Should blogging friendships be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should blogging friendships be forgot
And days of Auld Lang Syne?
So raise a cup of kibble too
And sing this song so fine
Remember friends around the world
For Auld Lang Syne
For Auld Lang Syne my dears
For Auld Lang Syne
We'll raise a cup of kibble too
for Auld Lang Syne
And here's to Fee so far away
And Mackie and Ollie too
And Pappy and his Fella fine
And Ivy and her crew
For Butchy and for Snickers dear
And all those friends of mine
Who live near Opy and his pals
Away Down Under Way
Now don't forget Joe Stain and Tanner
Down near my desert home
And Doggies on both US coasts
And oe'r the ocean foam
For Poet dogs in Scotland drear
And Murphy and Max too
For Dean-o up in Canada And all dogs far and near
We send you New Year Greetings and our wishes for good cheer
For Axel, Dani, Ron and Friends
We wish you neighbors kind
For Chechu in the Argentine
A cup of finest wine
And may Miss Sunshine ever reign
And blogging doggies play
And FuFu bring his Christmas trip
Out West our way next year
We know we have forgotten some
And others just don't rhyme
You're in our thoughts this fine, fine day
We'll Work you in next time!
with thanks to Pappy and his Fella for inspiration, and Miss Ivy and Randy for the fun game!
31 December 2006
25 December 2006
We wish you
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer:
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here:
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer:
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here:
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
24 December 2006
silver bells
Running ‘way from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
but as for me and muzzer we believe.
She'd been eating far too many chew bars,
and we begged her not to go.
But she said that she wanted to see Travis
And staggered out the door into the dark.
When we found her Christmas morning,
at the scene of the attack,
she had hoof-prints on her forehead,
and incriminating Claus marks on her back.
Teka got run over by a reindeer.
Running away from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
but as for me and muzzer we believe.
Now we're all so proud of grandpa,
He's been taking this so well.
See him in there watching football,
drinking root beer and
playing cards with Cousin Mel.
It is just not Christmas without Teka
Travis is all dressed up in black
and we just cannot help but wonder:
Should we open up her gifts,
or send them back?
Send them back!!
Teka got run over by a reindeer.
Running away from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
but as for me and muzzer we believe.
Now the canned dog food is on the table
and the pudding made of rawhide chews
and the blue and silver candles
that would have matched
her collar that’s too big
I've warned all my fellow bloggers
they had better watch out for themselves
they should never, ever give a license
to a man who drives a sleigh
and plays with elves.
Teka got run over by a reindeer.
Running ‘way from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
but as for me and muzzer we believe
23 December 2006
My Favorite Things
Dingos and Cuz' and stuffed purple poodles
Squirrels that squeak and my muzzer's fresh noodles
Crinkly packages that G-papaw brings
These are a few of my favorite things
Teka and Travis and Maxie the shnoodle
My cat friend Garth and a big Christmas Struedel
Doggies who blog and the ones who can sing*
These are a few of my favorite things
Snickers in Purple and her cute eyelashes
Butchy and Mackie and ads that make cashes
Beautiful muzzers and fathers and things
These are a few of my favorite things
When the cat bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
*see Pappy's blog for the caroling dogs
Squirrels that squeak and my muzzer's fresh noodles
Crinkly packages that G-papaw brings
These are a few of my favorite things
Teka and Travis and Maxie the shnoodle
My cat friend Garth and a big Christmas Struedel
Doggies who blog and the ones who can sing*
These are a few of my favorite things
Snickers in Purple and her cute eyelashes
Butchy and Mackie and ads that make cashes
Beautiful muzzers and fathers and things
These are a few of my favorite things
When the cat bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
*see Pappy's blog for the caroling dogs
22 December 2006
I want a
I want a wire fox terrier for Christmas
Only a wire fox terrier will do
Don't want a pug, no tiny poodle toy
I want a wire fox terrier to play with and enjoy
I want a wire fox terrier for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door,that's the easy thing to do
