Teka Here!
I thought it was about time that I got busy and
let you all know that we are F.I.N.E.!
(Frantic, Insecure, Neurotic and Excitable!)
But really. The Hurricane was a non-event for me,
and mostly for Gussie too.
We had no power, so there were no lights in the house
and no cold air coming out of my vents. The humans
were upset for some reason about not having any hot
water for their beloved showers, but I am not all
that fond of showers, warm or otherwise.
(I prefer a bubble bath you know?)
What it meant was that we used up Muzzer's supply
of beeswax candles that match her "special" dishes.
And on Sunday ALL of us got to be piggies with
the shrimps that were residing in the freezer.
After the Muzzer grilled them. YUM!
BUT...on the plus side me n Gussie did not
miss even one walkie. And because the house was
dark earlier than usual, all of us climbed in the big
bed together a bit earlier than we usually do.
Gussie griped because bedtime stories were shorter
and they were almost always ones that Muzzer or Dad
knew by heart. But I like "Goodnight Moon" and "The Little
Engine that Could" and I hardly ever look at the pictures in the
books anyway. So.........
And in the mornings I made sure everyone got up a little
earlier than usual so we could get Dad ready for work on time.

There were lots of trees like this big
one that ended their distinguished arboreal
lives in this most undignified manner. And
that made me kind of sad.
But it brought the squirrels a lot closer to the ground
for at least a little while.

And out on Dad's campus, there were lots
of trees like this one. But they didn't cancel
classes, not even for one day. So all of
the Botany Buffs got to see reality close up
and personal.
And the weather stayed reasonably cool
(for Richmond in August) so even with
all of us in the big bed and no fans available
it was comfortable sleeping.
So I am counting my blessings and saying
that I hope we don't go through this again
too soon, and I hope that everyone
else has their power back and that we
all have a better week than the last one.

Gussie and Asta sure are!
They are at the Pawm, and Asta's
Sweet Mommi shared this picture
with us today. Now I know why
Gussie took Dancing Lessons instead
of obedience class like I did.
Teka Toy
over and out.