30 June 2007
An early start on July!

29 June 2007
Spa Update
Teka asked me to announce that she has installed a new water feature at her spa.
28 June 2007
I can't believe this
And you know....that didn't seem like such a bad idea, which was why I posted some stuff about food in St. Louis last night. Sort of a subliminal "incentive" you might say.
And then today, they noted that I am still trailing. They said "hey Gussie, the Toasted Ravioli sounded good, but maybe you should offer White Castle as an added treat!"
And ya know...I really thought about it! Me, smarter than the average dog, Gus Dagger w.f.t., connoisseur of food and drink, bon vivant, man about town. I actually considered endorsing White Castle as a ploy to get more votes.
Now, first I have to 'splain some things to people who don't know much about St. Loulis. My parents have a "mixed marriage" by St. Loulis standards: different high schools, different religions, lots of different things about this couple! But most important....Muzzer likes White Castle and Dad likes Steak n Shake. My sister E.Rabbit and E.Beth, who know who signs the checks in this family, are both Steak n Shake people. Me, I have never tasted a White Castle because Dad goes ballistic when muzzer talks about getting me one! And I feel I must agree...those little patties are square, they have lots of holes in them before they cook, they smell like onions. I ask...is this a hamburger or what?
Say nothing about "mystery meat" my friends. If you didn't raise it or hunt it yourself, in today's world of food and drink...it is ALL mystery meat. There is just something about a square patty with holes that doesn't work for this terrier.
So, however much I wo
(yes, yes, muzzer tried to get me to put it on, but it seemed almost like a sacrilege!)
Apologies to Gomer and Opie
While I work on it here is the url in plain old typing.
with apologies to everyone.
Help me...E.Rabbit!
27 June 2007
Happy Blogaversary Gomer and Opie!
Instead of going out and buying Gomer and Opie a lot of delicious treats, their mom has set up their blog so that you can click on a purple dot and feed hungry animals, and if you leave them a comment, she will make another donation, and because I am putting this link thingy in my blog (only took muzzer half an hour to do it right!) their dogmom will make another donation to a doggy rescue group of my choice! Isn't she wonderful? I'll bet she can even cook!
So please go visit them and read about their 10K dogathon, and tell them "Gussie sent me"
That isn't part of the donation scheme, but I think it is neat!
ps...they came from a shelter here in Azrizona before they moved to Minnesota, so I kinda feel we have a link.
A WEEK! Seven Days! Half a Fortnight!
26 June 2007
Blatant Self Promotion!
25 June 2007
Some interesting stuff!
See this neat little box thingy. Wally had one on his. He is rated "PG" or maybe even "PG 13" and I did my sissie E.Rabbit's and she got an "R" Don't know which posting they rated, cause some of them should be and "X!"
If you like it, you just have to click on the bar that says "click here" and they will rate your blog for you. It's kinda fun.

I'm making a list, checking it twice, Teka is naughty, Gussie is nice. Gussie dog is comin' to town. (had to slip that in there, plus it's a lead in to the next paragraph!)
Teka is naughty (today) because this morning on walkies, she tripped muzzer with the lead and took off running, leaving muzzer sprawled on the blacktop and me Gussie worrying about both of them. Other than a couple of bruises and contusions, some scrapes and a swollen knee, muzzer is fine just fine. However, she did make E.Beth come over and drive around the neighborhood to find Teka. All is well, Teka is back home and spending the day in the doghouse. I think she is lucky it isn't the crate!Here's a picture of me,
I am happy because Muzzer is feeling a bit better, because she was not really hurt today (she could've gotten run over...she was in the middle of the street saying BAAAD things about Teka!) and because it is Tday-9. The only bad thing about this was that we had to cancell my Groomer appt., and now I might have to go on my trip all fuzzy, cause there are no appointments left until after we leave town! OOOH, yucko.
But, muzzer will figure something out. I know it! Muzzers almost always do. They are bestest at that.
Here's a best wishes and lots of kissies to Butchy/Snickers' mom and Nanook and Pooka's mom. Neither of them felt good yesterday either. We hope they are all "gettin' better all the ti-i-ime!"