I can see me now on Christmas morning,creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprisewhen I open up my eyesto see a wire fox terrier standing there
I want a wire fox terrier for ChristmasOnly a wire fox terrier will do
No dachshunds, no boxers or spaniels
I only like wire fox terriers
And wire fox terriers like me too
Mom says the wirey would eat me up,
but thenTeacher says a hippo is a vegeterian.(Short Music Interlude)
There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage
I can see me now on Christmas morning,creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprisewhen I open up my eyes to see a wire fox terrier standing there
I want a wire fox terrier for Christmas
Only a wire fox terrier will do
Only a wire fox terrier will do
Don't want a pug, no tiny poodle toy
I want a wire fox terrier to play with and enjoy
I want a wire fox terrier for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door,that's the easy thing to do
I can see me now on Christmas morning,creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprisewhen I open up my eyesto see a wire fox terrier standing there
I want a wire fox terrier for ChristmasOnly a wire fox terrier will do
No dachshunds, no boxers or spaniels
I only like wire fox terriers
And wire fox terriers like me too
Mom says the wirey would eat me up,
but thenTeacher says a hippo is a vegeterian.(Short Music Interlude)
There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage
I can see me now on Christmas morning,creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprisewhen I open up my eyes to see a wire fox terrier standing there
I want a wire fox terrier for Christmas
Only a wire fox terrier will do
21 December 2006
The Wirey Fox Terrier
The wirery fox terrier
It is not so well known
But of all the dogs within the world
My wirey wears the crown
O' the chasing of the squirrel
The tugging of the leash
The play with balls and stuffed toys
Sweet music from their squeaks
The wirey wears a smile
As white as all the snow
And the terriers bow down to him
Of all the dogs they know
O'the chasing of the squirrel
The tugging of the leash
The play with balls and stuffed toys
Sweet music from their squeaks
Now Gussie is my favorite, but Bussie is cute too
And all the wires in Singapore
I'd like to meet them too
There's Mackie and there's Butchy
And sweet Miss Snickers whew
If I can get another rhyme, we'll start this out anew
We'll start this out anew
20 December 2006
The Wassil Song
Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a wand'ring,
So fair to be seen.
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a wand'ring,
So fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
And to your fox terrier too,
And God bless you and send you a happy new year,
And God send you a happy new year.
We are not doggy beggars
Who beg from door to door,
But we are neighbor's family pets
Whom you have seen before.
God bless the Wire Fox terriers,
Likewise the smooth ones too;
And all the little Jack Russells
That o'er the table go.
see more photos of us in our doggie sweaters in the previous post!
The Wassil Song
Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a wand'ring,
So fair to be seen.
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a wand'ring,
So fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
And to your fox terrier too,
And God bless you and send you a happy new year,
And God send you a happy new year.
We are not doggy beggars
Who beg from door to door,
But we are neighbor's family pets
Whom you have seen before.
God bless the Wire Fox terriers,
Likewise the smooth ones too;
And all the little Jack Russells
That o'er the table go.
see more photos of us in our doggie sweaters in the previous post!
new sweaters!
My sister E.Rabbit finished our Christmas sweaters today, and she let us have them as part of muzzer's crazy Christmas plan. (I kind of like it) Anyway, we are posting these pictures so you can see how cute we look, and before Teka eats her sweater.
They are warm and cozy, and we are having what passes for winter in Azrizona, as you can see on Joe's Blog. It was below freezing this morning when Teka had us out for walkies. I haven't been that chilled since Virginia, and it was lovely!
Carol rendition a bit later.
Gussie and Teka
19 December 2006
Have yourself

Have yourself a wirey little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a wire fox terrier Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here were are as in olden days,
happy golden days of yore.
Blogging friends who are dear to us
gather near to us once more.
Through the years we all will be together
If the Net allows
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here were are as in olden days,
happy golden days of yore.
