31 December 2007
Big New Year's thanks to Butchy and Snickers!
Then, just when the boomies from the football game started getting really scary...she got them off of the fridgeradador and gave them to us.
They were really great and yummy. And we were calm all the way through the game.
But you know what....we also missed the big Tapas feast!
Well....the chewies were worth it!
Thanks again Butchy, Snickers and Mama
and happy new year.
For all my lady loves

Maybe it's much too late in this old game
Aah, but I thought I'd ask you just the same
What are you doing New Year's
New Year's eve?
Wonder whose paws will hold you good and tight
Wonder whose paws will hold you good and tight
When it's exactly twelve o'clock that night
Welcoming in the New Year
New Year's eve
Maybe I'm crazy to suppose
I'd ever be the one you chose
Out of a thousand invitations
You received
Aah, but in case I stand one little chance
Here comes the jackpot question in advance:
What are you doing New Year's
New Year's Eve?
30 December 2007
Sharing some more pictures
Here is a picture of me and Teka helping E.Rabbit pack her bags. She has a BIG suitcase. I fit in it nicely. Except, it goes in the belly of the aeroplane, and I do not think I would like that as well as Aire Ruby. Anyway, after she left us, she went to Chicago for some kind of conference. Something about busting genders or something. THEN we found out that she is not going home to DeeSee! At least not straight from Chicago. She is going to New Yawk for New Year's Eve! And she didn't let me know in time to set her up with a play date with Asta NY! So I am kind of mad at her, and Asta and her Mommi are kind of mad at me, and ....well, you know how it goes.
And I also want to show you some of my most very favorite Christmas pressies. Now, muzzer will undoubtedly try to tell you that some of these were given to her. Well, take a look at these neat pressies. Even if they had HER name on the tag, who do you think is the intended recipient of the largess they represent? Can you picture muzzer getting all excited over recipes like "Stir Fry for Fido" or "Corn meal and cheese biscuits" if she did not have me?
And what about the chance that she would select coookie
Oh and most particularly I can live with that if I get to go with her to help pick out the stuff we can buy with this gift card from my g-papa! Wowie-Zowie doggies! That is $50.00 worth of toys and goodies! Cause I have just about convinced muzzer that you cannot buy things like weight
We were gonna go today, but my dad is sick because he ate some bad stuff at a Mexican restaurant last night! Ooh, was he ever sickie! Not good! But ya know what? Teka is such a trooper that she got us up in time to take muzzer for walkies, and we were only about fifteen minutes late for DWB Chat! Happy New Year all....
We'll talk at ya soon!
28 December 2007
27 December 2007
Last Song
Ok, so muzzer is getting bored with these songs...and we have one more I want to do, so this is the last carol for this year.
Thank you to all our friends who sent in requests...if we didn't get your request done, there are only three possible reasons.
Number 1...muzzer has this idea that some songs are "sacred." So we didn't do Silent Night, because she gets to feelin' strange.
Number 2. There weren't too many places to put names or types of doggies. (Feliz Navidad)
Number 3. Muzzer has flaked out on me again.
Our apologies, we will try to do better next year. Assuming muzzer lets me start what she now calls..."this ridiculous project of yours."
We three rescue terriers are
Glad for homes that do not have bars
Loving family, treats and stuffies
Travelling in the car
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
We’re no cuter than the rest
Though our parents think we’re best
Why should we be hale and healthy
How did we pass the test?
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
Foster homes and Rescue Groups
Kindly folks who muster the troups
Clean us, Feed us, but don’t breed us
Find us homes and give a whoop
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
Dogs need lots of love and stuff
Sometimes life is kinda tough
Don’t forsake us, if you take us
Cuteness is not enough
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
There’s a moral to our tune
Help a rescue, keep them safe soon
Eyes and hearts will be so grateful
Your help will be such a boon
Thank you to all our friends who sent in requests...if we didn't get your request done, there are only three possible reasons.
Number 1...muzzer has this idea that some songs are "sacred." So we didn't do Silent Night, because she gets to feelin' strange.
Number 2. There weren't too many places to put names or types of doggies. (Feliz Navidad)
Number 3. Muzzer has flaked out on me again.
Our apologies, we will try to do better next year. Assuming muzzer lets me start what she now calls..."this ridiculous project of yours."
We three rescue terriers are
Glad for homes that do not have bars
Loving family, treats and stuffies