24 June 2007
Quiet Sunday
What we did do is watch muzzer carefully so she didn't try to do much. Here is Teka, who is on outside watch. She is maintaining a careful surveillance of our neighborhood, and she still has time to chew on "her" tire. She can multi task quite well, which is why she will soon be an executive with her own doggie spa.
And here is me, Gussie! I am sitting on muzzer, keeping her quiet. I must've done an OK job, cause she feels enough better to help me blog, and said that maybe later we can visit all of you on your blogs. She thinks she will be fine tomorrow, this is kind of behaving like some 24 hour bug.
23 June 2007
Important Announcement
22 June 2007
And it is all about ME!
1. Your age? 3.25 years old
2. Your age when came to live with your people? Not quite 2 years old.
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? Red Leather with jingly dog tags
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? Oooooh, My sister E.Rabbit
5. How much do you weigh? I decline to answer on the grounds that it might be embarrassing!
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? One of my own stuffies!
7. Do you like other Dogs? Usually. I tend to go in strong, and then see what develops.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My friend Travis, the Labradane!
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Squeaky toys
10. Do you like to be brushed? Nope, I growl and snurll
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? hummmmmmm - tough choice! Peanut butter takes longer to eat, so the pleasure goes on and on.
12. Do your people cut your toenails? No, muzzer is too timid, cause I Hate it Hate it Hate it. I've only ever been muzzled once, and that was when the groomer clipped a toenail too close. But I usually suffer through it, snurlling a lot
13. Any formal education? No, I am strictly home schooled.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? You know, I can be either, depending on my mood.
15. Five nicknames your people call you . Gussie, Gus-Gus, Fuzz Face, Good Boy and,( sigh, blush ) "muzzer's baby"
16. What is your best trick? Trick, I do not do TRICKS. I have needed skills like Down, Sit, Stay and stuff, but Tricks are beneath my dignity!
17. Do you like kitties? As prey, yes, as pals, probably not.
18. What did you have for breakfast? I am not eating til my dad comes home!
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? EEEW. Why would I do that? I just like to terrier-ize things
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? 2 weeks ago, she said I was FAT! and gave me lots of shots.
21. Where do you sleep at night? I have a very large bed with nice sheets, which I gladly share with my humans.
22. Do you like to swim? Too close to a BATH, no way.
23. Can you make puppies? Nope.
24. Do you give kisses? Yes, but only to my muzzer,E.Rabbit, and well, maybe to Miss Snickers and the Astas
25. Can you potty on command? Yup, please specify which potty before I start, Otherwise, you may not get the results you are seeking.
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? I love my Cuz'. They are the only toy I can't seem to kill
If this looks like fun, or if you are just sitting there reading other doggies blogs, join the game!
21 June 2007
Look out Jackson, my Dad is headed your way....
This is also the day we put my dad on a biiiig airplane to fly to England. No, he is not going to see Jackson, but muzzer says maybe next time....and even though he is going to Scotland too, he is not going to see Marvin the Poet. He is just going to give some boring old lectures and papers and eat in the pubs.
So, this aftern
But in the second picture, muzzer walked around to that side and caught Teka napping! Ha. She was not helping. She was not folding clothes. She was not counting sockies or underwear. She was napping. But, she is pretty good at that, so we let her continue.
When they were finished folding and rolling and stuffing and cramming, Dad had one rolling bag (his favorite) and one duffel bag to carry. He should not have to do laundry or buy extra clothes, at least as long as the airplane doesn't eat his roll on bag.
And he also has to carry this big green thingy, which muzzer swears weighs more than I do! It has his books and his notes and his papers and his sunglasses. Dad points out that it does not have: A computer, A Blackberry, A cell phone,or An I-Pod. He quotes from his friend Michael C. " I have never had a legal pad and pencil crash in the middle of a presentation." Muzzer says they are Luddites!
And finally, here is a picture of me, Gussie. I am supervising, and doing a darned good job of it! I am now in charge and must take care of muzzer and Teka (dad said). OK. My first executive decision is.......Let's go get some ice cream!
20 June 2007
And yet another new buddy
Here is the URL for another new wirey blog!
This is written by Jake and his brother Just Harry, and they live in Floribunda like Bussie and OzRomeo! There are no pictures on this blog yet, but Jake assures us he is working on it.
and hahaha Jackson,....beat ya to this one.