Blogging friends who are dear to us
gather near to us once more.
Through the years we all will be together
If the Net allows
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
thank you once again to "Mainewires" for permission to publish their extra winter scenes.
18 December 2006
Up on the housetop
Up on the housetop reindeer pause
Out jumps good old Bussie Claus
Down thru the chimney with lots of toys
All for the doggie Christmas joys.
Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn't go!
Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn't go!
Up on the housetop Click, click, pause
Down thru the chimney with Bussie Cluase
First comes the stocking Of little Fee
Oh, dear Bussie look and see
Give her a dingo That’s nice and big
A couple of Jumbones And a pink stuffed pig
Repeat Chorus
Next comes the stocking Of Romeo
He wants a big bone and cars that go
Lots of chew bars And lots of toys
Also a ball And a real live boy!
Repeat Chorus
Out jumps good old Bussie Claus
Down thru the chimney with lots of toys
All for the doggie Christmas joys.
Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn't go!
Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn't go!
Up on the housetop Click, click, pause
Down thru the chimney with Bussie Cluase
First comes the stocking Of little Fee
Oh, dear Bussie look and see
Give her a dingo That’s nice and big
A couple of Jumbones And a pink stuffed pig
Repeat Chorus
Next comes the stocking Of Romeo
He wants a big bone and cars that go
Lots of chew bars And lots of toys
Also a ball And a real live boy!
Repeat Chorus
17 December 2006

Mackie the Terrier
Was a jolly happy dog
With a big white grin and a button nose
And two eyes as black as coal
Mackie the TerrierIs a wirey, foxey guy
ANd he looks like me,
so it’s plain to see
He’s as handsome as can be
so it’s plain to see
He’s as handsome as can be
Our mothers think we’re brothers
Separated right at birth
He’s just about as high as me
And 'most as wide in girth.
Separated right at birth
He’s just about as high as me
And 'most as wide in girth.
Mackie the Terrier
Lives a way far way away
So he cannot just
Drop in one day
And stay a while to play
So he cannot just
Drop in one day
And stay a while to play
Mackie the Terrier
And his brother Ollie know
They can come and stay, any winter day
And we won’t have any snow
And his brother Ollie know
They can come and stay, any winter day
And we won’t have any snow
Down to the grade school‘
Bout a half a mile or so
With our begging looks and a sack of books
To play with kids we’ll go
With our begging looks and a sack of books
To play with kids we’ll go
I’m sure we’ll score some sammiches
and maybe even pop
On a hot, hot day in Arizonayay
It sure is worth a stop.
and maybe even pop
On a hot, hot day in Arizonayay
It sure is worth a stop.
Then Mackie and Ollie
Will hurry on their way
When they wave good bye
We’ll watch Teka cry
She’ll want them both to stay
Will hurry on their way
When they wave good bye
We’ll watch Teka cry
She’ll want them both to stay
Clickety clack clack
Clickety clack clack
Look at Mackie go
Clickety clack clackClickety clack clack
Clickety clack clack
Look at Mackie go
Clickety clack clackClickety clack clack
Terriers in a row.
16 December 2006
I Saw

I saw Opy kissing Bussie Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night.
She didn't see me creep
down the stairs to have a peep;
She thought that I was tucked
up in my bedroom fast asleep.
Then, I saw Opy tickle Bussie Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white;
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Charlie had only seen
Opy kissing Bussie Claus last night!
Underneath the mistletoe last night.
She didn't see me creep
down the stairs to have a peep;
She thought that I was tucked
up in my bedroom fast asleep.
Then, I saw Opy tickle Bussie Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white;
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Charlie had only seen
Opy kissing Bussie Claus last night!
15 December 2006
I'm gettin' nuttin for Christmas by Teka Toy
I broke my bat on Gussie's head;
Somebody snitched on me.
I hid a frog in muzzer’s bed;
Somebody snitched on me.
