Me 'n Teka have volunteered for this tag thing. We are each going to tell you some things you might like to know but would never guess about us. At the end, we are supposed to tag someone else. But we are pretty sure everyone has done this one. So, if you haven't, you can volunteer like we did. We think this is fun, and we have found out lots of stuff about our friends.
Being the consummate gentleman, I have agreed to let Teka take the first turn.
Well, here I am, guest ghosting again for Gussie. I'm alliterative. Bet you wouldn't have guessed that one!
Here we go.....
1. I am not named after the fellows at TKE, however fine they may be. I am named Teka because when I was tiny, I would've fit in a teacup.
2. I am a little over a year old, and this is my third family! First I belonged to a friend of E.Beth's. Then they gave me to E.Beth, and I lived with her for a while here in my house. Then Gussie and muzzer and Dad came home, and E.Beth went to live in an apartment. I stayed with her for a while there, but as I was not "legal" in her lease, I have moved back here temporarily. But, there are worse places I could have ended up, even with Gussie in my face all day!
3. Muzzer thinks I steal her bras because I don't like her. Au Contraire. I snatch them because I want to wear little white lacy caps on my head! To that end, I chew the straps off as quickly as I can. If only she understood my mission, we could save her a lot of money.
4. I really, really like Gussie. But I like his friend Travis better, and I would like to get to know Joe Stain's brother Tanner too! And maybe Butchy, and maybe Marvin, who writes beautiful poetry.....and, and, and.....
5. I would much prefer to sleep late in the mornings, but I know that if I don't get her out of bed and on the road, muzzer will never get around to walkies. So, I sacrifice for her sake and get her out of bed by 5:15 am each day. After all, I can take a nap most any time during the day....
6. The food here is pretty good, but I would like eggs and bacon for breakfast. And hot chocolate please. With whipped cream.
7. This summer, E.Beth and I are house sitting here while Gussie goes on vacation. I plan to paint my room a lovely, vibrant red. Don't tell. Muzzer has high blood pressure anyway.