New wirey fellow in the blog world!
Two weeks, Two weeks, Two weeks, Two weeks!
Oh, you already know that? You guys out there are so smart. I am constantly amazed at how much you know about me and my family. Sometimes you know things as soon as I do. You must have a great internal gossip source. I know....
It's Teka, right? She is always telling you stuff about me and muzzer, right? And all of dad's secrets, huh?
Is it E.Rabbit who tells you all this stuff? She has a blog too. But I am not s'posed to tell anyone about it. 'Cause E.Rabbit says stuff that muzzer is not 'sposed to read. But I get to read it. 'Cause I am her bruzzer and not easily shocked. Anyway, I guess you all read E.Rabbit's blog too, huh?
Well, Dad doesn't talk much, and I am pretty sure he doesn't hardly even read any blogs, much less post stuff about the family on one. So that leaves us with.......
I guess I will have to be more discrete about what I tell you all......Loose lips sink slips and all that. Whatever that means.
Ok, so, barring all my unclever detecting, it really is still just two weeks until we leave for St. Loulis. And I am pretty excited about this. Cause Teka is not coming. Oh, yeah. You already know that too, right?
17 June 2007
Father's Day
14 June 2007
Puppy Pix and .......
Asta NY mentioned that rescue dogs may not have puppy pictures, because they came to their families when they were a little older than puppies, but that we should not feel bad, because our new families love us lots and we are all fortunate to be together.
For one so young, that was very perceptive and caring. So I want to say "thank you" for her thoughtfulness, and let her know I appreciate it.
So, even though I don't have "puppy" pictures, I thought I would share pictures of my first few days with my furever family, and tell you a bit about how I came to join them.
My muzzer was lonely in Virginia. Her dog Nigel had gone to wait at the bridge right before she and dad left on their sabbatical adventure. She kind of thought that she would be busy, and not get another doggy until she went back to Azrizona. But things change, and a small VA town is different than New Orleans, so even though she was doing volunteer work for Habitat and keeping sort of busy, she still had some time to spare.
Somehow, she convinced Dad that it was the right time to get their new Doggy. And she started looking on PetFinder, and watching a couple of rescue groups for their available dogs. She said she REALLY thought she wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog, because there was a beautiful one living just a couple of blocks from them, but Dad, wise in all things, convinced her that she really did not want a dog that weighed more than she did. Plus, they were living in a small apartment with a steep staircase, and their wouldn't have been much room for the two of them if they were lucky enough to get selected to adopt a Bernese.
So, she narrowed it down to Wire Fox Terriers and Welsh Terriers and she and Dad filled out the applications for each rescue group. Muzzer was worried about the apartment thing, but Dad kept telling her it would all work out. The WFT people did a phone interview, and called the vet that we use in Azrizona, and even called the friends listed as references. By then it was almost Thanksgiving, and Muzzer was going on a trip back to Azrizona to see her doctors and check in at the store, so she kind of figured she was not getting a dog for Christmas. So she was sad.
The WFT rescue group in Maryland called the day she was leaving and told her about ME. Muzzer said I sounded perfect (and she was right!) but that she was going to be gone for more than a week. But my foster mom said she would keep me until muzzer came back to Virginia and then they could pick me up!
The Friday after muzzer came back to VA, she and Dad got in the car and drove and drove, all the way to the northern part of Maryland.
On the way, they stopped for lunch, and muzzer had a hamburger.
Well, when this small person came in to my foster home with hamburger on her hands and breath, I knew I had found a kindred spirit. So I was very friendly with her, and kissed her chubby little cheeks and licked her hands. Being human, she thought I liked HER. And I did. But I REALLY liked that Ha
This is a picture of me in the front seat of the GussieMobile on the way to Virginia. I was a good boy most of the way, but I did come up front for a little bit so I could give muzzer some more kisses.
Here is photo of me on Dad's lap in our little apartment. We had some really good times there, expecially when my sister E.Rabbit came to visit for Christmas.
And here I am with Dad and E.Rabbit in the kitchen/dining room/living room of the apartment. I was pretty fascinated with that thing Dad was banging on....lots of noises coming out of it, more noises coming out of Dad, and e.Rabbit was trying not to laugh at the two of us. She is polite that way.
