by Gussie and Teka Dagger
Me and Teka have discovered that Muzzer and Dad are BOTH leaving us this weekend. They are going to New Orleans! And they are not taking us along.

Instead, we are going to be BOARDED at the VET's place.
Now I ask you my friends:
New Orleans
Street Cars named Desire
Or This
So in honor of the terrible thing they are doing to us, I have composed this tune.
I shared it first with my friends the Barkies.
But the message to my muzzer bears repetition.
Way down yonder in New Orleans
Where the terriers teeth all gleam
There's a funky old conference
You know what I mean
Dad will ponder and pundit there
Mom will wander on Jackson SquareS
Side trips to Magazine street
I'll bet that is neatt.
Doggies going to board 3 nights
Not a very impressive sight
Understand there's one TV
Might get in a fight
No sleep numbers on those dog
bedsNo down pillows for doggie heads
It may take them a life time
To pay back for this
Takin' Teka just for the ride
She'll be stickin close by my side
No computer to blog with,
Send Heron cam quick
Maybe we can escape from there
Join the circus or join the fair
Do you wanna go with us?
We'll certainly share
Then the hoomans can worry some
Pace the floor and chew bubble gum
Post our faces on lamposts
Boy they will be glum
We'll come back when we think it's time
They will treat all of us so fine
Is it worth all the effort?
Nah, let us just whine
with apologies to Mr. Louis Armstrong