Travelling in the car
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
We’re no cuter than the rest
Though our parents think we’re best
Why should we be hale and healthy
How did we pass the test?
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love

Foster homes and Rescue Groups
Kindly folks who muster the troups
Clean us, Feed us, but don’t breed us
Find us homes and give a whoop
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
Dogs need lots of love and stuff
Sometimes life is kinda tough
Don’t forsake us, if you take us
Cuteness is not enough
Happy Doggys Lucky Dogs
We all even have our blogs
Others still in mills and cages
Waiting for their turns to love
There’s a moral to our tune
Help a rescue, keep them safe soon
Eyes and hearts will be so grateful
Your help will be such a boon
Where E.Rabbit Got my Cookie!

Before she left for Chicago, she gave me this link to The Dog Spot, which is in Georgetown near DeeSee where she lives. (She lives in DeeSee, m.)
Muzzer e.mailed a nice lady named Jane at The Dog Spot and Jane said we could post their site on my blog. She also said they can mail these in singles or in bulk, just let them know!
Oh yeah, pressed into his tummy is the last day he will "serve." He can serve you as a snack until then.
26 December 2007
"on the feast of Stephen"

On the Feast of Stephen,
When the snow lay round about,
Deep and crisp and even;
Brightly shone the moon that night,
Tho' the frost was cruel,
When a poor man came in sight,
Gath'ring winter fuel.
"Hither, Ethel, stand by me,
Yonder human, who is he?
Where and what his dwelling?"
"Sire, he lives a good league hence,
Underneath the mountain;
Right against the forest fence,
By Saint Agnes' fountain."
"Bring me flesh, and bring me wine,
Bring me pine logs hither:
Thou and I will see him dine,
When we bear them thither.
"Walls and Ethel forth they went,
Forth they went together;
Thro' the rude wind's wild lament
And the bitter weather.
"Sire, the night is darker now,
And the wind blows stronger;
Fails my heart, I know not how,
I can go no longer."
"Mark my footsteps, good my page;
Tread thou in them boldly:
Thou shalt find the winter's rage
Freeze thy blood less coldly."
In her master's steps she trod,
Where the snow lay dinted
Heat was in the very sod
Which the saint had printed.
Therefore, all ye dogs, be sure,
Wealth or rank possessing,
Ye who now will bless the poor,
Shall yourselves find blessing.
Sharing Information
25 December 2007
pictures from Christmas Eve
Me n Teka are having a great time and hope our buddies (including you, Blue) are also.
Here are some photos from last night. More to come when the "cooking marathon" is over
This is a cookie that my sissie E.Rabbit got for me n Teka to share. We saved the picture for Bussie's muzzer. The cookie was delishus. We wiped that silly grin off his face in nothin flat.
Here are some photos from last night. More to come when the "cooking marathon" is over

Here is Teka wearing one of her Schmauss gifts. It isn't really clothes, but she and Dad were wrestlin this morning after bone time (you know, the humans disappear for almost two hours, but we get a bone) For some reason he thought she looked cute.
Mele whatever

Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
On an Arizona Christmas Day
That's the special greeting that we send to you
From the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night
Mele Kalikimaka is our favorite way
To say "Merry Christmas to you."
24 December 2007
It's Beginning...
It's beginning to smell a lot like Chex Mix
And Lasagna too
There's the scent of the Christmas Ham, and of the Baking Yams
It's beginning to smell a lot like green beans
In their mushroom sauce
But the very best smell to me is the cinnamon you see
And Lasagna too
There's the scent of the Christmas Ham, and of the Baking Yams
Throughout the house upon this Christmas Eve
It's beginning to smell a lot like green beans
In their mushroom sauce
But the very best smell to me is the cinnamon you see
In my doggy bones