I made fresh pee on Daddy’s rug;
I made Travis eat a bug;
Ate some gum and a little slug;
Somebody snitched on me.
Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Muzzer and Daddy are mad.
I'm getting nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I put a tack on E.beth’s chair
somebody snitched on me.
I ate a lot of people food
somebody snitched on me.
I did a dance on Noni’s plants
climbed a tree and ate my pants
Dumped the sugar bowl and then
somebody snitched on me.
So, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Muzzer and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I won't be seeing Santa Claus;
Somebody snitched on me.
He won't come visit me because
Somebody snitched on me.
Next year I'll be going straight;
Next year I'll be good, just wait
I'd start now, but it's too late;
Somebody snitched on me.
So you better be good whatever you do'
Cause if you're bad, I'm warning you,
You'll get nuttin' for Christmas.
Just an update
Wanted to let you know that one of my three Christmas wishes came true already! E.Rabbit arrived last night (well, actually this morning) and she is working on my Christmas sweater.
I am very glad to see her. She smells Wonderful!
To all of my blogger pals who are wishing for an end to hunger and world peace and ..... Hang in there guys, your turn will come!
I am very glad to see her. She smells Wonderful!
To all of my blogger pals who are wishing for an end to hunger and world peace and ..... Hang in there guys, your turn will come!
14 December 2006
Axel's Dreidel Song
My people have a dreidel
They made it out of clay
When it was dry and ready
Then dreidel they did play
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel
They made it out of clay
When it was dry and ready
Then dreidel they did play
I like to play with dreidel
It loves to dance and spin
A chase it round the corner
And then we start again
I chase it cross the kitchen
I chase it down the stairs
We run under the table
We’re really quite a pair
It never says it’s tired
It never wants to stop
It is the perfect toy for me
My lovely dreidel top
So every year at Hanukkah
We play this lovely game
A lovely game for wirey boys
And dreidel is its name.
They made it out of clay
When it was dry and ready
Then dreidel they did play
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel
They made it out of clay
When it was dry and ready
Then dreidel they did play
I like to play with dreidel
It loves to dance and spin
A chase it round the corner
And then we start again
I chase it cross the kitchen
I chase it down the stairs
We run under the table
We’re really quite a pair
It never says it’s tired
It never wants to stop
It is the perfect toy for me
My lovely dreidel top
So every year at Hanukkah
We play this lovely game
A lovely game for wirey boys
And dreidel is its name.
A brief Respite
Hey: first of all we are using the new beta blogger now, since nasty ole blogger wouldn't let us make comments except to one blog a day and we all know I've got lots more friends than that. In fact....even Teka has more friends than that!
Anyway, when we got to Beta, we found comments from lots of friends which did not get to us before, some from Mackie (sorry, I didn't know you tagged me pal!) some from my sister e.rabbit, some from Opy and Charlie. We were not ignoring you guys, we didn't know you were commenting.
So, we will work our way throught this new media thingy and hope our limited techno brains can cope. And muzzer was just learning to use the OLD blogger. woof.
NOW to the highlight of the day...I was tagged by my pal Bussie (his humans know techno stuff, see his blog!) to tell you some of my deep dark secrets. Specifically, what I REALLY, REALLY want for Christmas (specifically, three things) and what I DO NOT want for Christmas (again, three things. So, here we go....
Things Gus wants for Christmas
1. One of those humungous bones that IVY just got from her people.
2. A red sweater
3. I want E.Rabbit to arrive safely. She got stranded in DeeSee today and now won't get home until late tonight, and on her time, that is tomorrow morning!
4. I want all rescue dogs to find a home like the one I found. Minus Teka.
Thing Gus Really doesn't want for Christmas
1. That silly plaid bandana that muzzer has hidden in the closet.
2. Stuffed toys that don't stay stuffed.
3. Sharing the bed with Teka!
And I tag the following five bloggers: IVY, MACKIE, AXEL, DEAN-O, and LEWIS the PUG
and I am off right now, using my new Beta capacity, to tell them about it.
