! And then I spent most of the rest of the night on his lap while he did paperwork. HeHeHe....I had my IV in, and he put the hook in his pocket when we were moving around. What! me? Spoiled?
Now, Monday Muzzer picked me up, and we went to see my own vets, Dr. Sally and Dr. Jeff. Lots and lots more "oh, poor babies" and I was hooked up to an IV there and muzzer took off, leaving my binkie to keep me comfortable in the cage.
Poor Binkie. The victim of yet another "accident." He did not come home with us.
I spent another night at the dog hospital, but my friend who knew about walking me and singing was not there. Fortunately, my Swede William came to keep me comfortable, and insisted that we have the private suite at the vets. sigh! He is such a hero.
Tuesday morning muzzer was there to get me, really early. And we went home. We had a special just us girls day while Gussie was at the groomer. Every time I rolled over, muzzer checked on me. I think she was worried about me.
The vet sent home some stuff for me to eat and pills and a paste for my tummy, and I am feeling much better. The Bumpass Dad, who does rescue, said that taking a doggie to an emergency vet clinic can mean "KaChing, KaChing." Muzzer says he is very right, but Dad said I am worth it. For your enjoyment, I am enclosing pictures of my food and meds.
I have Lomotil, Metronidazole, ProViable and special food for an ID dog. That stands for Incredibly Darling, ya know!
At the vets I had Ampicillian, Centrine, a vitamin B injection, Cerenia, Famotidine, Buprenex and a lot of hoomiliating tests. Sheesh.
Gotta go take a nap. Need my beauty sleep, ya know!
Teka Toy
21 October 2008
Teka Home!

20 October 2008
update 2
Swede William has decided to stay with her, and he has booked the two of them into the Presidential Suite, because he thinks Teka will be more "bekväm " there. Mom is just hoping that means comfortable!

call from our vet
We just had a call from the vet place. They wanted to let us know that Teka has company!
Seems they heard scratching at the kennel door, and went back to check.
They were greeted by "a very Sweet whippet" who came in and proceeded to charm the staff and doctors. I explained that he is a very "Swede" whippet, and outlined the relationship.

Update on Teka
Then they went to our Vet at Pet Professionals.
The lady vet said they needed to keep Teka on IV for a while longer, and muzzer should call after 3:00 pm to see whether Teka can spend the night at home or needs to go back the the 'mergency place for overnights so she can be observed.
I will have an update this evening.
Muzzer said Teka was pretty subdued. I can hardly imagine it.
pee esss...thanks for all the good thoughts. We will show them to Teka when she gets home.
19 October 2008
Teka Sickie!
13 October 2008
Hint hint. . .
12 October 2008
A note from Gus
09 October 2008
Halloween Pawty!

at the Tower of London, with Asta, Eric and Lacie,
and lots of other doggles.
I haven't thought much about my costume, but here is my latest candidate for Teka to consider!
I think she should go as Anne Boleyn.
And I have the picture and the music to help her out.
She wants to be a ballerina, or a bride, or a princess! (watch out William!)
I think this is much more interesting, and I have volunteered to help her re-create the "look" in an authentic, period correct manner.
Now to get the full flavor of this, and to see why I think it is so appropriate, you should play the music that I have provided.
See? I knew you would be on my side.
(Muzzer remembers having this song on a 78 rpm record, and says she used to sing along with this Stanley Holloway fellow! My muzzer! Sweet little old lady? I guess she got her wild streak out in her very young days.)
07 October 2008
Press Release
Teka Toy Dagger, of Memphis, TN, today demonstrated her ability to reach the kitchen counter, in the vicinity of the place mats.
It is assumed that she accomplished this using the (relatively) new stools, one of which was not returned to the appropriate position under the counter.
In conjunction with her adventure, Teka consumed half a bowl of campbell's low sodium chicken noodle soup, and one cracker, partially buttered.
The person responsible for leaving the stool out of place was reportedly answering a Dial America call soliciting funds for the Memphis Police Dept. benevolent fund, but was not available for further comment.
Teka's companion and sometime partner in her adventures, Gus Dagger w.f.t., had declined to participate in this effort, citing his fear of heights.
05 October 2008
03 October 2008
Teka's Halloween Costume

Yet Another Suggestion from the peanut gallery!!
02 October 2008
This is not who you think it is!

BUT that is not my dad. He is better looking.
AND that is not Teka. She has more spots (just ask Swede William)
BUT at first glance, it could be. We laughed and laughed. LOL!
see more puppies
01 October 2008
My Obamannanna came
Today a package came for me and muzzer from My Pal Lenny and his Mom!
Lenny's Mom has been busy sewing her fingers bloody making Obamannannas. This is mine! (I was being difficult so muzzer is holding me in place. )
I wore it on my walkie tonight and got lots of compliments. I think my Dad wants one too, but he wears boring neckties, so this might not be comfortable on him. I told him he could borrow it ONE DAY between now and the election though. He seemed appropriately grateful.
Here I am trying to explain this election thing to my Lambie. I'm not sure she understood, but then, who knows with sheep?
Here are the buttons that Lenny's Mom sent for me and muzzer to share. There are six buttons here. My favorite is the one with the whole family, in the upper left hand corner. I think Senator Obamama's little girls are cute. I know Wally threw his hat in the ring long ago, but I think it is time a Wire Fox Terrier lived in the White House!
Anyway, me and Teka counted up the days until the Election.
The Election happens on November 4, that makes 33 days from now until then, if you don't count today and Election Day. There are six buttons. I can wear each button five times. I can wear my most favorite three buttons six times each. Or, I can wear my 3 most favorite buttons 11 times each. I will let you know my decision soon.