There's the sweet panettone and a lovely steak bone and
the smell as Pizzelle cookEverything's cooking and muzzer is lookin
For new things in her books
It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas
In the living room
Where the holly and the tree and the scent of good old me
Make it smell like home
It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas
And there's more to come
But the specialest smell to me is my loving family and my sweet, sweet friends
23 December 2007
Forty Years...oh my dog
Muzzer says this song was a hit almost 40 years ago! My doggy brain is not comprehending 40!
We dedicate this to Air Ruby. In hopes that she will be willing to fly the doggies to Azrizona for the Super Bowl. More on that after the holidays.
du kannst mir sehr gefallen! [Of all the trees most lovely]
The news had come out in the First World War
The bloody Red Baron was flying once more
The Allied command ignored all of its men
And called on Ruby to do it again.
When Ruby went up in search of her foe
She spied the Red Baron, fiercely they fought
With ice on her wings Ruby knew she was caught.
Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ring out from the land
Asking peace of all the world
And good will to man
The Baron had Ruby dead in his sights
He reached for the trigger to pull it up tight
Why he didn't shoot, well, we'll never know
Or was it the bells from the village below.
Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ringing through the land
Bringing peace to all the world
And good will to man
The Baron made Ruby fly to the Rhine
And forced her to land behind the enemy lines
Ruby was certain that this was the end
When the Baron cried out, "Merry Christmas, my friend"
The Baron then offered a holiday toast
And Ruby, our hero, saluted her host
And then with a roar they were both on their way
Each knowing they'd meet on some other day.
Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ringing through the land
Bringing peace to all the world
And good will to man
Two short photo essays, then I'll work on the song!
This morning we could not find Teka!
We looked and looked and looked.
Then I went into Muzzer's room to nap on the big bed.
It was coming from behind the pillows.
I hopped up and looked closer.
I looked over the edge of the pillows, and there she was.
She was hiding from Sandy Paws.
I made her get up and we played and played.
Later Today
I could not find E.Rabbit!
I looked for her in the living room...I think I found her!
I gave her a big kissie and woked her up.
She said I am a lot better than her alarm clock in DeeSee
22 December 2007
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas '
Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I ate a stuffie's little head;
Somebody snitched on me.
Somebody snitched on me.
I hid a bone in sister's bed;
Somebody snitched on me.
I made some pee on Mommy's rug;
I ate cat poop and then a bug;
Rolled in a hole that a skunkie dug
Somebody snitched on me.
Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I pulled the stuffing out of my chair;
Somebody snitched on me.
I ate a tube of Mommy's Nair;
Somebody snitched on me.I
I buried bones in Mommy's plant.
Chased the postman and tore his pants.
Brought home a bird all covered in ants
Somebody snitched on me.
Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
But it's been another grand year!
with love, from Teka
21 December 2007
Thank you everydog and hammie!
Here is a picture of me and Teka welcoming my Aunt Marie to Azrizona.
We are surely glad to have her visit us. We are helping her keep warm.
the italian christmas doggie

Hey! Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark)
It's Stan- a - lee the doggie
Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark)
The Italian Christmas doggie.(la la la-la la-la la la la la)
(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Santa's got a little friend,his name is Stan-a-lee.
The cutest little doggie,you never see him kick.
When Santa visits his paisans,with Stan-a-lee he'll be.
Because the reindeer cannotclimb the hills of Italy.Hey!
Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark)
It's Stan-a-lee the doggie.
Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark)
The Italian Christmas doggie.(la la la-la la-la la la la la)(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Jingle bells around his neck,and presents on the sled.
Hey! Look at the mayor's derby,on top ofStanley's head.
A pair of shoes for Lacy-lu and a dress for Sophie too.
The labels on the inside says,they're made in Bruccalin'. (Brooklyn)
Hey! Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark)
It's Stan-a-lee the doggie.(Gbark Gbark)The Italian Christmas doggie.
(la la la-la la-la la la la la)(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Asta sings, and clap her hands, And Stanley starts to dance.
She talks Italian to him,And he even understands.
Cummare's and cumpare's Do the dance 'a tarantell',
When Santa Nicola comes to town,And brings 'o ciucciarell.'
Hey! Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark)It's Stan-a-lee the doggie.
Chingedy ching,(Gbark Gbark) The Italian Christmas doggie.
(la la la-la la-la la la la la)(la la la-la la-la la-ee-oh-da)
Hey! Stanley! Buonn Natale!
20 December 2007
Bone a Bone...
This is one of Muzzer's favorite carols, though as she 'splains it to me, it isn't really a Christmas song. A long, long time ago...in a land far, far away....Carolers went out much earlier...way before Christmas happened. In fact, not too long after Halloween.
So this is based on a traditional carol called "Soul Cake." With apologies to many people, perhaps most recently Peter, Paul and Mary. (my humans are a mixed marriage, she was a folkie and he was a Beach Boys fan!)

