Yesterday we heard from Mama and Butcho that Miss Snickers was not feeling well. So Gussie and Teka set it up with Butchy Boy Air for a short trip to Ioway to help nurse the beautiful Miss S.
Of course, nothing would make Gussie happy unless Dad ran over to Neely's and picked up some takeout BBQ. Neely's is Muzzer's favorite BBQ place, and the family that runs it has a show on Food Channel that I watch sometimes in the big bed.

So, poor Dad got in the Gussiemobile and went to pick up a six pack...that's pulled pork, pulled beef, smoked turkey, beef tips, beef ribs and pork ribs (ymmmm!) We thought that would be enough, but there are more people on the way to help than we expected, so I planned to eat in the plane.

Me and Gussie went out to wait on the porch in our navy fleecies. I have my hoodie on under mine, so if you are thinking I look a bit chubbo, you can forget it. That's all muscle!

Well, Butcho Boy Aire arrived in good time, and when I saw the crowd, I decided I would eat my share in flight. Ha...Butchy tried to pull rank and tell me I couldn't eat on board, but I took one look at the mess that Bert and Gert left behind and I just raised one eyebrow at him and said "Yeah sure, you betcha."
It was a short flight to Ioway, but by the time we got there, that six pack was a three pack, just barely enough left for Mama and Dad and Miss Snickers. We do fine BBQ in Mayemphis, ya know, Joe?
Respectfully (hah)
Teka Toy.
reporting from Ioway.