Then, just when the boomies from the football game started getting really scary...she got them off of the fridgeradador and gave them to us.
They were really great and yummy. And we were calm all the way through the game.
But you know what....we also missed the big Tapas feast!
Well....the chewies were worth it!
Thanks again Butchy, Snickers and Mama
and happy new year.
Happy New Year to you, Teka, Musser, and the rest of your family, Gus!! Have a great 2008!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oh what ggrrrreat way to take your minds off the bad boomers!
happy every day is a new day!
wags from the whippet waggle
A very Happy New Year to you all.
Am glad we're virtual friends!
Love, pats & pets
How sweet of Butchy and Snickers to send treats to take your minds off the fireworks! Those are true friends!
Happy new year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
wowie! those chewies look sooooo yummy!
Hi Gus,
Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes Mommy is still new with this "blog" thing. She said that I'm so cute she wants to share me with the world!! Mommy says you are such a sweetie. Have a Pawsome 2008!
Chow for now!
Square Face
aka Boeta
Happy New Year!!! Love A+A
Those look really yummy..
Happy New Year to you!
Big Sloppy Kisses,
Gus and Louie
Hi Gus we thought we would drop by and wish you a Happy New Year!
Your treats look really yummy.
The Thugletsx
You are so lucky! Happy New Year!
This is a great diversion technique, Mom better do this for the next ASU event!
What a gweat way fow you and teka to stawt the yeaw!! I hope you get many mowe of those yummies thwoughout the yeaw.Butchy and the bootiful misssnickews awe genewous wondewful fwiends!
I wish youw pawents would pawty with mine!!
and you with me
smoochie kisses
those chewys will distract us from anything too. yummmmm.... we're starting to drool already.
You lucky dogs...chew sticks! Lacie is firecracker phobic...she ran out in the garage last night when they started up just before midnight. Mumsie had to give her a doggie valium...she ran and hid under the car and we had to drag her out. She was shakin' so hard it was pathetic. Doggy valium and tossing a blanket over her crate helped...a chew stick woulda helped more! Muzzer was mean to hide them from you...terriers don't do delayed gratificaton....
Happiest New Years Gus and Teka....
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan
Hi Gussie
Just incase you were wee bit upset not to see your-self on my 8th day of Christmas post with all my other WFT friends, you've still to come - tommorow - day 10!
Love, pats & pets
Hey Gussie, Tell Muzzer that my lazy mom put the recipe on her bloggie. It is VERY easy and doesn't take much time at all. It is soo good, and you will love it! Mom's bloggie address is My mom is in a baking and cooking frenzy, so if she comes across any other treats that are tested and approved by me, Zorra, and Sam, we will let you know!
Happy New Year!
Hiya Gussie
They put me in my crate when the fireworks started!I would have been happy in bed with the parents !
You're right!! In addition to being clever, you gotta' stand up on your hind legs sometimes and shout.
That's not a problem for the Barkalot Boyz!!!
Love ya'
Jake and Just Harry
hi Awe you and Teka wowking???Daddi had to go back to wowk yestewday aweady and teach two classes on top of it,yuck!!!! poow Daddi, meantime Mommi is still sick, can you believe it..and I have to go to the dogtow sat. thewe is an awful bump on my lowew lip..I'm scawed
smoochie kisses
Chewies are always worth it.
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