15 December 2006

I'm gettin' nuttin for Christmas by Teka Toy

I broke my bat on Gussie's head;

Somebody snitched on me.

I hid a frog in muzzer’s bed;

Somebody snitched on me.

I made fresh pee on Daddy’s rug;

I made Travis eat a bug;

Ate some gum and a little slug;

Somebody snitched on me.

Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas

Muzzer and Daddy are mad.

I'm getting nuttin' for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.

I put a tack on E.beth’s chair

somebody snitched on me.

I ate a lot of people food

somebody snitched on me.

I did a dance on Noni’s plants

climbed a tree and ate my pants

Dumped the sugar bowl and then

somebody snitched on me.

So, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas

Muzzer and Daddy are mad.

I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.

I won't be seeing Santa Claus;

Somebody snitched on me.

He won't come visit me because

Somebody snitched on me.

Next year I'll be going straight;

Next year I'll be good, just wait

I'd start now, but it's too late;

Somebody snitched on me.

So you better be good whatever you do'

Cause if you're bad, I'm warning you,

You'll get nuttin' for Christmas.


Ivy said...

oh gussie you cool dog! i luv your poem. i hope whoever snitched on you doesnt get any presents either!

Ivy said...

oh! that wuzzent a gussie poem! it wuz a teka poem! well teka it wuz a good poem too!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hahaha Teka! I think you been so bad this extends through at least 3 X-mases!

Bussie Coalies,