PS...I will post the Christmas Carol for Today later. It is dedicated to Axel and all our other blog dogs who celebrate Hannukah
Anyway, when we got to Beta, we found comments from lots of friends which did not get to us before, some from Mackie (sorry, I didn't know you tagged me pal!) some from my sister e.rabbit, some from Opy and Charlie. We were not ignoring you guys, we didn't know you were commenting.
So, we will work our way throught this new media thingy and hope our limited techno brains can cope. And muzzer was just learning to use the OLD blogger. woof.
NOW to the highlight of the day...I was tagged by my pal Bussie (his humans know techno stuff, see his blog!) to tell you some of my deep dark secrets. Specifically, what I REALLY, REALLY want for Christmas (specifically, three things) and what I DO NOT want for Christmas (again, three things. So, here we go....
Things Gus wants for Christmas
1. One of those humungous bones that IVY just got from her people.
2. A red sweater
3. I want E.Rabbit to arrive safely. She got stranded in DeeSee today and now won't get home until late tonight, and on her time, that is tomorrow morning!
4. I want all rescue dogs to find a home like the one I found. Minus Teka.
Thing Gus Really doesn't want for Christmas
1. That silly plaid bandana that muzzer has hidden in the closet.
2. Stuffed toys that don't stay stuffed.
3. Sharing the bed with Teka!
And I tag the following five bloggers: IVY, MACKIE, AXEL, DEAN-O, and LEWIS the PUG
and I am off right now, using my new Beta capacity, to tell them about it.
PS...I will post the Christmas Carol for Today later. It is dedicated to Axel and all our other blog dogs who celebrate Hannukah
13 December 2006
Jolly Old
Saint Nicholas,
lean your ear this way!
Don't you tell another dog
what I'm going to say:
Christmas Eve is coming soon;
now, you dear old man
Whisper what you'll bring to me;
tell me if you can.
Wirey dogs are oh so good,
when we're fast asleep
Down the chimney, broad and black,
with your pack you'll creep
All our stockings you will find
hanging in a row
Mine will be the shortest one,
you'll be sure to know
Ozzie wants a strong tug toy,
Romeo wants a bone
Dean-o wants big red ball,
He's been a real good boy
Now I think I'll leave to you
what to give the rest
Choose for me, dear Santa Claus;
you will know the best.

ps. cookies on the table in the living room
love gussie
lean your ear this way!
Don't you tell another dog
what I'm going to say:
Christmas Eve is coming soon;
now, you dear old man
Whisper what you'll bring to me;
tell me if you can.
Wirey dogs are oh so good,
when we're fast asleep
Down the chimney, broad and black,
with your pack you'll creep
All our stockings you will find
hanging in a row
Mine will be the shortest one,
you'll be sure to know
Ozzie wants a strong tug toy,
Romeo wants a bone
Dean-o wants big red ball,
He's been a real good boy
Now I think I'll leave to you
what to give the rest
Choose for me, dear Santa Claus;
you will know the best.

ps. cookies on the table in the living room
love gussie
12 December 2006
You Know
Axel and Bussie and Dean-o and Butchy, Snickers and Gussie and Maxie and Archie
But do you recall, the most famous terrier of all?
Asta the wire fox terrier, was a star in Hollywood
And if you ask his agent, he was very, very good
All of the other Dog Stars used to watch him jealously
Asta rode in a big car, they got rides in jalopies
Then one sunny desert day, Asta went outside
Cary Grant came up to say, "Hey Asta, want a ride"
They got into a roadster, drove along Rodeo Drive
This is the life for wireys, this is where a wirey thrives.
Asta made many movies, lots with Nick and Nora too
He got a lot of fan mail, and a lot of love notes too
There were lots of wirey girls wanting to be friends
But to Nora he was true, right until the movie end.