Gussie's version...for muzzer
Bone, a Bone, a meaty bone
Please, please Muzzer a meaty bone
Beef or Lamb or Deer, Oh Harry
Any of those would make me so merry
One For Teka, One for Gus, one for later just for us......
God Bless the doggies in this blog and the human beans also
And all the little puppies that round the table grow
The Kittens and Hamsterriers who blog also
All of us at DWB, and those we will soon know
Bone, a Bone, a meaty bone
Please dear muzzer a meaty Bone
Beef or Lamb or Deer, Oh Harry
Any of those would make us all merry
One for Tanner, one for Joe, one for helping Stella grow
Go down into the cellar and see what you can find
If the barrels are not empty we hope you will be kind
We hope you will be kind with your meat scraps and meat pies
For we'll come no more a soalin till this time next year.
Bone a Bone a meaty bone
Please good muzzer a meaty bone
Beef or Lambie, Deer...Oh Harry
Any good thing to make us all merry,
One for Snickers, one for Jake, one to bake into the cake
The streets are very dirty,
my feets are very sore.
I have a little pocket to put a treat-y in.
If you havent got a treat-y a half a treat will do.
If you havent got a half a treat then God bless you.
Bone a Bone a meaty Bone...
please, Please muzzer a meaty bone
Deer or beef or lamb, oh Harry
Any good thing to make us all merry,
One for Ruby, One for Blue, One more if you like your shoes.
Now to the lord sing praises all you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace..
This holy tide of christmas of beauty and of grace,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy. Comfort and joy, Oh Tidings of comfort and joy
So this is based on a traditional carol called "Soul Cake." With apologies to many people, perhaps most recently Peter, Paul and Mary. (my humans are a mixed marriage, she was a folkie and he was a Beach Boys fan!)

Gussie's version...for muzzer
Bone, a Bone, a meaty bone
Please, please Muzzer a meaty bone
Beef or Lamb or Deer, Oh Harry
Any of those would make me so merry
One For Teka, One for Gus, one for later just for us......
God Bless the doggies in this blog and the human beans also
And all the little puppies that round the table grow
The Kittens and Hamsterriers who blog also
All of us at DWB, and those we will soon know
Bone, a Bone, a meaty bone
Please dear muzzer a meaty Bone
Beef or Lamb or Deer, Oh Harry
Any of those would make us all merry
One for Tanner, one for Joe, one for helping Stella grow
Go down into the cellar and see what you can find
If the barrels are not empty we hope you will be kind
We hope you will be kind with your meat scraps and meat pies
For we'll come no more a soalin till this time next year.
Bone a Bone a meaty bone
Please good muzzer a meaty bone
Beef or Lambie, Deer...Oh Harry
Any good thing to make us all merry,
One for Snickers, one for Jake, one to bake into the cake
The streets are very dirty,
my feets are very sore.
I have a little pocket to put a treat-y in.
If you havent got a treat-y a half a treat will do.
If you havent got a half a treat then God bless you.
Bone a Bone a meaty Bone...
please, Please muzzer a meaty bone
Deer or beef or lamb, oh Harry
Any good thing to make us all merry,
One for Ruby, One for Blue, One more if you like your shoes.
Now to the lord sing praises all you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace..
This holy tide of christmas of beauty and of grace,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy. Comfort and joy, Oh Tidings of comfort and joy
From Koobie
You all know sweet little Koobie, Right?
She wrote a carol just for ME! She sent it as a comment, but it is so cute I want to share it with everyone... so here it is..
Sleighbells ring, are you listening
In the lane, Gus is pis_ ing
A beautiful sight
Gus's aim is so right
Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow we can build a snowdog
And pretend that he has treats galore
He'll ask us if we want some of the good stuff
And we'll say that's what snow dogs are for
Later on we'll perspire
As we snooze by the fire
And face unafraid
All the cats that we've chased
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Thank you Koobie. I am honored
pee ess Just so you know, Koobie is a really young Wire. She is just over a year old! Isn't she clever???
She wrote a carol just for ME! She sent it as a comment, but it is so cute I want to share it with everyone... so here it is..
Sleighbells ring, are you listening
In the lane, Gus is pis_ ing
A beautiful sight
Gus's aim is so right
Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow we can build a snowdog
And pretend that he has treats galore
He'll ask us if we want some of the good stuff
And we'll say that's what snow dogs are for
Later on we'll perspire
As we snooze by the fire
And face unafraid
All the cats that we've chased
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Thank you Koobie. I am honored
pee ess Just so you know, Koobie is a really young Wire. She is just over a year old! Isn't she clever???
19 December 2007
For Sweet Koobie
Christmas makes humans feel emotional
They go to parties parties or things devotional
Whatever happens or what may be,
Here is what Christmas time means to me.
City sidewalk, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style.
In the air there's
A feeling of Christmas.
Doggies barking,
puppies pissing,
Meeting smile after smile,
And on every street corner you'll hear:
Silver bells, collar bells,
It's Christmas time in the city.
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas day.
City street lights,
Have such nice posts,
With a newly wet sheen,
As the doggies rush home
On their leashes.
Hear the snow crunch,
See the pups munch,
This is Santa's big scene,
And above all this bustle you'll hear:
Silver bells, collar bells,
It's Christmas time in the city.
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas day.
Asta lives there,
close to Times Square
And we’re welcome to stay
And her Mommi will help with the shopping
From the Midwest,
And the Southwest
Here comes our pal Lacey
To find the right present at Macy’s

