Make a postcard - it's easy! |
28 February 2008
27 February 2008
What in *&^(_ did she think I am!
Fills an entire square of 12 inch tile,?
Seen from the rear
What kind of dog is this, with fluffy ears?
Who always moves his head, when muzzer snaps, a darling shot
What kind of dog is this? Are you confused?
Well so was the new lady who just finished grooming school.
She must've been asleep when terriers were taught, that's true.
Just give me half a day, to run around
I figure I'll be back to normal then, with dirty feet.
And next time I am in dire need of help
With personal hygiene, and grooming tips, I'll wash myself
And I won't fluffy be, but sleek and smooth
With lovely wirey hairs and sleek mustache and long straight beard.
But until then my friends, just please don't laugh
When I come into view, or run away, you'll know it's me.
many thanks to Faya for my lovely new kerchief, which was part of my barkday box. It was the brightest spot of my day.
25 February 2008
21 February 2008
Happy Barkday Wally Tamale!

We made a contributon to a rescue organization near and dear to us,
Instead of sending you Eatables and Wearables.
Please don't look so was your idea!
happy barkday Wally Tamale
gussie and teka toy
18 February 2008
Miam, Miam!
On another note...for those of you wondering where Miss Snickers has been, she is staying with us for a bit. She stowed away in my carryon while we were disembarking from Aire Ruby, and her mama says she can stay for a few days to get her bones warmed up.
I surely enjoy having her here, and of course she has muzzer wrapped around her little paw, so she is eating mostly people food and having a gay old time. She has taken over the guest bedroom, and let me tell you, I am not sleeping well. I have to make sure I spend time with her and time with muzzer, so I seem to spend most of the night walking back and forth in the halls.
We spent a lot of time today running in the back yard. Snickers got her beauty sleep while muzzer and I went off to work. I think she and Teka may have sneaked out to the big sales for President's day too, at least based on the bags in the front hallway.
I'm gonna go sneak in a nap. I expect to be walkin' the halls again tonight.