But do you recall, the most famous terrier of all?
Asta the wire fox terrier, was a star in Hollywood
And if you ask his agent, he was very, very good
All of the other Dog Stars used to watch him jealously
Asta rode in a big car, they got rides in jalopies
Then one sunny desert day, Asta went outside
Cary Grant came up to say, "Hey Asta, want a ride"
They got into a roadster, drove along Rodeo Drive
This is the life for wireys, this is where a wirey thrives.
Asta made many movies, lots with Nick and Nora too
He got a lot of fan mail, and a lot of love notes too
There were lots of wirey girls wanting to be friends
But to Nora he was true, right until the movie end.
11 December 2006
White Christmas

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Just like the one that Butchy knows
Where the tree tops glisten
And Bambi Listens
To hear Snickers in the snow
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And is Christmas in Australia ever white ?
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
Like all those terriers in Maine
I sure like this photo, and miss the romping
But snow between your toes can be a pain
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
With every postage stamp I lick
If I had too many more friends
I think these stamps would make me sick
Thanks to Ellen, Flash, Fannie and Terry at for permission to use the photo.
10 December 2006
On the first day of Christmas my terrier gave to me, a Gussie in a pear tree
On the second day of Christmas my terrier gave to me, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the third day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Mackie andOllie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the fourth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the fifth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the sixth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Ozzie and Ro-me-o, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the seventh day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Ah-pa and Ah-ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the eighth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the ninth day of Chrismas my terrier gave to me Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the tenth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Axel and his mother, Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear Tree.
On the eleventh day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Pappy and his Fella!, Axel and his mother, Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the twelfth Day of Christmas my terrier gave to me, Dean-o and his momma, Pappy and his Fella, Axel and his mother, Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a Pear Tree.
On the second day of Christmas my terrier gave to me, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the third day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Mackie andOllie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the fourth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the fifth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the sixth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Ozzie and Ro-me-o, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the seventh day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Ah-pa and Ah-ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the eighth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree
On the ninth day of Chrismas my terrier gave to me Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the tenth day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Axel and his mother, Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear Tree.
On the eleventh day of Christmas my terrier gave to me Pappy and his Fella!, Axel and his mother, Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a pear tree.
On the twelfth Day of Christmas my terrier gave to me, Dean-o and his momma, Pappy and his Fella, Axel and his mother, Bogart Handsome Devil, Awesome Miss Sunshade, Ah-Pa and Ah-Ma, Ozzie and Romeo, Beautiful Miss Fee, Agatha and Archie, Mackie and Ollie, Butchy and Snickers and a Gussie in a Pear Tree.
09 December 2006
Terrier Rock
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Sing and Terriers Swing
Leaping and Barking and sniffing the air
Getting into muzzer's hair
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Blog and Terriers Talk
We'll take our chances with squirrels and mice
'Cause us terriers are so nice
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Snore and chew on your sock
More than one terrier makes more than one fun
And our partnership's just begun
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Rambling down the street
Growling and Prowling and having a fight
Terriers surely sleep all night
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Up at the break of dawn
Going for walkies without any sun
And our terrier day's begun
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Gussie and Bussie and Teka Toy too
Spend the day at the Phoenix Zoo
Then write their stories for all in blogland
Give the guys a hand!
Terriers Sing and Terriers Swing
Leaping and Barking and sniffing the air
Getting into muzzer's hair
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Blog and Terriers Talk
We'll take our chances with squirrels and mice
'Cause us terriers are so nice
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Snore and chew on your sock
More than one terrier makes more than one fun
And our partnership's just begun
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Rambling down the street
Growling and Prowling and having a fight
Terriers surely sleep all night
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Up at the break of dawn
Going for walkies without any sun
And our terrier day's begun
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Gussie and Bussie and Teka Toy too
Spend the day at the Phoenix Zoo
Then write their stories for all in blogland
Give the guys a hand!
