OK, pals. I know that when
Nooka and
Pooka do this the products are uniformly good for us and fun to play with. So, I, Gus Dagger
WFT will take a slightly different approach.
First Product: St. Louis today was very hot.
Muzzer said "Gussie, we will try your present from E.Rabbit and see what you think of it. Then we will have an interesting blog for tonight." Yeah, whatever.
E.Rabbit got me this
KoolOff Pet
Bandana in New Orleans. It has Tabasco sauce labels and peppers on a white ground, with red piping. My size in this is a Medium. I have worn it before, but not "activated" it so to speak. So this morning, we read the instructions after we got home from our morning Walkies, and put the
bandana to soak in a yellow bowl of water.
note: the instructions do not specify a yellow bowl. That is all we have here.
Once it had soaked for 20 minutes,
muzzer put it in the freezer. Then we took our shower (
muzzer showered, I watched) and when we were just about ready to go visit Aunt Re, we took the
bandana out of the freezer and put it on my neck.
Woowee! It was pretty chilly. It kept me cool until the car air conditioner started working, and when we got to Friendship Village, a lot of my friends there thought it was a good idea.
I think it is a good product for summer days, and will continue to use it in
Azrizona. The instructions say that it can also be warmed in a microwave, and right now, I can't imagine using it that way.
Muzzer says, however, that she may try it that way next time she gets a bad sinus headache. I don't know how a warm
bandana on my neck will help her sinuses, but....we will report if it is an efficacious use of the product.
I recommend this to my doggy friends who are feeling the heat this summer. I might like to buy an extra extra large one and sleep on it sometimes. I did not find the fat roll of activated
kooling crystals uncomfortable, but smaller dogs might find it cumbersome and heavy. They could then take it off and sleep on it.
Nooka and
Pooka's mom should not read any farther. I do not want my
muzzer picked up by the ASPCA and carted off to bad doggy
muzzer jail. At least, not until dad gets back from Poland.
So, this being a hot day and all,
Muzzer asked what I wanted for dinner. And of course, my answer was "ICE CREAM!!!!" But
muzzer thought we should have something good for us, and something that we don't usually get when dad is in town. So I thought we were going to end up with some strange Japanese noodles like last night. But no.....we hopped into the Gussie Mobile, fired up the AC, turned on NPR and cruised on down to the local

Muzzer, whatever happened to eating something good for us? Wouldn't ice cream have been better?
Muzzer said "Gussie, you owe this to your public. You must compare the burgers from White Castle with your favorite Steak n Shake original double and report your findings."
She also reminded me that a number of my loyal readers had recommended White Castle in our most recent poll.
By this time, I was convinced. Plus, that bag smelled
soooo good I almost made us have an accident on the way home. I was trying to get to it and the brake pedal got in my way. Boy. I thought I wasn't going to get ANYTHING for dinner, she was really P
We did make it home safely, no thanks to yours truly. Can you see the interesting pattern the grease has made on the bag?

We had ordered a single, a double and an order of fries. Oh yea, and
muzzer's drink of choice, a large
caffeinated carbonated dark brown beverage.
This is what our dinner looked like. One nice thing about these burgers, we did not have to say, hold the mustard, ketchup and special sauce. There isn't any. They come equipped with pickles and purported
onionables, though that is questionable. They are square. They are relatively small. The do not require much chewing action at all.
But, I found them yummy. I still prefer Steak n Shake, because the burgers there seem to be made of a real meat product. But I would say that these will do in a pinch. The fries were good, they are crinkly, not skinny and they stayed warm longer than the skinny Steak n Shake ones. I thought the box
thingy's were pretty cute. I managed to steal one and discovered that they taste a lot like the burgers. Hm.. more observation and testing are required here.

Anyway, I don't drool quite the way Nanook does. But I give both of these products a pretty high Gussie rating. See. Don't I look like a pretty happy puppy here.
Muzzer says to enjoy it while I can....Cause dad gets back on Thursday, and there won't be any more White Castle when he gets here. However, there also won't be any more Japanese noodle things, so I think I can handle that.
Reporting from St. Louis, Missouri
Gus Dagger
Roving Reporter.