Gussie’s shopping
Without Stopping
For his sweet muzzer dear
And for all of his favorite Girl pups
Stanley’s looking for A special
gift for each of his gals
And a really tuff stuffie
For Stella
Koobie hopes that
Her pal Lenny
Sends a new DVD
One where he provides all of the music
Doggies careful
Of the Traffic
And the Newfs watching out
To make sure that the puppies cross safely
Huskies hoping
Huskies praying
For a whole lot of snow
So that they can pull sleds for their buddies
Darting this way
Darting that way
Lot’s of noise in the air
And above all the bustle you hear
Silver bells, collar bells
It’s Christmas time in the City
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day.

They go to parties parties or things devotional
Whatever happens or what may be,
Here is what Christmas time means to me.
City sidewalk, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style.
In the air there's
A feeling of Christmas.
Doggies barking,
puppies pissing,
Meeting smile after smile,
And on every street corner you'll hear:
Silver bells, collar bells,
It's Christmas time in the city.
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas day.
City street lights,
Have such nice posts,
With a newly wet sheen,
As the doggies rush home
On their leashes.
Hear the snow crunch,
See the pups munch,
This is Santa's big scene,
And above all this bustle you'll hear:
Silver bells, collar bells,
It's Christmas time in the city.
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas day.

Asta lives there,
close to Times Square
And we’re welcome to stay
And her Mommi will help with the shopping
From the Midwest,
And the Southwest
Here comes our pal Lacey
To find the right present at Macy’s

Gussie’s shopping
Without Stopping
For his sweet muzzer dear
And for all of his favorite Girl pups
Stanley’s looking for A special
gift for each of his gals
And a really tuff stuffie
For Stella
Koobie hopes that
Her pal Lenny
Sends a new DVD
One where he provides all of the music
Doggies careful
Of the Traffic
And the Newfs watching out
To make sure that the puppies cross safely
Huskies hoping
Huskies praying
For a whole lot of snow
So that they can pull sleds for their buddies
Darting this way
Darting that way
Lot’s of noise in the air
And above all the bustle you hear
Silver bells, collar bells
It’s Christmas time in the City
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day.
17 December 2007
Terrier Rock

To encourage Ralph to continue reading my blog, I will oblige!
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Sing and Terriers Swing
Leaping and Barking and sniffing the air
Getting’ into their human’s hair
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock

Terriers Blog and Terriers Talk
We'll take our chances with squirrels and mice
'Cause us terriers are so nice
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terriers Snore and chew on your socks
More than one terrier makes more than one fun
And our partnership's just begun

Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Rambling down the street
Growling and Prowling and having a fight
Terriers surely sleep at night
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Terrier’s rise at early o’clock
Going for walkies without any sun
And our terrier day's begun
Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Ralph and Sweet Asta and Stanley too
Spend the day at the Phoenix Zoo
Write in their bloggies and chew mommi’s shoe
Give the guys a hand!

Oh Butchy and Snickers
may rock the night away
But Maggie and Mitchie,
they’d rather play all day

Terrier, Terrier, Terrier Rock
Rockin’ around the clock
They wish all their buddies and human friends too
Happy Schmauss to you

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