08 December 2006
We're beginning to meet some Wire Fox Terriers
Everywhere we go.
There are some in the Macy's ad, we saw one out with his dad
And Roxy came to visit at the store.
We're beginning to notice Wire Fox Terriers
Seems they're everywhere
Lots of them blog on line, and some of them like to whine
And then of course there's Axel and his mom.
We're so happy to have our Wire Fox Terrier
He's Such a special dog
And the bestest thing of all, is he comes when we do call
And walks so well on lead, and walks so well on lead.....
Everywhere we go.
There are some in the Macy's ad, we saw one out with his dad
And Roxy came to visit at the store.
We're beginning to notice Wire Fox Terriers
Seems they're everywhere
Lots of them blog on line, and some of them like to whine
And then of course there's Axel and his mom.
We're so happy to have our Wire Fox Terrier
He's Such a special dog
And the bestest thing of all, is he comes when we do call
And walks so well on lead, and walks so well on lead.....
07 December 2006
Gussie Baby (by Teka)
Just slip a chew toy under the tree,
for me
Been an awfully good girl,
Gussie Baby
So hurry down the chimney tonight
Gussie Baby,
a pink and white fur coat will do too
I'll wait for you,
Gussie Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
I'll wait for you,
Gussie Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the rugs on which I haven't pissed.
Next year I could be just as good,
Next year I could be just as good,
If youcheck off my Christmas list
Gussie Babby, I want a pretty pink and white pig
So Big
Been an angel all year
Gussie Baby
So hurry down the chimney tonight
Gussie Honey, One little thing that I really need
the deed
To a back yard that will be mine, so fine
So hurry down the Chimney tonight
Gussie Cutey,
Gussie Honey, One little thing that I really need
the deed
To a back yard that will be mine, so fine
So hurry down the Chimney tonight
Gussie Cutey,
and fill my stocking up to the top with lots
Of Dingo Bones and Chicken Filets
Of Dingo Bones and Chicken Filets
We'll Play,
A game or two of Dogopoly,
then see
What you've brought from Tiffany or Pet Smart
So hurry down the chimney tonight
All Right
Hurry down the chimney tonight
A game or two of Dogopoly,
then see
What you've brought from Tiffany or Pet Smart
So hurry down the chimney tonight
All Right
Hurry down the chimney tonight
06 December 2006
Dog Tags Ring
Are you listenin'?
In the dark, noses glisten
A clear cold night's a terrier delight
Walking in our winter wonderland
See the trees, they're a great spot
Just to pee, in a straight shot
Watch out for the rocks, or wires that may shock
Walking in our winter wonderland
In the dark, noses glisten
A clear cold night's a terrier delight
Walking in our winter wonderland
See the trees, they're a great spot
Just to pee, in a straight shot
Watch out for the rocks, or wires that may shock
Walking in our winter wonderland
Here's the house, we know it's where the cat lives
And the girl who thinks we are so cute
We can't wait til we get to the corner
To see if Mom has brought some treats to give.
Down the block, there's a grade school
Stuff thrown out can be real cool
There's hamburger buns, and chewy green gum
Walking in our winter wonderland.
On the way home we will pass the poodles
Stir them up and leave them, ain't life grand
The stories we tell, the things that we smell
Walking in our winter wonderland
Me and Teka like to go out walking,
Mom and Dad they kind of trail along
And all of us love, our sweaters and gloves
Walking in our winter wonderland
Here in Azrizona there's not much snow
But we'll tell you one more thing for sure
Cactus have sharp needles and they'll stick you
If you pee upon them, now you know.
04 December 2006
The Wire Fox Terrier , Had a very Big Black Nose
His Wirey friends who saw it, Told him that it "hardly shows."