Note the waistline! Even my striped sweater doesn't make me look chubby.
Boy...I have really rambled on and on, haven't I. But I want you all to know how really happy I am to have my new family, even Teka.
E.Beth is sending us Teka puppy pictures, so in a couple of days, she will do her story.
Thank you for listening.
Oh, and I lost two pounds since I saw the Dr.!
13 June 2007
21 DAYS!
21 Days! Three weeks. 540 Hours! This time on July 4th we will probably be in the white gusmobile and heading EAST!
Oh my.
Oh my.
And I am so excited about seeing Butchy/Snickers and Aunt Re and Uncle Ray and maybe my nephew Scott and his son Zack. And meeting the beagle who lives in the house where we are staying. (I think) muzzi says we MUST get along because he is letting me use his back yard! I hope he is not as high energy as Teka. I am looking forward to a little rest on this trip. Sheesh.
Oh my.
And if you haven't checked on my pal JACKSON, then let me just tell you that the news on the surgery seems positive, and he may even be home on Friday of this week. Keep those prayers and blessings coming folks!
10 June 2007
Sending Love to Our Friend, Jackson

Everydog and person reading this please say your favorite prayer or intercession or blessing for our friend Jackson, who is having surgery this week.
He is a very special wire (all wires are special indeed, Jackson is just a bit specialler than most.) He is very brave and cheerful, despite some serious health problems.
Please visit him at http://jacksonsworld-jackson.blogspot.com/ to read his story and leave him some love and encouragement.
Thank you
Oh, Woe is Me!
Ahhhh. Relief. This IS a floor beater and carpet screamer! See. It even says right there on the yellow paper that is should not be used on pets. Me n' Teka are very happy. Together, we can beat any carpet screamer. We will make sure that it stays in the storage room with the carpet screamer that Teka broke all by herself. We will only let it out once in a while so we can have fun chasing it. We will not let it interfere with our doggy fun. We can relax and have a happy Sunday. We hope all of our bloggie friends do the same.
08 June 2007
26 days and still counting.....

Yes, dear friends, the vet says I am overweight. And I thank all of you for your kind words on my previous posts, but muzzer is not buying anything about chubby being the new thin. Mostly because the vet read her the riot act about all the health problems this can create for me...let's see, bad back, diabetes, liver problems, hip problems, and on and on. So muzzer selfishly wants to keep me around as long as possible, and I am on a DIET!
AND she has put up a sign at the store that says "Please do not feed this (fat!) dog." AND she is making my friend Barb at the store only give me frozen beans and carrots.
AND she says we are getting a new scale so I can be properly weighed! Next thing you know she'll be getting me a treadmill!
Sorry....I will quit the pity party and get on with my life. Soon. More later when I am not so sad.
05 June 2007
28 days, 12 hrs and counting
Oh boy oh boy.....We are leaving for St. Loulus on July 4! We will be "On the Road Again" and I will have lots of exciting things to blog about. Like, how many times does muzzer get sick in the car each day? And, how effective was Gussie at scoring a hamburger for lunch? And, did the lessons Teka is giving me make it easier for me to wriggle out of my safety harness? Wow.
"dog and pony" show in Manchester and Stirling, and then flying back here on July 2. Hey, wait a minute....how can he do a dog and pony show when I am staying in Azrizona this trip???? Oh well, one more thing for the worry list.
03 June 2007
Do you hear what I hear?
The most wonderful thing happened tonight! I was helping muzzer read other blogs, and suddenly, there was this joyful noise coming from the 'puter!
My pal Butchy and wonderful Miss Snickers have a video on their blogspot that shows them barking at another dog. Suddenly I was transported to Iowa, and I was transfixed.
I made muzzer play it over and over and over again. And I listened and listened to what my friends were saying. And it was so nice to hear their voices that I just sat there grinning! Muzzer thought it was pretty cute, so she grabbed the camera and snapped my picture. So here I am, listening to Butchy and Snickers across the miles.
Do you want to listen to them too? Go to http://butchyandsnickers.blogspot.com/ and tell them I said Hello!