Hey Y'all
Gussie here....trying to finalize my plans for the weekend.
My sissie E.Rabbit is coming to visit muzzer and dad, and of course, she will bring pressies for me and Teka, too.
But....most wonderful of all, my very bestsest and sweetest doggie friend Miss Asta is coming too!
Wooooo HOOOOOO...I am gonna have a good time.
Most fortunately, my sissy and Miss Asta like to do of the same things, so I am going to be their escort extraordinaire for the weekend.
Of course, I will take them out to dinner on Friday, and I have told E.Rabbit to choose the place and time, because she is a FOODIE! And I know that she was raised to eat well (muzzer cooks stuff all the time.)

So, since that is taken care of...Saturday morning very early we will go to the Virginia Museaum of Fine Arts to see the Picasso exhibit. It is only there for one more month, and we have been having visitors who come to town to see it.
So, I signed up to be a member and I am actually recovering my membership in admission fees and discounts! Wooo HOOOO...I am a PATRON of the ARTS.

I've been to see it a couple of times, scoping out the pictures, and the one above is my most favorite. I think that is because it reminds me of Miss Asta's Mommi, who is an artist herself and truly bootiful. Plus, she lets me taste stuff before she puts it on the table!

And then I think we will head for the Valentine History Museum, because I am thinking that the ladies will enjoy this exhibit of dresses from the first ladies of our land. I took muzzer, but she just got depressed over the small waistlines on the dresses, and I know Miss Asta and E.Rabbit won't be worried about that.

Then we will take this bus back to Carytown for a late lunch and an afternoon of shopping.

How am I doing? Any suggestions for other things we should do? Let me know. I am heavily invested in this weekend, ya know?