They Knew that their friend Gussie
Was a sensitive type guy
When he was not too happy
He would sit right down and cry
One day his pal called Butchy
Gave to him a big black eye
For making eyes at Snickers
Who was cute but very shy
Gussie just sat and whimpered, didn't even show his teeth
That made poor Butchy feel bad, way down deep and underneath
Then one day his muzzer said
"Gussie, that's enough
No more yoga class for you
Down dog 's just not tough!"
She sent him to learn Tae Bo
With his rabbit sister E.
They learned some awesome moves there
And they shared them all with Fee
Gussie went on TV shows also on the doggy blogs
He knew his great big black nose
Made him like the other dogs
Now he's a happy puppy
Travelling around the town
He doesn't let his black nose
Keep the puppy Gussie down.
My Friend Trav

Has Gone Home for the Holidays
And his mum says she never more will roam
Far from Trav and her home and her happy days
Home with Travis means a really happy home
She went to England and to Scotland and
She had a real fine time
Though the sun in those fair regions seldom shines
She met a lot of friendly people there and saw some
Holy Shrines, but she has returned herself to warmer climes
And when she came home from the airport there was
Travis sitting there
And he gave lots of kisses for a time
Then he sat her down and told her that her travelling days are o'er
Well, unless she takes him back to the sea shore.
Because your home is where your labradane can see you every day
Where you take him to the doggy park to play
It isn't far over the ocean where you just may see the queen
But here in Arizona come what may.
03 December 2006
By Special Request
Snickers the Terrier
Is as cute as she can be
In her harem suit with her wirey snoot
Can she come and play with me?
Snickers the Terrier
Lives a long far way away
But I'll go one day back to I- O- Way
On my way to Virginee
And then we all can romp and play
And Oh please let it snow
So this desert dog with a doggy blog
Can roll and get icey
Then we'll go in and settle down
For a nice long fireside chat
And humans can just wait and frown
I'll be one happy wirey
I know our visit will be short
And we cannot stay long
But hear this coming from the heart
And you all sing along
Snickers the terrier
Is as cute as she can be
In her harem suit with her wirey snoot
Can she come and play with me?
Is as cute as she can be
In her harem suit with her wirey snoot
Can she come and play with me?
Snickers the Terrier
Lives a long far way away
But I'll go one day back to I- O- Way
On my way to Virginee
And then we all can romp and play
And Oh please let it snow
So this desert dog with a doggy blog
Can roll and get icey
Then we'll go in and settle down
For a nice long fireside chat
And humans can just wait and frown
I'll be one happy wirey
I know our visit will be short
And we cannot stay long
But hear this coming from the heart
And you all sing along
Snickers the terrier
Is as cute as she can be
In her harem suit with her wirey snoot
Can she come and play with me?
02 December 2006
Bussie Claus
This is dedicated to my pal Buster, Blog-dog extraordinaire and (well deserved)
winner of the awesome blog award!
You better not bark
You better not yip
You better not pee
inside of your home
Bussie Clause is Coming To Town
He's making a list,
Checking it twice,
Knows from the start
Who's naughty and Nice
Bussie Claus is coming To Town.
He knows where you've been sleeping
He knows just what you break
He knows whose shoes you have chewed up
And what a mess you make
His Wirey friends in blog town
Have got this written down
They're gonna have a doggie feast
While Bussie plays the clown
So, You'd better not bark
You'd better not yip
You better not pee inside of your home
Bussie Claus is coming To town
winner of the awesome blog award!
You better not bark
You better not yip
You better not pee
inside of your home
Bussie Clause is Coming To Town
He's making a list,
Checking it twice,
Knows from the start
Who's naughty and Nice
Bussie Claus is coming To Town.
He knows where you've been sleeping
He knows just what you break
He knows whose shoes you have chewed up
And what a mess you make
His Wirey friends in blog town
Have got this written down
They're gonna have a doggie feast
While Bussie plays the clown
So, You'd better not bark
You'd better not yip
You better not pee inside of your home
Bussie Claus is coming To town
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