happily weary
17 February 2008
My Barkday will go on Forever!
This morning muzzer pulled my barkday pressies down from the refridgederador, and said we could open them! I picked Faya's to open firstest, because it came such a far way! Faya and her muzzer sent it all the way from Switzerland! My dad is jealous. No one sends him pressies from Switzerland! Plus, I got more cards for the Christmas celebration holiday thingy than he did. Terriers RULE!
But I decided that the cow was my most favoritest, and went right back to play with him.
I played with that cow for quite some time, and I have not made it stop squeakin' yet.
But muzzer was not her usual careful self! She left the package from Asta (NY) on the trundle bed so we could open it later and she could get pictures! He He!
I opened this one myself! Thank you Asta for your exceptionally fine packaging.
Muzzer heard me rip! and grabbed the camera, but by that time I had this super Ace of Hearts stuffie out of the paper and on the couch in the TV room. I pulled out the rubber tire too, and chewed on that quickly, but decided I would concentrate on the Ace of Hearts. So muzzer went back to her office to take this picture of the cute card Asta and her Mommi made, and pick up the pieces of envelope and paper I left lying around as incriminating evidence!
And so, now I think my Barkday will last forever, almost. I still have a supply of cookies from Miss Snickers and Mr. Butchy, including the BIG BONE! And the BEEF TENDONS! And now I have international gourmet treats from Faya too. Oh, and stingy muzzer has put all the toys away except for Ms. Cow and Mr. Ace, so she will be doling those out periodically too.
Tomorrow, we are taking my new Kong Wubba from Butchy/Snickers to work to play with and muzzer is taking the camera to take pictures.
So, tomorrow we will also make some donations for Faya and Asta and Butchy Snickers, cause that is what I said I would do. Gotta see if I can find a good Airedale rescue site for Faya, locked in to the terrier thing cause they found my muzzer. hehehe...muzzer would never let me spend my pay pal funds on treats like this, but she is OK with the donations. I think I made out on this one!
15 February 2008
Message for Gussie
My Valentine Surprises!
Muzzer here: I have been assigned the task of reporting on Valentine's Day at our house, while Gus and Teka are off in the Pokey Noes skiing, tobaggoning, drinking hot carob drinks and who knows what else. (parental denial is a prerequisite for raising children and dogs!)
Oops, I'm not supposed to make any snide remarks, asides or sarcastic comments. Blew that one, huh? So, a fresh start.
Yesterday, right before AirRuby arrived, the postman brought a big box to our front door! Holding Teka with one hand, blocking Gussie with a knee in the chest, I brought the box through the door where it was immediately inspected by the terriers.
Fortunately, Gus realized that he could not open the box himself, even though it had his name neatly printed on the front. So I was allowed to get out the scissors and open the box.
The first things out of the box were three cards! One says Teka. One says Gus. The other is a Birthday card for Gussie, which we did not open yet (inside information from Butchy/Snickers mama.) Then, there was a layer of plastic bubble wrap, which Teka immediately ran off with, heading rapidly for the safety of the "bomb shelter" in my bedroom. Carefully folding back one layer of Valentine themed tissue paper unearthed this!
Look at those cookies! Look at that big Bone with Carob icing. Look at those beef tendons! Butchy and Snickers' mama told Gussie that he must SHARE with Teka, but she didn't mention that this bounty goes on for two more layers! Gussie says there is a "big bone" for each of them, a beef tendon for each of them, and about a hundred dozen million little heart shaped cookies, of which, Teka can have two. I sure hope that Miss Snickers helped her mama bake these. They look good enough to be people food!
This is a photo of Gussie's Dad, doing a rapid "save" when Teka started to help herself before the picture was taken. And the photo below is a shot of my messy table with Gussie and Teka's valentine basket front and center.
We had hoped to get a picture of Gussie and Teka sitting nicely for their treat, but they heard Air Ruby touch down in front of the house, and they were in a hurry to get moving. Gussie points out that he IS sitting, while Teka clearly (or fuzzily) is NOT. We packed a few of the cookies to share on the flight to the ski Pawty, and they happily left us for yet another weekend of fun and frolic.
One final are their lovely cards from Miss Snickers (the big one) for Gus, and the smaller one from Butchy and Snickers for Teka. Must be a message there somewhere, but I am letting parental denial reign.
Respectfully submitted on 2/15/08
13 February 2008
Excuses, Excuses

4. My birthday cake has not been baked or ordered.
But seriously, inspired by Wally's post today, I would appreciate it if my friends would not send me pressies but instead donate to their favorite doggy charity. If by some chance pressies are on the way, thank you very much. I will make the donations in your name to MY favorite charity.
I hope that muzzer is not so busy soon. I need some love and 'fection. I need my teethies brushed! And I need some rest!
10 February 2008
My new Ball!
08 February 2008
Getting Ready for Next Weekend
And then I realized! Koobie's pawty is in the Poconos! At a ski resort! And I haven't skied since we lived in Virginia. O my. I need to get some practice so I can impress Miss Snickers.
So, I concealed myself and my laptop in E.Beth's little car, and I am spending my weekend in Northern Azrizona, brushing up on my skills.

Do you think Miss Snickers will be impressed?
Go...Go quick. You will luv it
But we just got a picture from my sissy E.Rabbit, and she told us about this new blog site!
And you just gotta go see it.
It is called ihasahotdog , and it is like Icanhazcheezburger , only it STARS DOGS!
more tonight, we is at work and cannot post pictures!
04 February 2008
Things I missed this weekend

And I missed seeing the recognition Asta got on Times Square today.
Now for stuff I didn't miss:
Breakfast, lunch or dinner. No matter how many times we ate, I was there.
The fabulous Sentimental Journey Dance
Hot dogs at Joey's, about 6 times, I think.
Having a fabulous time.
Saying thank you to all my friends and their humans for making this a weekend to remember!