15 September 2006

Muzzer is upset

OOOH! I wouldn't want to be with the AZ Diamondbacks management team today. They have made muzzer mad! They have made her very mad! She is planning her revenge, and I, Gussie, know that is awesome for mere mortals to contemplate.

Why is she mad? Muzzer is NOT a baseball fanatic. Muzzer is not even a baseball fan. But as Dad explained it to me last night, sometimes she sort of "adopts" a player so she has something to think about when she goes to baseball games with him. And for the past year, her "adoptee" has been Luis Gonzalez, who plays for the Diamondbacks. Oh, yeah. Except when the Diamondbacks play the St. Louis Cardinals, where she has also "adopted" Albert P. Then she just sits in her seat and hopes that neither of her kids gets hurt on the field.

Anyway... She is mad because the Diamondbacks announced last night that they would not be letting Luis G on the team next year. They are "releasing" him. Muzzer says that is a nice way to say that they do not appreciate what he has done for the team, that they have no respect for his contributions to the community, and that they are a bunch of soul-less bastards.

She told Dad last night that she will not go to Diamondback games with him anymore. This morning, she has given that some additional thought, and she says that she will go to games, but she plans to dress in black (her little Italian Grandmother outfit) wear a black scarf on her hair, carry a large crucifix and a sign that says she is praying for their souls. (don't ask me how they can have souls to pray for and still be soul-less bastards, I'm just a terrier) Dad says she needs to calm down before she does something silly and sacrilegious. Now she is mad at Dad too.

I am laying low and not saying anything for a while, and I am putting a picture of Mr. Gonzalez in the blog today to honor her right to her opinions.



Ivy said...

wow gussie! i wuddnt want to be on your muzzers bad side! maybe you shud help her out by sending the diamondbacks management some anonymus wirey threats. you cud send them a pickture of your sqrll and write on it bring mr. gonzales back or yer next! that wud teech them to mess with your muzzer!

Ivy said...

hey gus! i tagged you in the new dog tag game so if you wanna play you haf to post five things that make good dog friends.

Gus said...

OH IVY! I love your idea! I am going to work on it right now!

E. Rabbit said...

wow, Gus. I'm actually amazed that she has time to develop a rooting interest in anyone, given the amount of time she seems to spend texting me from the games.

Gus said...

E.Rabbit! You should remember that muzzer can multi-multi-task. You better watch out, if she reads this, she will be mad at YOU! hehe

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to see Gonzo go too, muzzer & gus, but perhaps he is being released from his contract of his own volition? he has been injured a couple times in the past few years and he's gettin into his fourties... I think we have not seen the last of Gonzo so we should not mourn quite yet.